Promotion in job and astrology

Promotion in job and astrology. Whether I will get promotion in the job or not if yes then when. what should I do for getting the promotion ? I face everyday this type of questions by the Peoples, especially who believe in astrology. Some Peoples get promotion with a little effort and someone doesn’t after their hard labor. So that question is that what’s that missing factor which keeps success away from you despite so much of hard work? However, who will get promotion in his job or who will achieve success can be very easily predicted through astrological analysis.
In Astrology Success and unsuccessful depend on planet’s position in your horoscope. If your planets positions are favorable and you do work accordingly result will come positive. If your planets are favorable but you don’t work according to the nature of the planets result should not come favorable. If planets positions are unfavorable and you do hard labor result will not come favorable.
In both condition which planets Mahadasha and Antardasha are going on? If promotional Dasha and transit both are favorable than sure you will get the promotion if not favorable you will not get it. Through astrological analysis of horoscope, we can also find out the time of promotion in the job of an individual. The role of Mahadasha, Antardasha and planets transits are most important for timing of the promotion.
Here I am giving some astrological combination for promotion and prosperity. This combination will help an individual to an analysis of their horoscope.

Some important astrological combination for promotion in Job

1. The astrological point of view we should see the 2nd house (house of wealth) 9th (house of fate and prosperity) 10th house (house of profession) and 11th house (house of income) for promotion in job or business.
2. When all four houses (2nd, 9th, 10th, 11th) from the special relationship with each other by the aspect, conjunction or placed in concerning house then become a chance for promotion. The 10th house is the house of profession so this house is the most important house for promotion, job, and career.
3. Possibilities to get the promotion during the Mhadasha and Antardasha (period or sub- period) of planets which form a special relationship with the 10th and 11th house/lords in the horoscope. The 11th house is the house of income. It is auspicious if an exalted planet transits through this house or trikon house.
4. If 10th or 11th lord are exalted in D1, D9 or D10 chart and period or sub – period has been started and also form relationship with 2nd, 9th, 10th or 11th house then sure you will get promotion in the job or in business.
5. Vedic astrology specifies that the periods of the Ascendant lord, 10th Lord and of the planets exalted in the birth-chart make a person successful in their life. If these periods form a relationship with the house of income than his income will increase and if these periods form a relationship with the 9th house/lord, then it will be more auspicious for native.
6. In astrology transits of planets in the horoscope is very important. If period or sub period lord is transiting with related house or aspect to the related house then result will come positive. If your dasha is favorable and transits are not favorable then the result will not come positive so both dasha and transits both are a most important thing.
7. We should also see double Gonchar transits on the related house these transits are favorable then the result will come surely.
8. Pada Lagna is also important for the promotion in job. If pada lagan’s lord or 10th Lord from pada lagan dasha or transits are favorable then the result will come positive.

The aforesaid astrological factors for promotion in job are illustrated in this chart:–
Date of Birth: – 10 October 1967,
Time of Birth: – 15:00:12,
Place of Birth: – Pratapagarh U.P..

Promotion in job and astrology

Promotion in Job analysis of above horoscope

In this horoscope, the native was working as sales and marketing manager. When was join salary was only Rs 15000 thousand per month but after sometimes boss of this company impressed with his work increased salary Rs 35000 thousand per month and after some time an another company offer job of this person as an Assistant General manager? This company fixes Monthly emolument of Rs 1 lac. Now see what planetary combination in this horoscope that he got a promotion.

He joined as an assistant General Manager in Rah/Rah/Mar/Me/Sat on dated 30/1/2015. In this horoscope, Rah placed in 4th house and aspect 10th house and 10th Lord Venus by 5th aspect. Mars is the Lord of 3rd and 11th house eleventh house signifies income and third house transfer or change in place. Mars placed in own house and aspect 2nd house (house of wealth) also. Mars is also exalted in the D9 chart. Mercury is the Lord of the 9th house this house signifies fate and prosperity of the native. Mercury placed in the 10th house. Saturn is Ascendant lord placed in 3rd house and aspect 9th house (house of fate & prosperity). It is very clear that all planets are connected with promotional houses. In that time gochar transits of planets were also favorable So that he get the promotion.

Remove Future Stress through Astrological Fortune Chakra


  1. Hello Sir,
    My date of birth- 16 August 1981
    Time of birth- 9.37AM morning
    Place of birth- Baripada, Orissa
    When will I get a permanent job?
    Thank you.

  2. Promotion Process is On exepected results Monday (today),Tuesday or Wednesday. What are my chances of getting promoted.
    Date Of Birth 10th. August 1961
    Time : 02:59 AM
    Place Of Birth : Devlali, Dist : Nasik, State Maharashtra

  3. Hello Sir,
    Eagerly awaited for your kind reply.
    Thanks a lot. Gouri Shankar

  4. Hello Sir,
    Waiting for your kind reply.
    Thanks a lot. Gouri Shankar

  5. Gouri shankar according to your horoscope tenth house( house of profession) lord Mercury is in 12th house and 8th lord is in 10th house this is not good yoga always be cautious about profession and in present your time is not good also from next year your time will start better than present so wait for good time.

  6. I am in govt service Eligible for promotion since July 1, 2014. When can I expect promotion in job?

  7. According to your horoscope after august 2015 your good time will start.

  8. My DOB : 06-Sep-1979 time 1.12PM, Place – Cuttack , Orissa. Will I get promoted this year I work for a software company

  9. Hello Sir,
    My date of birth- 26 July 1987
    Time of birth- 6:15 AM morning
    Place of birth- Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh
    When will I get a promotion in my career?
    Thank you.

  10. i have been working in same capacity for past 15 years,salary and work increased but no post/promotion.juniors became bosses.when will it happen for me?people are jealous of me and keep plotting against me.what to do?

  11. my dob is 9.10.1977,time-8:05 pm,place-lucknow,up.when will i get promotion?

  12. My dear mekhla
    According to your kundali in present Mars dasha is going on this dasha is not good for you it is markesh so you should pray to hanuman for all fullfill of your desire . health problem can be possible so take care.

  13. My dob 18/06/1993
    Time: 10.10 am
    Place: kakinada , Andhra Pradesh
    How will be my professional life sir and will be able to reach top position at the place I work?
    Please do reply sir I am so eager to know

  14. Greeting of the day…
    Sir I am in govt device since Feb 2012…. But I want to change my deparment….. Can u tell me…. When I will change my department….
    Dob.. 3/12/84,
    Place new Delhi
    ….. I am preparing for another govt. Job…. Will I success to get new job in comming year

  15. Can u tell me the year in which year….. My department will be change….

  16. Hello sir,

    My DOB:- 05/05/1985
    POB:- Chandrapur(Maharashtra)
    TOB:- 19:55

    I have completed 5 years in Private company, I am doing very hard work, I have learning attitude, still not getting promotion. Could you please tell me when I will get promotion or good positive job change?


  17. I am going through ketu dasha and mercury bhukti and lost my job. When will I get a new job?
    Dob: 31st March 1975
    time 6:50am ,
    place: kurnool, ap

  18. Dob 15/08/1980
    Time 00:15
    Birth place. Chamoli
    When will i get promotion and transfer.

  19. My Name is : Varsha K
    Birth Date : 2.4.1979
    I am looking for job , tell me when will i get it and I am always getting temporary job ,

  20. transfer and promotion can be possible after November 2015 for that you should wear blue sapphire.

  21. Hello,

    DOB: 14 February 1985; 09:15; Delhi, India, Female
    DOB: 27 Dec 1978; 01:15; Bihar, India, Male

    both of us are extremely disappointed with our professional life. Even after good degrees, experience, hard work and good results at work promotions and good salaries evade us for years now. Will this change or are we destined for struggle through out life?

    Thanks in advance.

  22. Sir, my dob is 24.04.1970 at 02.15 a.m at Ongole (Andhra Pradesh). I am in govt. service and now there is a chance of transfer from present department to another department. my present dasa is Venus-Rah started on 24.6.15. Is transfer inevitable? if so, when. please examine.

  23. Dear Sir ,

    My time of Birth is 8: 45 am

    Date : 2-4-1979

    Place Mumbai

    I am looking for job , tell me when will i get it and I am always getting temporary job ,

  24. Dear Sir,

    My date of Birth : 2- 4-1979

    Time : 8: 45 am

    Place Mumbai

    I am looking for job , tell me when will i get it and I am always getting temporary job ,

  25. Sir, My dob is July 22 1962 12:20 AM . Place of birth Chennai. When will I get promotion or change of job/profession. Please let me know.
    Thank you.

  26. Sir , My dob 22nd July 1962 12:30 Am and place of birth chennai TN. When will i get promotion or change of profession .

