Menstrual disorders and Astrology
Menstrual disorders and Astrology. Menstrual disorder is a periodic discharge of females. Moon and Mars are the prime planets in astrology for Menstrual disorders. It normally starts after the age of 11-12 years. The menstrual cycle usually comes every 28 days. Sometimes irregularities of menstrual discharge are noticed due to some complication. Some say it happens due to psychical phases of the mental world. There are certain case examples that are found in context with profuse blooding at the time of ministration. It is evident that ladies will have to undergo periodical menstruation like the heavy flow of water in the sea or river when Purnima and decrease of flow of water in the dark of Amavasya.
Which planets responsible for Menstrual disorders
Astrologically Moon and Mars are connected in this context. The bad situation of Moon and Mars in the horoscope of women is the main cause of menstruation disorder. Moon is the significator of liquid and Mars is the significator of blood. Moon is the also significator of the ovary, uterus, and Fallopian tubes. If Moon is placed in the house of 6th, 8th or 12th and aspects by any two malefic like Mars, Saturn, Rah, Ketu then it is sure that the irregularities and pain in the menstrual cycle.
Whenever Moon radically passes over Mars on every 28th day or Mars aspects on Moon, Moon sign in Gonchar lady undergoes menstruation periodically. The combination of Mars and Moon results in menses of ladies. Excessive flow of menses is occurred due to affliction of malefic planets. Saturn, Rah, Ketu and Mars are the malefic planets. Pain and irregularities are due to the affliction of Saturn. Chemical change colour scanty, pus etc are secured due to the conjunction of two planets as given bellow.
Moon +Mars
Date of Birth:- 15/9/1980 Place of Birth:- Delhi Time of Birth:- 20:07:00, Female
Image of horoscope

In this horoscope, Moon planet is debilitated and placed in 8th house Saturn aspect from 6th house and Rah aspect from 4rth house so the lady has suffered from irregularities and pain in menstrual time.
Remedies for Menstrual disorders
- Make the strong Moon first by wearing gems or worshipping.
- If your Moon planet is weak then do strong by wearing gemstone white pearl. It should be an average of 10 to 12 rati.
- If your Mars planet is not in a good position then wear gemstone red coral about 9 to 10 rati. Red coral gemstone
- Abortion and miscarriage in females is also the result of the influence of the Planet Mars positioning in Horoscope and can be averted by wearing Red coral.
- Do worship, chant Mantra and donation of all related malefic planets.
- Read every day Moon and Mars kwacha path at the morning.
- You should read Bajrangban every day.
- Avoid spicy food.

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Dob 4/4/1992
Place Hyderabad
Time 4:25 p.m.
Will I have any menstrual problem
my date of.birth is 5th June 1986, I have a daughter less than 2years. and I have trying to conceive this year 2015 for male child. when can I mate to conceive.
please write time of birth and place of birth first .
DOB – 6 October 1994, Place of birth – Shimla , Time- 21:30 p.m . I have irregular periods and now i’ve opted for Sunderkand paath.What else should i do in order to make my periods regular.
my date of birth is the 7/3/2001
Hello my date has become so irregular and i want to concive a child now it has been 3 years to my marriage pls tell how my cycle will regulate or when i will have baby
My date of birth is
1st may 1988
Time 03:05 am night
Dear sir, I want to know is there any good or bad results acordinng the day tithy and month of the 1st day of menstrual cycle of a girl.
Yes it is possible
Sir, my wife has quite fast cycle of her menstrual periods, on almost 20-21th day every time and runs for 5-6 days min. Can you please look at her birth chart and advise a remedy or solution?
Her birth detail : 24/01/1978, 11:10am at Bantva (Gj).
Kindly help.
Every time if a girl gets her menstruation during festival is there any problem?
in her kundali
yes, it can be possible in the horoscope.
name aditi chaturvedi
place raipur chattisgarh
time 3 30pm
i have periods irregularities plz help me or plz tell me any upay to get rid of that problem.
Your birth detail is not complete
DOB – 17/4/1990 / Time – 6.04 am / Place – Ujjain , MP . I have tremendous pain in my periods. The pain is unbearable so whatever I eat – always vomit. I can not bear the pain and need to take the medicine.. Please suggest the reason and remedy for the same.
Sir please help.i hv face many problems with my menstruation.
my name is shreya
11 January 1996, timing 1:55pm, bhilai Chhattisgarh.
My problem is I get period cramps a lot how to stop it is there any remedy
I have some issues with my period irregularities. Can you please check and let me know what I can do?
DOB- 11 June 1989.
Birth Time – 7:37 AM
Hello sir dob is 13/07/1993,raipur ,3.30pm
I have menstrual irregularities problems
Plz help me also give me some remedy for same.
Saturn aspect to Moon in your horoscope and Moon is also placed in the 6th house it not good combination. you should chant shanti Mantra and wear Pearl gemstone.
Hello Sir,I am having severe mensuration disorder since 2018….sometime bleeding more than 7 days..some periods happen little with spotting for month….I am having fibroid…please help me to cure this…I m not finding any way…dob-7.12.1987,Time-7.35 am monday,place of birth- kolkata
Sir my dob is 24.12.1988 at 17:32 pm in Hisar. My periods are not regular. Please tell me remedies.