Vastu Tips For Wellness

Vastu Tips For Wellness. Decluttering is the most important things for wellness of house, office, workplace etc. Any kind of clutter blocks positive energy from freely flowing through your home and life like blood clot, blocks circulation in blood vessel. So it is very important to declutter our home, office and life ……….

Why you are in debts and loans ?

Blockage of the north is the main reason to debts and loans. The cause of blockage is heavy furniture, clutter, closets, fewer openings, without window. If part of building or structure heavy or high in the north it creates a vaastu defect . So building elevation in the north side is not good for you. While constructing the upper floor and if the north area is covered and the south is left vacant it creates vaastu defect because south area should be close and upper.

31 Vastu tips for office

So What to do?

Do not keep anything under bed

Vastu Tips For Wellness

It is a principle that whatever is closer to you has a stronger effect on you. If you use area under your bed for storage then think what kind of thing is there . Sleepers, Shoes, cloths, knives, News paper, book , junk etc ? Many people keep above said things under the bed . They can creates sleeping problem, strained relationships, confusion and debts also.

Keep north side clean and clear

The northern area of the home/ office is associated with fortune so that if this area is cluttered then positive energy stagnates there and curbs financial vitality. As result your financial condition may be hopeless. So if financial prosperity is your priority, make sure that these areas are clean and clear of clutter.

Vastu Tips For Wellness make clean your kitchen

Vastu Tips For Wellness

A clean kitchen is an indicator of a family`s prosperity. Clutter blocks your sources of wealth. Make sure that the area around your stove is uncluttered . This includes cabinets above or under the cook top lying nearby storage spaces. Decluttering your kitchen results in opening the door of health wealth and happiness.

Vastu Tips For Wellness Keep clean and unblock Drainage system

Blockages in your manholes drainpipes, rain water pipes and washroom, stagnated outflow of water Declutter is most important things for wellness of your house, office, workplace etc. Any kind of clutter blocks positive energy from freely flowing through your home and life like blood clot, blocks circulation in blood vessel. So it is very important to dcluttered of our home ,office and life ……….

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