    Thank you

  27. I think you should be in job if not then very soon you will get job January 2016 is good time for you. abroad settlement can be possible. you should wear yellow sapphire.

  28. I think your transfer is possible but not inevitable and if you get transfer then it will good for you. you should wear gomed stone.

  29. 2015 is good for promotion or profession but 2016 is not good for you be careful about family of health.

  30. Nilesh your present dasha Me/Rah is not good for you in that time change is possible and you should try for abroad or away from home place. for you detail you can get online appointment.


  31. Sir thank you very much. I ll inform you the further development in the matterr

  32. Dear Sir

    Dear Sir,

    My date of Birth : 2- 4-1979

    Time : 8: 45 am

    Place Mumbai
    I have not got the job yet but when can will I get since I am only earning member in the family ,

  33. Hello Sir,

    My date of birth is 29-08-1986.
    Place of birth: Kolar Gold Fields
    Time of birth: 12:30 AM

    I have come abroad for higher studies. Did my MBA from a top tier B-school. I have got a job but pay and designation is not as per my qualification. Will I get a better job or get promoted in my current company?

    Many thanks for your help


  34. Dear Sir,

    Please confirm when will I get job since I m only working member in the family

  35. Dear Sir,

    Please suggest how much carrat yellow sapphire I should wear .

    Date of birth : 2.4.1979
    Time : 8 : 45
    Place Mumbai

  36. Hi Sir,
    My Date of birth is June 01 1988.
    I was born at Bangalore, Karnataka, India
    I have applied for a promotion, can you please let me know if I am going to get it, also please let me know if this KS the right time for promotion.
    Thanks in advance.

  37. Dear sir,
    My husbands DOB is 7/4/1984, time 10:50 evening, Place- Rewa(M.P)
    Is there any chances of promotion,salary hyke or job switch in the near future..
    Thank u

  38. Hello sir,
    My DOB is 25/6/1987, Place-REWA (M.P.) TIME – EVENING 5:45, i was a working woman before my marrige but afater getting married my career istotally spoiled.. i want to know that in future will i be able to get a job

  39. Hello Sir,

    My Name is Kaushik Sinha. My DOB – 2nd January 1985. Time : 14.30 hour (02.30 PM) Place – Calcutta, West Bengal.

    Question: Whether I will get promotion this year or not in my current Job? (Promotion result will declare in November 2015)

    Thanks in advance..!!

    Kaushik Sinha

  40. Dear Sir,

    Please confirm how much carrat yellow sapphire I should wear, I will make it accordingly

  41. please confirm weight, height and age after that I advise you .

  42. Mr kaushik don’t always keep in mind about promotion leave it on higher authority . from mid December be cautious about profession.

  43. Hello Deepak Sir,

    Thank you very much for your help . You have correctly said that now a days I am thinking too much about my promotion because last year in 2014 I also appeared for Promotion but didn’t get. This is my second appearance.

    Could you please tell me whether I have any chance for getting promotion this year in my current job?

    Thanks and regards,
    Kaushik Sinha

  44. Dear Sir,

    Height : 4.11; weight – 52 – age – 37
    Birth date : 2.4.1979; place mumbai – time 8:45 am

  45. Date of Birth : 17-04-1978
    Place of Birth : Mamallapuram
    Time : 23.40

    I expect some job change. When can i get it sir?

  46. SIR


    MY DOB IS 09-MAY-1971
    TIME; 10;00 AM



  47. Dear Sir,

    Height : 4.11; weight – 52 – age – 37
    Birth date : 2.4.1979; place mumbai – time 8:45 am

  48. Hello Deepak Sir,

    Eagerly waiting for your response. My Promotion result will be published in November 2015. Please let me know about my chances this year.

    Thanks in advance.

    Kaushik Sinha

  49. I got married to my husband in February 2015. We have been living in two different cities owing to our jobs. When will we be together under one roof? I am currently looking for jobs in his place by even changing my field. I am a Chemical engineer by profession and I am planning to switch to IT inorder to be with my husband. When will get job at his place and be together with him? Also will I be successful in the new job ?

    My details are as follows:
    Date :8 th march 1991
    Place of birth: bangalore
    Time:2:04 am

  50. Hello Sir,I got married to my husband in February 2015. We have been living in two different cities owing to our jobs. When will we be together under one roof? I am currently looking for jobs in his place by even changing my field. I am a Chemical engineer by profession and I am planning to switch to IT inorder to be with my husband. When will get job at his place and be together with him? Also will I be successful in the new job ?

    My details are as follows:
    Date :8 th march 1991
    Place of birth: bangalore
    Time:2:04 am

    Thanks & Regards,

  51. Amit Garg
    Dob- 19/10/1980
    Place- jaipur

    Can you tell me when I would be able to change the job ..

  52. Sir .

    I have still not got job and I am only earning member in the family pls help me what should I do or tell me when will I get

  53. dear sir.

    My birth date 2 April 1979 time 8:45 am in Mumbai. Sir still I have not got job and I m only earning member in the family pls tell me when will I get the Job and what to be practices to get stable job sir pls help

  54. Sir,

    Please tell me directly whether I will get promotion this year or not? If not what is the suitable time to change the Job.


  55. Dear sir.

    Dob 2 april1979 time 8:45 am place Mumbai
    Sir I still not got the job pls confirm some prayers . I m not getting stable job every time I loose the job I m only earning member in the family pls help sir

  56. Alka
    Date of Birth – 7.12.1976
    time: 00.40 a.m.
    Place : New Delhi

    Can you tell me when I will get the promotion?

  57. Dear Sir,

    My date of Birth : 2- 4-1979

    Time : 8: 45 am

    Place Mumbai
    I have not got the job yet but when will I get since I am only earning member in the family , i m going under lot of problem , i m not getting any stable job everytime i have to loose the job please suggets

  58. I dont know whether you would reply to my comment.But still want to try asking you question.
    Name : Ajit Shrivastava
    time: 10:45AM
    Place: Modinagar, Dist Ghaziabad
    I just want to ask when my financial conditions will improve and when is the right time to change job.
    Thanks in advance.

  59. Namaste Panditji,

    I have been living in US and got married early 2015. However, we have been living in two different cities owing to our jobs. I am currently looking for jobs in his place so that we could be together. Are there chances for me to find a job and stay with my husband.

    My details are as follows:
    Date :8 th march 1991
    Place of birth: bangalore
    Time:2:04 am

    Husband’s details:
    8th Nov 1988
    Kumbakonam 1:30 am

    Eagerly awaiting your reply,

    Thanks & Regards,

  60. Dear Sir,

    Can you please predict for my horoscope. I am appearing for UPSC Assistant PF Commissioner exam on 10-Jan-16.

  61. Anuradha
    your Jupiter Mahadasha is going on hope for good result . you should wear yellow sapphire for more detail analysis of your horoscope I have to work on related divisional chart and I request you to get in touch with me at website.

  62. Sir,

    In which website shall I contact you… You mean that thru paid consultant I shall contact you then kindly advise me.


  63. My birth details are DOB 13 oct 1963, place Jaipur, time 18.00

    I want to know when I will get the promotion in my job. I have missed the promotion in last two years. Whether in 2016 I will get the promotion when the exercise in department takes place.

    Presently working in PSB

  64. My dob is 13-1-87
    Place – jorhat assam
    Time -2.55am
    I am not getting a permanent job in my place.I have done m.pharm
    Will I get a good Job very soon.when?

  65. Pandit jee
    Please tell me the year…. Because I have only one chance… After that… I cant fill any exam…. Thanx

  66. Request from Pakistan , Male Sep. 7, 1967, Time 09:15 AM, Place, Multan , Pakistan. When are chances to change the job for better please ?

  67. Hello Sir,

    I want to change my Job as soon as possible. what is the suitable time for changing my Job. Please advise and help me. Date of birth is mentioned above for your reference.

    Kaushik Sinha.

  68. Namaste Panditji

    My dob is 19-07-81
    Place – Nadia (West Bengal)
    Time -03:07 pm
    my current workplace is not very good and I am trying for a new job.But things are not going very good.Please tell me if I can get a job very soon.


  69. Namaste Deepak ji
    I am currently working in IT sector. I have not got any hike or promotion in my job since 2.5 years. I want to know whether I will get any career growth in this job or should I shift to any other company. And second question is will I have a good life after getting married.

    Dob 3rd april 88
    Time 12.30 pm
    Place Berhampur, orissa

    Thank you

  70. Please tell me my future after 2015

    Dob. 3-12-84..
    Time. 2:48 am
    Place new Delhi..

    I m in govt service… But I want to change my department. I want to come in my native place at new Delhi.. I have only one chace… Nay I success in my goal….

  71. My birth date is 30 / 09 / 1974
    Time 11.20 am
    I am a Teacher.
    When will i get promotion

  72. Hi

    My date of birth is
    Time of birth is :19:43p.m.
    Place of birth =delhi

    I am badly in need of senior post and good salary since past 8 yrs no growth or increase is happening in profession please advice as to if i would ever get a senior position with good salary i m demotivated in current work.i pursued a course however all my efforts are ignored at work no yield of doing further course

    Please tell what is going to be my job future with dates of change and growth
    Also if i plan to go abroad to pursue study would i be succesful

    Will further educstion be fruitful or i should avoif please do reply
    In anticipation
    Many thanks and regards

  73. Dear deepakji,

    Pls tell if i will get a better post and salary job if yes then when as since past years all my efforts are going useless pls share advice


  74. Namaste Deepak ji
    Please reply to my query….. I am eagerly waiting for your suggestion.

    Thank you

  75. Namasthe Deepak Sharmaji,

    I am currently looking for change of job so that I can be with myhusband.

    Please help me know as to when I can expect for the job change.

    My details are as follows:
    DOB:8 th march 1991
    Place of birth: bangalore
    Time:2.06 am

  76. According to your Horoscope Feb 2016 to April 2016 is good time for change of job. very soon you will inter a new house or renovate in old house .


  77. Namaste Pandit Ji

    When i will get promotion in my current govt job???

    My details are as follows:
    DOB: 29th march 1986
    Place of birth:Satna
    Time: 01:55 AM

  78. Dear Sir,

    My name : Varsha;
    My birth date 2 April 1979 time 8:45 am in Mumbai

    I have worn yellow sapphire but till date i have not received job and only member for earning I am going under bad times Please suggest what to be done and when will i get job .

  79. Dear Sir,

    Please guide

    My birth date 2 April 1979 time 8:45 am in Mumbai

    I have worn yellow sapphire but till date i have not received job and only member for earning I am going under bad times Please suggest what to be done and when will i get job .

  80. Namaste Pandit ji,

    When will be my promotion done in the current job.
    My DOB is 16-apr-1982 and time of birth is 1:15 PM ( Bareilly UP)

  81. Namaste sir,
    My DOB is 16/04/1982 1:15Am Bareilly u.p

    Please tell me the time of promotion in my current job.

  82. Dear sir,
    My dob is 6 march 1990
    Tob is 9:28 am
    Pob is New Delhi
    After completing my MBA in 2014 i started to work in july 2014. But i lost jost my job in may 2015 due to my own bad attitude. Now i am into depression. I dont want to work what is the problem. In my kundly.

  83. Please guide

    My birth date 2 April 1979 time 8:45 am in Mumbai

    I have worn yellow sapphire but till date i have not received job and only member for earning I am going under bad times Please suggest what to be done and when will i get job .

  84. Namaste pandit ji
    My DOB is 23-09-1985 at 9:45 pm kurukshetra haryana India. I am suffering with bad times because of job.
    Please tell me when I will get a job.

  85. Dear Sir

    My date of birth is 19th feb 1975 time 5.45, place Bangalore. Sir when will I get promotion.



  86. Namaste pandit ji
    My DOB is 23-09-1985 at 9:45 pm kurukshetra haryana India. I am suffering with bad times because of job.
    Please tell me when I will get a job.

  87. My birth date 2 April 1979 time 8:45 am in Mumbai

    I have worn yellow sapphire but till date i have not received job and only member for earning I am going under bad times Please suggest what to be done and when will i get job .

  88. will i get government job ?
    my date of birth 30-08-1992 aprroximately 5.30 to 6.00 am in kamalapuram

  89. will i get govt job
    my date of birth is 28 sep 1989 time 01:45 am deoria up

  90. Hello Dr. Deepak

    I am 42 year old working in Vancouver Canada as an IT Professional but never got promotion in my life.

    DOB-11- Feb-1973
    5.02AM, Jagraon, Ludhiana

    Please help.


  91. Hello Dr. Deepak

    I am 42 year old working in Vancouver Canada as an IT Professional but never got promotion in my life.

    DOB-11- Feb-1973
    5.02AM, Jagraon, Ludhiana

    Please help.


  92. Hello sir, will i get a job in bank if not then which field will be most suitable for me?
    My date of birth is 27/12/1988, time of birth (6:56) AM, place lucknow (U.P) (India)

  93. Dear sir,
    My date of birth is 01-07-1989. TOB: 07:00:00 AM POB: Pali Rajasthan. I want to change my job. Please tell me if its possible in 2016.


  94. Dear Sir,
    My details are:
    DOB: 25 Mar 1976
    TOB: 03:33 AM
    POB: Sindri(Jharkhand)
    When I will get promoted in my job or shall I try for job switch? Package is also not at par with my peers.

  95. Dear sir my detail is name Rajesh dob is 25drc1971 time3.14pm place Ajmer pls when will I get promotion. Because my destiny is very poor. Nothing is good in my life. And pls tell me my rashi. Reply pls thanks

  96. Hello, Dr. Deepak.

    my date of birth is 18.08.1971, Time is 14:55 and place of birth is Meerut, UP. I want to know When will my career change. I have learnt, I posses Raj Yoga. What this yog will going to give benefits to me.

  97. dear sir my self rajesh dob is 25 dec 1971,place ajmer time 3.14pm pls tell me when will i get destiny is very poor .always problems in my job . and also tell my rashi.what is my rashi i dont life is very trouble.when will good time.pls reply thanks

  98. My birth date 2 April 1979 time 8:45 am in Mumbai. Sir I am tried for job in MNC and abroad but no response

  99. Hello, Dr. Deepak.

    my date of birth is 18.08.1971, Time is 14:55 and place of birth is Meerut, UP. I want to know When will my career change. I have learnt, I have Raj Yoga. What this yog will going to give benefits to me.

  100. your present time is not very good for your promotion so you should wait . Never think for switch job without any alternate.

  101. Dear sir

    My birth date 2 April 1979 . time 8:45 am as per your suggestion to find MNC company or abroad but I m not getting any response please help sir since I m only working person looking old parents and having no jo b from Nov 2015 pls help sir

  102. Hello, Dr. Deepak.

    my date of birth is 18.08.1971, Time is 14:55 and place of birth is Meerut, UP. I want to know When will my career change. I have learnt, I posses Raj Yoga. What this yog will going to give benefits to me.

  103. Date of birth 30th November 1975 time 07:45am city gondia maharas. I did engineering but working as bpo employee please tell me my career chart and what to do for betterment

  104. My date of birth is 12-7-1984
    Time 4:20am
    Place:saharanpur (up)
    Pls tell me when will I get promotion in job….and what about my married life?

  105. when will i get job?
    birth details
    dob 30-08-1992
    gender : female
    time : 5:30am
    place ; kamalapuram, kadapa, andhra pradesh

  106. Dear Sir,

    My birth date 2 April 1979 . time 8:45 am as per your suggestion to find MNC company or abroad but I m not getting any response please help sir since I m only working person looking old parents and having no jo b from Nov 2015 pls help sir

  107. Hello Dr. Deepak.

    my date of birth is 18.08.1971, Time is 14:55 and place of birth is Meerut, UP. I want to know When will my career change. I have learnt, I posses Raj Yoga. What this yog will going to give benefits to me

  108. hello sir
    my dob is 10 sep 1992
    place of birth is gwalior , madhya pradesh
    time of birth is : 11.30 pm
    horoscope is : aquarious

    i have been trying to get a govt job since 2013, but coudn’t get anything job till date, please tell me if i can get a govt job in 2016.
    i am very much frustated . please guide me and help me

  109. DOB: 07/01/1982, Time: 05:41 AM, Place Aligarh, UP

    when I will be getting promotion.

  110. Hello Sir Namskar..
    my dob : 05/09/1986 @8:40pm friday
    place : Hassan

    Would like to know when i wil get promoted. Last year in 2015 i missed it because my long leave for maternity. Please let me know any chance this year or should i think of changing job..

    awaiting for response..

  111. Sir,
    My husband is jobless since end aug’15. Cud pls tell when wud he be able to get a good job. Also is it an indication for him to get into business…what wud be his career in future? He lost his job jn antardasha of 10th lord. Why so?? Pls help me to understand.
    Place: New Delhi
    Pls reply.

  112. Sir,
    There has always been problems in my career despite hard work. I realize that whenever the promotion ir better job offer was given to me it dramatically disappeared( as if some power is in the way to let it not come in my hand). For most 2 years now , im running a small business but no profit despite tremendous hard work.
    I am highly qualified but it didnt get me sny benefit. Pls help me to understand d reason.
    Time: 18:05pm
    Place: new delhi

  113. May I know when I’m going to change my current job

    Name : Kiran
    DOB : 08-Nov-1984
    Time : 05:34 AM
    Place : Bangalore
    State : Karnataka

  114. My date of birth is 5th Jan 1987
    My birth place: tanuku, andhra Pradesh
    My birth time is 15:35
    Please tell about my personal and professional life as I have no peace of mind in both

  115. Dear sir

    My birth date 2 April 1979 . time 8:45 am as per your suggestion to find MNC company or abroad but I m not getting any response please help sir since I m only working person looking old parents and having no jo b from Nov 2015 pls help sir

  116. Hi Sit, I am K. Vijaya Kumar, DOB is15.06
    1973 at 1.00 p.m. Please tell me this year I will get promotion or not which is due on 28.04.2016. I am working in Govt. service.

  117. sir,
    my son m.prasanna will play for india in the game of cricket?
    kindly let me know sir.
    the details follows:
    birth of time:8.48 am
    birth place:chennai(tamil nadu)

  118. surekha
    gender : female
    date of birth : 30-08-1992
    time : 5:00 am
    place ; kamalapuram , cuddapah(district), andhra pradesh state

    when will i get job?

  119. When will i get promoted
    DOB – 30-Aug-1978
    Place farrukhabad (UP)
    Time 13:17

  120. Dear sir

    My birth date 2 April 1979 . time 8:45 am as per your suggestion to find MNC company or abroad but I m not getting any response since I m only working person looking old parents and having no job from Nov 2015 pls help sir plzzz

  121. Dear Dr. Deepak,

    Namaskar !!

    My DOB is 07th May 1981, Time – 5:44AM, Place – Darbhanga

    I am currently working as General Manager in a very big US MNC and currently based in Pune. I am facing lot of hurdles, back stabbings , blames and conspiracies in my work place especially from my colleagues and seniors . Even after all these hurdles , I got two promotions in last 1.5 years , but time now seems to be difficult . Wanted to know whether situation will improve at my work or shall I look for job change. Is job change or promotion or place change in cards in near future .

    I am desperate to know all these things . Can you please help me . I shall be grateful if can suggest something


  122. Dear sir
    My birth day jun 7 1995.. And im going to make new music video.. N im the model actor.. So i want to know how will be the result..

  123. Dear Sir,

    I am Archana
    DOB : 22/02/1983
    POB : Davangere ( karnataka)
    Time : 20:15 pm ( night 8:15 )

    Kindly let me know when I will be getting a new job ( when I will change the current job)

  124. Dear sir

    My birth date 2 April 1979 . time 8:45 am as per your suggestion to find MNC company or abroad but I m not getting any response please help sir since I m only working person looking old parents and having no jo b from Nov 2015 pls help sir…….

  125. hello sir, my brother
    Name: santhosh sagar
    DOB: 16-jun-1991
    Time: around 9A.M to 10A.M
    Place of Birth: Kothakota, Mahabubnagar Dist., AP

    He is trying since 1 and half year. he got the job but he lost.
    Please tell me when will he get the job?

  126. Hi my birth date is 15 october 1991, my place of birth is rehoboth,namibia, time of birth is unknown,when will i find my job.

  127. My dear
    according to your horoscope september to nov 2016 will good time for change of job it is possible posses Rajyog good time is going on very soon you will enjoy.


  128. Dear
    According to horoscope time is going on after august will good for change job but dont take any risk.


  129. pranam panditji
    name anuradha kumari
    dob 19/02/1987
    time 5:15 am approx
    place jammu
    please if ill get through my promotuon exam. the results are to b anniounced in may- june 2016.. pleaae sir kindly reply. also smbdy told me to wear pukhraj will it suit me.. thank u panditji

  130. Hi Sir,

    Time of birth is 6:40 PM IST and place is Bangalore, Karnataka

  131. Hello Sir,

    Passing through tough time. I’m single mother. Looking for job change. Pls suggest if the talks going on with other employers will fulfil or not ? Or by when I will b able to make change?

    3:33 PM
    New Delhi

  132. I want to change my job , do you see the possibility in near future ?
    Name: kumar
    dob 4.2.1970
    time: 12.10 pm
    place of birth : nagpur(Maharashtra)

  133. Dear Sir,

    My date of birth is 22-06-1982 (Tuesday) around at 01.42am. Location of Birth- Chikiti garh-Odisha. I am working with a fertiliser company. My promotion is due on 01.05.2017.Please confirm weather I shall get success or not ?

  134. dob:07-july-1984
    place\;virudunagar, tn
    Trying for jobs and attending interviews since last 3 years but not getting a satisfactory job.
    please predict when will i get a satisfactory job

  135. can we know which direction or which country is most beneficial to take up change in job?? date is 18.09.1967 and 23hrs.

  136. Dear Deepak sir,

    Please let me know my promotion i just want to know it is true you predict/calculate promotions and other things which will happen near future. I humbly request you please share my good time and promotions time if you feel Convenient. My personel information are as follows.

    Name: Hafee Uddin
    date of Birth 04- 12- 1974
    Place of Birth Karachi Pakistan
    Time of birth 5:00 Am

  137. Dear sir.

    How long to wait
    I m only earning member I have to look after my old parents. I m jobless from quiet long

  138. Dear sir.

    How long need to wait.
    I m only earning member in family.have to look after old parents.I m jobless from quiet long pls help

  139. Name: Prashant
    DOB: 12.sep.1974
    Time of Birth: 07:05am
    Place of Birth: Pusad, Maharastra, India.
    1.Jupiter directs on 9th May.
    2.Mercury will direct on 22nd May
    3.Sun moving to Gemini on 21st May

    Does this all means a change in job possible after 22nd May?
    If yes when is the date / time / month? and will it be abroad?

    if not please suggest
    When will i get change in job? and when their is a chance of abroad job?


  140. When will i b transferred frm current place to my desired place

    Dob 10 apr 86
    Time 16.30
    Place Chandigarh

  141. I lost my job last month will I get my job back

    DOB : 20th February 1976
    Time : 1.53am
    Place : Mangalore

  142. Dear sir.

    My birth date 2 April 1979 . time 8:45 am ;Mumbai
    How long need to wait.
    I m only earning member in family.have to look after old parents.I m jobless from quiet long pls help

  143. Sir,

    My DOB is 15th Sep 1984, Place – Vijayawada, Time 2.35 A.M. I am jobless for past one and half yrs. Could you please say when i will get a job.

    Thank you.

  144. Dr sharma, my name is sandeep, since last 6year I m struggling for next level.
    My date of birth is 5th July 1977 at 19:10, Delhi.

    Pls rply and let me know whn I will get promotion or can change my job

  145. My DOB is 12/09/1988
    Palce – jamalpur, bihar
    time -16:54

    i need to know when i get promotion in my job

  146. Dear sir,
    I am Rashmi
    Dob 8th Nov 1982
    Place jodhpur rajasthan india,
    Time 20.50
    Will I have good and stable job.
    Awaiting for your reply
    Thanks and regards

  147. Hello Dr sharma
    My name is rahul struggling for my prmotion from last 3 yrs will you tell me if this yeari will get promotion or not
    DOB. 24/12/1985 time 1:42 pm Accra ghana west africa

  148. I want to know if there any chances of job change
    DOB 4-2-1970


  149. Name – Abhijit Roy,dob-17/12/1985,gender-male,
    time-13:05hrs(01:05 p.m.),place – Krishnanagar,West Bengal. I am facing problems with my career. From last March,2016 I am jobless? When can I be able to get a permanent job?

  150. hello sir
    my name is mohan rao
    d.o.b 30-01-1994
    time 2:32 a.m
    Rajahmundry, andhra pradesh
    when will i get job please sir tell me

  151. Sir

    Would like to know if i can get a
    Promotion or change in job

    Dob 24 09 1980
    Tob 9 12 am
    Pob mumbai

  152. When will I be promoted
    My date of birth is 8 January 1963
    Place Kanpur India Time 20 hours 39 minutes

  153. Dear sir.

    My birth date 2 April 1979 . time 8:45 am ;Mumbai
    How long need to wait.
    I m only earning member in family.have to look after old parents.I m jobless from quiet long time pls help

  154. My DOB 25-06-1992, Time: 05.07 am.,place: tiruvalla ( kerala).
    I want to know when I will get a job. Should I get a govt job? If yes, when and in which department??. Plz kindly reply.

  155. Dear Sir,
    Please advise if it is the right time for me to change my job. I have a job offer from another company.
    DoB – 24 October 1983
    Time of birth – 1-58 pm
    Place of birth – Mumbai

  156. My Date of birth is 22/10/1987
    Time: 2:20 am
    Place: umrangsho, Assam

    Pls suggest when will I get promotion in my job?I appeared for my promotion interview twice..but cudnt make it??When will I get promotion

  157. Promotion process is on expected to be declared in End of July or August.
    My DOB is 10/09/1976
    Time is 19.10 pm
    Place is VADODARA

    Will I get promotion?

  158. Hello Sir,

    My name is Kaushik Sinha. My date of birth is 2nd January 1985..Time : 2.30 PM.. Place : Calcutta. Currently I am working in an organization (Finance and accounting) and waiting for a promotion since 2014 but it has not yet happened so I want to change my Job now. Could you please advise me when I will get a new job.

    Thanks in advance!!

    Kaushik Sinha

  159. Hello Sir,

    My name is Srijita Dutta. My date of birth is 05/09/1990.Time : 7.29am. Place : Calcutta. Currently I am working in an organization (Finance and accounting) and waiting for job change. When will it happen?My career is stucked.

    Thanks in advance!!

  160. hello sir, my brother
    Name: santhosh sagar
    DOB: 16-jun-1991
    Time: around 9A.M to 10A.M
    Place of Birth: Kothakota, Mahabubnagar Dist., AP

    He is trying since 1 and half year. he got the job but he lost.
    Please tell me when will he get the job?

  161. hello sir
    my name is sandeep
    d.o.b 5th July 1977
    time 19:10pm
    when will i can job or got next level

  162. my DOB is 12-Jan-1987 and can you please adise me my job future either is it good to move from current city or sty in cit and change org

  163. My birth time is 04.44 am. and alos my friend detail is DOB 04-Jan-1981 and time is 8.30 PM .both are working in same ofice sinc elonger time and dont want to lose each otet and now we are loosng job in dec due to shifting of CO can you please advise either boh of us will get work in same co or shall we accept trafer in other city.. we dont want to move and dont want to lose each other

  164. My date of birth is 27th April 1972
    My time of birth is 22:42 PM IST
    My place of birth is Dharamsala, Kangra, Himachal Pradesh

    When will I get promotion or job change?

  165. I am currently working with the private bank at front.
    Where in I am not getting satisfied the work I do, I am confused whether to do a job or do a business.
    Now turning to 29 , still not yet married.
    Financial condition is stable.
    In bank, which department shall I choose for the better prospect?
    Still confused where to make career.
    Name:- Mangesh Nilve
    DOB :- 02/07/1987
    time:- 3.40 am
    Place of birth:- Mumbai

  166. Hi, I am Dhanaletchmi. My birth date is 14 Dec 1980, Time:1924hrs. Born in Singapore. I am due for my promotion long time ago. But till now no news. When will be my time?

  167. My dob 19/3/1980 time 23:31 place sujangarh Rajasthan pls tell about my future life and when I make my own home and share market suitable for me

  168. My birth date 2 April 1979 . time 8:45 am ;Mumbai

    I m only earning member in family.have to look after old parents.I m jobless from quiet long time pls suggest

  169. hlo deepak sir
    my name sahil kumar sakolia
    dob :05/09/1992
    birth place jammu(j&k)
    sir i want to know is there any chance for government job….
    pls sir reply

  170. hlo deepak sir
    my name sahil kumar sakolia
    dob :05/09/1992
    time of birth 8:45pm saturday
    birth place jammu(j&k)
    sir i want to kn

  171. When I get job my birthdate is 5-6-1991 and timing is 7:10am plz I need your help.

  172. sir will i get a chance to go abroad ????
    name: amit yadav
    time of birth: 8am

  173. Hello,
    My date of birth is 27th April 1972
    My time of birth is 22:42 PM IST
    My place of birth is Dharamsala, Kangra, Himachal Pradesh

    When will I get promotion or job change?

  174. My DOB 25-06-1992, Time: 05.07 am.,place: tiruvalla ( kerala).
    I want to know when I will get a job. Should I get a govt job? If yes, when and in which department??. Sir plz reply

  175. 21_5_1974:time 21.02; place Hyderabad andhra pradesh india sir pl tell about my job settlement or job promotion

  176. Hello sir,
    My name is Venkata DOB is 21-5-1994 and birthtime is 10:45 AM .place of birth is kadapa.Recently completed my studies and searching for the job and my doubt is when I will get the job and favourable field of jobs to try and is there any chance of getting govt job and when I will get the job and which field it is..?
    Thank u,
    Waiting for ur reply….

  177. DOB: 17-09-1991
    Time: 1-15 am
    Place: 22.3602° N, 91.8317° E
    Trying for a job many days. Sometimes I feel it is better to commit suicide. Will you please help me?

  178. Hello sir,
    My date of birth is 27th April 1972
    My time of birth is 22:42 PM IST
    My place of birth is Dharamsala, Kangra, Himachal Pradesh

    When will I get promotion or job change?



    DOB 16/12/1988

  180. My name Mukesh Kumar, DOB 15/02/1978 at 4:30AM, Rourkela , orissa. I’m software professional and worried about stability with my current job.

  181. sir completed mba in may2016 but not getting job
    24-08-1982 meerut up 12.04p.m.

  182. dear sir
    completed my mba in may2016 but not getting job
    24-08-1982 meerut up 12.04p.m

  183. helllo sir,
    name : mohit pal
    time :13:50
    place: jaipur(raj)
    ques: sir plz tell me when i will get job & what is the possibility of getting gov. job.

  184. Hello sir,


    My date of birth is 27th April 1972
    My time of birth is 22:42 PM IST
    My place of birth is Dharamsala, Kangra, Himachal Pradesh

    When will I get promotion or job change?

  185. My name is Heera
    DOB: 21.04.1991
    time: 10 am
    place : bijapur, karnataka

    i want to know about my job change and marriage please sir

  186. Hello Acharya ji,

    My question is if it is a good time for job change, can I expect a better job in near future.

    Date of birth: 14 Feb 1986
    Time: 6.37 AM
    Place: Dehradun

    Looking forward to hear from you.

    Best Regards,

  187. DOB – 17-03-1987
    Time – 8:30 am
    Place – Chennai

    I would like to know when I will get promotion and will there be any chance to travel out of India officially? Thanks in advance

  188. Hello sir, my name. dob is 5th July 1977 time 1910 delhi, my promotion is over due and time to chane the job

  189. myDOB is 12-Jan -1987 time 4.44 place goa my co is moving to other city and till i dint get job when i wil get and also want to work with my friend as since we are working with each other since loger time his detail is 04-jan-1981 time 8.30pm-Jalgaon. will both get job in same company and when will get as dec is last month in current org

  190. Dear sir
    I’m Aravind kumar, DOB – 05 Nov 1987, time – 5:05 pm place of birth shahapur, yadgir district Karnataka this regarding job inspite of attending many interviews I’m not selecting from past one year requesting you that when will I get job.

  191. Hello sir,
    Can i do business, if yes when
    how’s my moon dasha goes any growth ?

    D.O.B – 14-03-1985
    Time – 2:30 PM
    Place – Bhilwara rajasthan

  192. Dear Sir,

    My date of birth 08/09/1976 Time 10:10AM place bijapur – chattisgarh.
    Pls let me know when i will get a chance to change the job, i am in crisis now.

    Sandeep varshney

  193. My birth name is pushkar and regular name is anshul birth time 12:50 pm place Khandwa country india i have lef job Nd entered in photography field but now i feel thT i hav taken wrong fields so pl tell me when will i get sucess amd in which field And at what age i will get married and there is a chance to go abroad for me plz tell me on anshulpatil10&gmail.cok

  194. my dob :1/11/1990
    place : tiruppur,tamil nadu
    time :12pm
    am trying for government job. will i get a government job or i should try for private. is there any opportunity rght. tell me any kind of parikarams or rituals to do get a job. .

  195. I didn’t get any job, Anychance to getting good job.
    DOB : 29-01-1992
    Time : 8:10 PM
    Place of birth : Thrissur,Kerala

  196. helllo sir,
    name : mohit pal
    time :13:50
    place: jaipur(raj)
    ques: sir plz tell me when i will get job & what is the possibility of getting gov. job.

  197. Hello Sir,

    My Date of Birth :14-March-1988

    Time : 10:30 Am (Morning)

    Place of birth Cherthala,Kerala

    I am working in an PVT organization (Finance and accounting) and now i am preparing for IAS Preliminery exam -2017. Sir i want to know i got a govt job or a private job and when will it happen.

    Thanks in advance!!

  198. DoB 1986 May 10 time 1.00 pm place of birth Darjeeling India . When will I get promotion in job

  199. DOB: 17–09–91
    Time: 1:15am
    Place: Latitude: 22°21’33.72″N
    Longitude: 91°49’50.59″E

  200. DOB: 17–09–91
    Time: 1:15am
    Place: Latitude: 22°21’33.72″N
    Longitude: 91°49’50.59″E
    Sir, what is the appropriate time to get a job?

  201. Sir my dob-04-09-1991 and tob 04 am at place cuttack odisha, I m currently working in govt sector as clerk,want to change my department ,looking for higher post when will be possible ??

  202. Dob : 23-11-1991 Time : 02:15 pm , place: faridabad, Haryana . hello sir , I am trying for the govt job from long time still I am jobless. plz tell me when will I get govt job ? thanks

  203. hello sir, Dob : 23 Nov 1991, Time : 02:15 pm , place : faridabad, Haryana. I am trying for govt job from long time. I always do my best still I am jobless. sir plz tell me , will I get govt job ???? or not ???

  204. Date of birth: 15th July 1988
    Time: 10:00AM
    Place of birth: Ranchi

    Is there any chance of getting promotion this year or should I prefer to change job or team? Will changing job or team will work for me?

  205. Dob 22 mar 1980
    Time 14.10
    Place Jaipur

    Which year will i get married and tell me about my future husband

    Thanx in advance.

  206. Dear Sir,
    Is there any job change for me now? My position is delicate in my current organization. My details are as follows:
    DOB: 25-03-1976
    TOB: 03:33 am
    POB: Sindri (Jharkhand)

    Thanks and Regards,
    A K Sinha

  207. When will i b transferred frm current place to my spouse place. Presently both living apart due to job posting. I need trsfr bt no success pls help

    Dob 10 apr 86
    Time 16.30
    Place Chandigarh

  208. When will i b transferred frm current place to my spouse place. Presently both living apart due to job posting. I need trsfr bt no success pls help

    Dob 10 apr 86
    Time 16.30
    Place Chandigarh

  209. My DOB : 28 sep 1976
    Place : Bikaner Rajasthan
    Time : 03:15: am
    Please tell me my job changes in near about future and financial position

  210. D. O. B. 11Aug1993
    Time 4:30 pm
    Place Siwan
    Sir when I will get a good job

  211. Namaskar Sir. I have been waiting for a job offer (all the interviews were completed and I have confirmation that the feedback is very positive) for nearly 5 months now. Can you pls guide me on when will the offer materialise.
    Here are my birth details:
    DoB: 11-Aug-1976
    Time of Birth: 10:35 AM
    Place of Birth: Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

    Thanks and pranam

  212. DOB: 20Nov1981
    Time 10.10 am
    Place: Kolkata west Bengal
    Is there any possibility for a new job

  213. Hi, My DOB is -17-09-1986, time is -4:45 or 5:45 am,Sachin Rathaur

    When I will be promoted.

  214. my dob :1/11/1990
    place : tiruppur,tamil nadu
    time :12pm
    am trying for government job. will i get a government job or i should try for private. is there any opportunity rght now. tell me any kind of parikarams or rituals to do get a job. .

  215. hi
    kindly tell me . i completed BE. i am born on 1-11-1990.i am trying for government job. kindly tell me is thr any way i could get it or just is there an opportunity right now. is there any rituals so i could perform

    NAME : J
    DOB: 01/01/1978
    TIME: 0745 AM

  217. My Name is Sushil Kumar Mishra
    Date of Birth is 20/06/1974
    Time of Birth is 01: 10 AM
    Place of Birth Is New Delhi
    Sir, Promotion list is already released but my name is not in a list. Sir, when I will get promotion in my job.

  218. Namaskar Guruji,

    Name :- Rajesh Singh
    DOB :- 09-Aug-1976
    POB :- Bhopal(Madhya Pradesh)
    Time :- 00.15 AM

    Want to settle in Abroad(probably :- CANADA, in banking line) , which country will be suitable and when that time will come.

  219. Namaste guruji,

    Dob – 3rd november 1984
    Time of birth – 11:10
    Place of birth – jaipur

    I have had a very broken career, with many job changes, place changes, no job satisfaction, not much support from seniors. Things start very well in all jobs but gradually it goes down. Can you tell me when will this situation change.and how i can

  220. Dear sir,

    I am Jyothi
    DOB:11-Jul-1982 5:40am in AndhraPradesh (Visakhapatnam).

    Can you please tell me about my job change or promotion?

    Thank you

  221. Dear Sir,

    This is Srikanth .K DOB 01/01/1985. Kindly let me know about my career growth.

  222. Namaste guruji
    MY D.O.B. details
    Date:11 Aug 1993
    Place:Siwan (Bihar)
    Time: 16:35 (4:35pm)

    When I will get good job. And which field I should pursue.

  223. hello sir
    my name is Puspal Das. my date of birth is 23/08/1989 and time of birth 10:18 AM. place of birth kolkata. kindly tell me sir which career suitable for me business or job.

  224. Date of birth is 21-07-1977
    Sonipat,haryana, India
    Time. 03:50PM
    When will I get promotion, as I have unsuccessful in last three attempts from Dec.2014 to Jan 2016
    Principal exams it were

  225. dear sir kindly advise if any chances of improving or should i forget it
    many thanks

  226. Namaste guruji,

    DOB – 11th January 1979
    Time of birth – 05:15 am
    Place of birth – Navsari, Gujarat.

    Is there any possibility for promotion in year of 2017?


  227. My DOB 25-06-1992, Time: 05.07 am.,place: tiruvalla ( kerala).
    I want to know when I will get a job. Should I get a govt job? If yes, when and in which department??. Sir kindly reply

  228. when will i get excellent job

    date/time/place of birth- 25feb 1961/10.45 am/ new delhi, india.


  229. Hi Guruji,

    My date of birth is 16-Apr-1973, time of birth is 01:30, place of birth is Coimbatore, India

    I have been working abroad for the last 18 years, planning to return to India as my parents are old and need to take care of them. I am struggling hard to find a job in India. Kindly let me know if there is a change in job according to my horoscope and also is the relocation to India possible.

  230. DOB: 20/10/1984
    TOB: 12.20 pm
    POB: Ambala, Haryana

    I am trying for job change for quite long but no success. I want a government job. is there a possibility of a good government job. In how much time.

  231. I am Mahesh Kumar K M

    Date of birth 13/06/1990
    Timing 7.00-7.45am
    Mysore Karnataka

    I am working as clerk in a bank

    Is there any possibility to get promotion in 2018
    Or when I ‘ll get promotion.

  232. Sir
    My son dob is 10.05.2005
    Time : 11.10am
    Place : Bangalore

    Is there any chance for govt job

  233. My name is Sayak Patra
    DOB 06/08/1991
    Time 16-20, Kolkata, West Bengal
    When I shall get a job in Nationalised Bank?
    Please Reply.

  234. Dear Sir, I want to know about my career.
    My details are:

    Name: Vijay Pareek
    DOB: 10 July 1991
    Birth Place: Hanumangarh(Rajasthan)
    Time: 04:30AM

    Please tell me when will i get the promotion or change my job.
    I am a software engineer.

    Thank You.

  235. Date of birth :16/04/1975
    Time: 3.30
    Place of Birth: Mangalore, Karnataka

    When will I get promotion? I am working in Cognizant.

  236. Hi Deepak sir,
    I am Navya nalam
    My dob: 18/09/1986
    Time of birth: 21:30
    Place of birth: guntur- Andhra pradesh
    I would like to know about my promotion in my job, any job change predicted, overseas opportunity exists for me

  237. My husband have good job good salary but every two year he has to change his job not every time he want to change job but situation arises and he has to change now again he is looking for new job. We shifted to new city. I am very depressed. please help me.
    DOB 29th dec 1977
    POB Mumbai
    TOB 4:30 A.M.
    Thanks in advance

  238. Name – Khushboo
    DOB- 09-02-1992
    Time- 3:50 am
    Place- Delhi
    When will I get a job. I am jobless since 6 months… Kindly revert

  239. Hi
    Any chances of promotion please to the below
    Dob: 1st mar 70
    Pob: pitapuram (kakinada)
    Tob: 15:17

  240. Hi Deepak sir,
    My name is Prashun shekhar
    My DOB is 15/04/1987, time is 5 :10 pm
    Place Bettiah bihar
    I am working in sales and marketing, I would like to know when I will got promotion in job, any good job opportunity

  241. Dear Sir,
    I am Khushboo
    DOB – 09-02-92
    Timing – 03’50am
    Place – Delhi
    I have completed Master of Fashion Management this year.
    I am jobless since 6 months. Kindly advise, when will I get a job.

  242. hi deepak sir,

    my date of birth is 17/09/1974
    time – 9.20am, place of birth – Hyderabad
    Iam working in construction company as Asst. General Manager
    can I expect promotion next year. pls tell me

  243. My dob: 01/03/1979
    Time of birth: 11:35 A.M
    Place of birth: Srikalahasti- Andhra pradesh
    Iam P.Umamaheswarrao
    I would like to know about my promotion in my job

  244. DOB. 21.1.87
    Time. 2.05 am night
    Place. Hyderabad (Telangana State)
    Star. Haste

    Question. Left previous job in June 2016 (USA)
    Still searching jobs—- when will I get new job(USA)

  245. Hello Sir,
    My name is Shubham Sanan
    D.o.b: 27/09/1995
    Time: 20:40
    Place: Shimla (Himachal pradesh)
    I wouls like to know about my job prospects that when will i get job and are their job prospects for me outside india.

  246. Hello sir,
    I was working as engineer in a reputed company. My performance was high and I was in demand from many projects but due to some office politics, instead of giving promotion to me, they gave be least increment and terminated me. Now its 3rd month since I lost my job. I got few interview calls but no one offered and now I am not getting interview call also. Please suggest me , what is the solution for this problem.what should I do ?

    Will I get new good job with good salary ? will I be called back in same company with good salary and position?

    Name – sangeetha s
    Dob- 26/01/1986
    Time – 5:42 am
    Place- ooty

  247. Dear Sir,

    following are my work details

    DOB: 11.12.1987
    Time: 6:43 p.m.
    Place: Shimla (H.P.)

    Question: When will I get promotion in my current Job? also are there any chances of me working abroad.

  248. Dear Sir,

    following are my work details

    DOB: 08.11.1987
    Time: 7:12:00 a.m.
    Place: ulhasnagar (Maharashtra)

    Question: When will I get permenent job? also are there any chances of me working abroad.

  249. Hello Sir,
    I am so happy to see all the comments above and how you have helped them. I am looking forward for same kind of help from you, Sir.
    My Name is Trina Bhattacharjee,
    DOB : 4th Dec 1987,
    time : 2: 30 PM,
    Place of birth : Alipurduar(North Bengal)

    Can you please tell me if I can change my job and is there any chances of me working abroad?

    I will waiting eagerly for your kind response.
    Thank you

  250. Namaskar Guruji,

    Name :- Rajesh Singh
    DOB :- 09-Aug-1976
    POB :- Bhopal(Madhya Pradesh)
    Time :- 00.15 AM

    Want to settle in Abroad(probably :- CANADA, in banking line) , which country will be suitable and when that time will come.

  251. Sir,

    Though exceptionally hardworking and performance oriented, I’m unable to break into senior leadership role.
    My details are:
    D.o.B: 14 Nob 1968; Time 11:45 am; City: Srinagar (J& K)
    Presently residing at Delhi

    Will I get a promotion/ better Job?

  252. Respected Sir,
    My date of birth – 09-11-1989 (dd-mm-yyyy)
    Time of birth – 05 :54 pm
    Place of birth – Howrah, West bengal, India

    When I will get a good job in a reputed software company and when I will go abroad?

    Thank you.

  253. Dear Sir
    Would like to know by when I can get promotion or job change .
    Shailee Priya
    13 feb 1984, Bokaro steel city Jharkand
    Time -5.55 AM

  254. Hello Sir,
    My date of birth- 7th April 1989
    Time of birth- 2:10 AM
    Place of birth- Ahmedabad, Gujarat
    When will I get promotion? Is there any possibility of job change in near future?
    Thank you.

  255. My dob 26.12.67 at Nasik at 14.30pm sir i am not getting promotion from last 20 yrs

  256. Sir,
    DOB is 27.05.1971, TOB is 2.50 am (early hours of 27th); POB is Eluru, Andhra Pradesh.

    Please mention my position in my office, as there are too much politics there. When will my place be better and powerful.

    Warm regards,

  257. Hello Sir,
    Really appreciate your efforts and talent to help people, who are trying to find a hope. I am one of those, wish to seek your response about chances of my promotion in IT career.

    My name is Anuja
    Dob 12 May 1980
    time 14:00
    Place Nagpur maharashtra

    Eagerly waiting for response

  258. When will I get promotion ,dob 1/8/1986
    Place of birth jamshedpur,time of birth 0620 am

  259. Hello Dr. Deepak,

    I have been a very hardworking, dedicated employee but got my last promotion 6 years back and job change 8 years back.

    Will there be a job change or promotion in near future?

    My birth date and time : 10 June 1971 at 1:24 AM
    place of birth : Kolkata west bengal
    currently I am located in Hyderabad

    Thanks and regards,


  260. my d.o.b is 12th sept 1969
    time:1:30 a.m
    place allahabad
    will i get promotion in june 2017

  261. Namaste Guruji,
    My date of birth- 20-Jul7-1974
    Time of birth- 9.55pm Evening
    Place of birth- Davanagere, Karnataka
    Will I get promoted this year?
    thank you

  262. Hello guru ji,

    My Name is – Satya
    DOB : 06-Sep-1979
    Time : 01.12 PM
    Place – Kujang, Orissa
    Will i get promotion this year?
    Please reply

  263. Hello Sir,
    My date of birth- 22 November 1972
    Time of birth- 4.00 AM morning
    Place of birth- Akola, Maharashtra
    When will I get a permanent job?
    Thank you.

  264. Hello Sir,

    Please predict about my job is not going good.Not getting promotion after so much of hard work also.Trying to change my job but that is also not increment in income since 6-7 years.Very much worried and tired of struggling.Please Help.

    DOB:-24 June 1982
    Time:10:20 PM
    Place: Saharanpur UP

  265. Sir
    My DOB 12/01/1989
    Time 5:30PM
    Gorakhpur Utter pradesh
    sir when will i get promotion in my job ?
    Thanks you

  266. Dear

    I would like to know why iam not able to get a good job or promotion even after doing so much of hard work.
    my details are as follows.

    jeetender kumar gaur

    D.O.B – 22-12-1979

    Time :04.00 AM

    place of birth Neemuch (MP)

  267. Hello sir,

    i was born on 11 mar 1991 at 3:22 Pm in Narsapuram west Godavari Andhra pradesh
    Will there be any chance to change my job??

  268. Hi Sir,

    DOB: 05 Dec 1990 at 12:45 pm in Kanchrapara, west bengal. I am in Software field. Can you help me out when I can expect good change in job. Are there chances of going abroad from Job.

  269. Hello Sir,
    I recently interviewed for an upgraded position with my current company. I’m hoping to be offered this job opportunity. Please advise if I will get this position offered to me this year.
    DOB 7/28/78
    Time of DOB 10:47am
    Place of Birth Sleepy Hollow, NY

  270. dob 25 04 1968 place of birth pune india

    work in finance related ind

    any chances of change of better job in

  271. According to your horoscope your are Virgo ascendant and in that time Rah/Mar period is going on transfer or something change is possible. after august your Jup period will start I think from Sept you’re some auspicious time will start and you will get a promotion. Is your job related to public concern?

  272. Hello Sir,
    My name is pooja tripathi,I’m working abroad from last 3 years, even though I performed very well last 3 years my promotion was denied and I’m given a very low raise in my salary,I’m desperately looking for job change abroad only, but could not find any opportunity so far ,kindly let me know if there is any opportunity I can get in near future,my birth details are as below
    Pooja Tripathi ,28Dec 1982,Birth time 2 am,Hardoi Uttar Pradesh .
    Kindly assist with ur kind response.
    Thank u PANDIT ji.

  273. Dear Pooja
    According to your birth details, you will get an opportunity in near future. you can job change or get promotion in the present company both is possible but for that, you have to wear a good quality of ” Moon Stone” and before starting any work you should take blessing from Mother. Cream or white color cloth is good for your professional growth.

  274. Thank u so much sir for ur kind response .
    U hv very rightly said sir my mothers blessing are the reason of being what ever I’m today, and I’m Fortunate enough that my mother agreed to stay with me post my fathers dismissal.

    Thank u once again Pandit ji, May lord bholenath bless u in abundance.

  275. Dear Sir,
    Kindly let me know what should be the weight of moti I need to wear ?
    I’m 5.5 inches and 63 kg weight .

    If I hv to wear ring then which finger I shall wear put it on ?

    Thank u PANDIT ji.

  276. Dear Sir,
    Thank u so much sir for ur kind response .

    Kindly let me know what should be the weight of moti which I shall wear ?
    I’m 5.5 inches and 63 kg of weight.
    If I hv to wear ring then in which finger I shall put it on sir ?

    Thank u Pandit ji .

  277. Thank u PANDIT ji for ur kind response.
    Kindly let me if I can wear a real pearl?
    If yes then which finger I shall wear ?
    Thank u once again

  278. Sir, I work in a bank and have been posted out of kolkata(domicile city) for more than 3 yrs. This year I applied for transfer but yet I was transferred to a district adjacent to kolkata. Please read my chart and predict when will i get a transfer in my domicile city.My birth details is as followed –

    Date of Birth 11/8/1988
    Time of Birth 11:12 AM
    Place of Birth Kolkata, West Bengal, India (22.5667° N, 88.3667° E)
    Rasi karkat

  279. DOB:-07 Aug 1983, Time:-16:25 Place-Jamshedpur, Job can change this year if yes, pls know the month of change

  280. Namaste sir.
    I am himanshu
    DOB 26/09/78
    POB barwani (MP)
    Tob 10:40 am
    Sir even after so much dedication and hard work and recommendations by senior, I couldn’t get promotion and even my salary has been reduced. Kindly help and tell my fortune, when I will get promotion?
    Thanks in advance

  281. Dear Sir,

    Please guide on Job carrier prospective. Shall Job change this year, if yes, pls know the month. awaiting for your guidance

  282. Sir please help me

    Name :- Rajashekar R C

    Date of birth :- 2nd September 1991

    Place of birth :- Mandya district , Karnataka state,India

    Time of birth :- 06:20:10 AM

    Current living city :- Davangere disrtict

    My question :- When will I have better and satisfactory job in which year.please help me as if now I am working as junior engineer which is dissatisfaction for me.please help me .
    — when will I have job change

  283. Name :- Rajashekar R C

    Date of birth :- 2nd September 1991

    Place of birth :- Mandya district , Karnataka state,India

    Time of birth :- 06:20:10 AM

    Current living city :- Davangere disrtict

    My question :- When will I have better and satisfactory job in which year.

  284. My name is vijendra
    My date of birth 13/09/1987. Time od birth11:17pm in jamnagar gujarat
    Kya me achchha astrologer ban sakta hu?
    Plz sir gime reply….

  285. Namaste Guruji….

    My name Santosh Mahapatro
    DOB: 12/11/1974 time: 20:30
    Place of birth: Jodhpur, Rajasthan

    I am struggling for a good job since last 5 years but not getting any changes. Could you please help me to either in near future I have any chance of getting good job change.. does my problem will get solved….
    Please help me on this….

    Thanks and regards,

  286. Hi my dob 29 Oct 1982, Patna-Bihar, 1304 hrs. What are the chances of me changing my job and/or getting promoted?

  287. Name :- Rajashekar R C

    Date of birth :- 2nd September 1991

    Place of birth :- Mandya district , Karnataka state,India

    Time of birth :- 06:20:10 AM

    Current living city :- Davangere disrtict

    My question :- When will I have better and satisfactory job in which year.

  288. Dear Sir,

    Please help sir….

    Waiting for your help….Request to update….

  289. Dear Panditji,

    Any problem….you are not helping…

    Please help sir…

    Regards santosh

  290. Hi Dr, my date of birth is 8th Sep 1971, time 8.14 am, place : galle, sri Lanka. Please let me know if I would get a satisfactory job change soon.

  291. Sir 2 saal se paresan hu job ke liye please help me please job nahi lag rahi hai. Mai Australia mai hu.

    17-03-1986, 6 pm, delhi

  292. Date of birth 06/07/1984 time 13:30 Hrs Place Ujjain (M.P.) when i will get promotion please tell me.

  293. Sir, my dob is 04-04-1994. Time of birth is 4.15pm. Place of birth is Raiganj, India. Sir can I get a promotion in my job

  294. sir My DOB is 31 August 1965, Time of Birth 11:35PM(23:35),Place Jalandhar(Jullundur)Punjab.
    Kindly tell about my Promotion,Transfer and foreign travel please.

  295. Namaskar Sir,

    Kindly guide and suggest me sir.
    When and how will my financial problems end. I am really worried about my loans.

    DOB: 7th Sep 1983
    DOP: JAJPUR, Odisha
    Time: 7 AM
    Name: Ahesh kanta sahoo

  296. DOB: 21.05.1965
    Birth Place: Dahod(Gujarat)
    Time: Around 5-5.30 AM
    Am Government Class-1 Officer. When will i get my next promotion? Final court decision has arrived and implementation thereof is under process.

  297. My date of Birth is 12.02.1961
    Time of Birth : 12:36 hours
    Place of Birth Shillong, Meghalaya

    Am I likely to get promotion in job this year ( due in February 2018)

  298. When and how will my financial problems end. I am really worried about my loans.

  299. May i get the advice please ? On Job stability & handsome earnings. since both are good since so many years. DOB : 16-2-1974 , Place : Indore – M.P. Time : 2:00 midnight

    Thanks in advance

  300. Hello sir,
    DOB : 8th Dec 1967
    TOB: 8:58 hrs
    POB: Calcutta, West Bengal, India
    Trying to get a higher job with title (different field). I believe the time has come for this (landing interviews) I have looked through my chart (running Mer-Mars-Jup), why is it delayed? Because Jupiter is retrograde?

  301. My date of Birth is 27.04.1983
    Time of Birth : 21:00 hours
    Place of Birth Agra, Uttarpradesh

    Am I likely to get promotion in job this year ? ( due in April 2018)

  302. Will 8 get promotion/job change salary increment by 2019?Or 2020.os.good? Dob 5 aug 1987
    Time 4.52 PM
    Howrah, WB

  303. Namaste sir my name is Swapna d.o.b. 17-03-1996 time 5:20 am place of birth gudivada Andhra Pradesh
    Please tell me sir when will I get job

  304. Sir,
    my date of birth 21-01-1974
    time: 2:45 pm in evening
    place : jaunpur uttar Pradesh
    will I get promotion for next level

  305. Hi,
    My DOB is 11 june 1985 and time is 6:55 am, bhubaneswar. I am trying to look for a change in job with high salary. Is this feasible?


  306. Hi,
    My DOB: 06/07/1994 (july 6th, 1994).
    Time of birth: 10.57am
    Place of birth: Madurai,TamilNadu, India
    Can you please let me know when i will get promotion?
    And also i’m planning to start business.. will that be a success for me?

    Waiting eagerly for your response.
    Thanks in advance.

  307. My DOB: 13th Jan 1977
    Time: 6am 15mins
    Place: Bangalore Karnataka

    could you please look and let me know how is my carrier at this point of time?

  308. DOB: 1989/03/01
    TOB: 9:30 AM
    Place- Biratnagar, NEPAL

    Will i get promoted as a permanent employee in my job?

  309. DOB: 1989/03/01
    TOB: 9:30 AM
    Place- Biratnagar, NEPAL

    Will i get promoted as a permanent employee in my job?

  310. DoB: 03 Nov. 1993
    Place: amravati (mah)

    currently in USA. did MS. problem in finding a good permanent job. when will i get permanent job

  311. Hello Sir,

    My Birth date : 3rd sep 1976
    Birth time : 8:26 AM
    Birth place: Navsari, Gujarat
    when can I have Promotion or New Job posibility

    Regards and thanks,

  312. My birthday is 1989/02/18. Can I expect any change in my career recently? Promotion or place change.

  313. Can I expect any promotion or place change in my career recently? Please help. How is my career in future? Birthday is 1989/02/18, 03.16 PM, at Sri Lanka, Kegalle town

  314. DOB: 12-12-1986
    TOB: 12:45 AM
    POB : Hyderabad

    When would i be getting promotion.

  315. Namaste Sir,

    DOB : 10/10/1990
    Time : 01.59 AM
    Birth Place: Vadodara, Gujarat

    How will be my career and when I will get good position?


  316. Namaste Sir,

    DOB : 29/08/1993
    Time : 17:55 pm
    Birth Place: Belgaum , Karnataka

    How will be my career and position ?

  317. Hello Sir,
    Can you please advise on the prospects of job, profession and financial gains for the coming month, and year?

    DOB : 8 June 1976
    Time : 16:35
    Birth Place: Moga, Punjab

  318. When will I get a job. and when will I get married. MY DOB is 07th April 1987,9:20 am in kesavaram.,Andhra Pradesh

  319. DOB 3/7/1980
    TOB 10:15 am
    Will I get promotion this year

  320. Namaskar Guru jee,
    I lost my job in the month of May .Now i am in search of new job, when can i expect new job.
    Thanks & Regards
    DOB : 23 December 1966
    Time : 08:35 AM
    Birth Place: Hyderabad, Telangana

  321. Hello Sir,
    My name is Geeta shah
    My DOB is 29.08.1977
    I gave interview. I’ll selected or not. I wanted to know this

  322. My DOB:14/05/1968
    TOB:8:55 am
    I am working in a company since 10 years and not given promotion.Please tell me when stars are favourable for my promotion.What remedies to be done for promotion

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