Vastu Tips for School college and University

Vastu Tips for School college and University

Vastu Tips for School college and UniversityVastu Tips for School college and University. A school/college / University or any other educational institution provide learning spaces and educational environments for the students under the guidance of well-educated teachers.  Students learn new ideas, including science and language, and get the opportunity to learn more about world cultures, geography, personal history, political system, and economy. School teaches us the art of living. We learn about education from school. Our old sage about education

साहित्य संगीत कला विहीन: साक्षात पशु पुच्छ विषाणहीन: ||

तृणम न खाद्न्नपि जीवमान: तद भाग देयम परम पशुनाम ||

It means the person who doesn’t know any literature, music or any other art is like an animal which is without tail and horn.

विद्या ददाति विनयम

Education gives us modesty etc.  we all know the importance of education and education institution so the all educational Institution like school/college/university should be according to the principle of Vastu. If we make school according to Vastu principle than the success rate of students will be more than others.  So that I am providing some Vastu tips for school/college and University are as follows.

What kind of soil should be?

If you are going to build a school building then before making the school building, the land must be tested first. Land testing should be done in the following manner.

Firstly we should take care of how the colour of the soil is.  If the colour of the soil is not according to Vastu norms, then it is necessary to use the architectural soil. Yellow or loamy/mixed soil is considered to be the most suitable for the school.

The land you have selected for school should not be any defect in all manners because the good plot provides success. The atmosphere around this should be pure and calm because its impact is on the all-round development of the students.

Type of main plot

First of all, it should be seen that the plot on which the school is going to build is what kind of. According to Vastu Shastra, the plot must be big. The best size of the plot is considered rectangular or square. Main gate direction of the school /college

While building the school, special attention should be given to the main gate. The Schools or college or University respectively, are considered to be the best, east, north, west and south direction. As the sun rises in the east direction and destroys spiritual darkness as the spiritual ignorance from its Divine Light, the school teaches students to live life by giving them an education.  also, has been said –

सा विद्द्या या मुक्तये। 

Students studying in East or North direction schools are more qualified and intelligent than others. The educational level of such schools student is better than other directional school and its results of the examinations are commendable.

The main door should be always remaining clean. The height of the main entrance should be twice the width. There should not be any type of obstacle like an electric pole, any big tree etc in front of the main entrance.

In which direction the school should be built

The main building of the school should be towards the southwest or Nairity angle of the school’s land. South West’s building should be taller than the North East. The height of the school wall should be higher than the north-east direction in a south-west direction.

Which colour is good for School/ college?

The most appropriate direction of the school is north-east. The best colour of the studying room is white, light yellow, light green and cream because the Yellow colour is the guru (meaning the brain) and the Green Mercury,( which is the symbol of learning and writing). The outside colour of the main building should be Maroon, light yellow, light green, and cream.

The slope of the land for school/college

The slope of the entire school’s land and roof should be towards the east or north direction. In such a situation, there is no unnecessary problem would become in the school/ college and the school’s students and teachers will also have an all-round development.

The Water system of the school/college

The arrangements of water like fountains, swimming pools, underground tanks etc. should be in North, east or Ishankon direction. Students drinking water can be arranged towards the east or north direction of the main building.  The overhead water tank should be on the south-west side of the building.

The Electrical systems of the School/college

The all power system like Generator, Electric meter, main switches, fuse etc. should be on the side of the South- East. The proper arrangement of fire extinguishers should also be in the south- East.

 Toilet Room

The school toilets should be in the south, west or north-west direction of the school’s plot. The proper ventilation of the toilet room should be necessary. Student’s face should be south or west direction while using the toilet.

Reception counter

The reception counter should be made towards the north, East or Ishankon of the main building. The layout of the entrance to the reception is such that the entry of the visitor should be from east or north direction. While communicating with the visitor in the reception, the receptionist’s face should be on the East or North direction.

Principal room

The principal room should be toward the South-West direction of the main building so that their control remains on all task and employee. The Principal should sit in his office in such a way that his face is towards East, North or Eshakkon. There should be no door or window behind the chair of the head of the institution. Prizes, titles, etc. should be kept in the South direction of the headmaster’s office.

Study Room 

The study room should be in east, west and North direction. The arrangement for the students to sit in the classroom should be such that their face is towards the east or north direction. The blackboard should be placed on the East or North wall. The proper ventilation should be in the classroom. Two gates are must be in the classroom.  Some educational quote and image of an ideal person, a ruler or a religious master should be paste in the classroom.

Staff Room

The staff or teacher room should be toward the north-west direction of the main building. Staff room should be well furnished with air-conditioned so that they can stay up and teach with full energy.

Library Room

The library’s room should be on the north side of the main building of the school. The arrangement for sitting in the library should be in such a way that the student’s face towards the east or north direction while studying. The collection of books should be kept on the west and south walls. The Head Librarian chair should be in the south-west direction of the library room.

The Laboratory Room

The laboratory room should be constructed towards the South-East of the main building. The face of the students should be towards the east or north direction While they working in the laboratory. The head of the laboratory face should be towards the north direction while explaining.


The auditorium should be on the northwest or west side of the school. The stage should be in the west of the auditorium. Music can be arranged towards the north-west of the auditorium.

Parking place

The parking arrangement in any institute is good in the North-West or South-East direction. All vehicles should be stand in the proper way.

Read this article:- 31 Vastu tips for office

Some Important Vastu Tips for School/College/University

The “statue of Saraswati”  must be established near the inner gate.

The staff quarter should be in the west direction of the school land.

The canteen room should be in the south-east direction.


  1. Sir. I just want to say that how can we make toilet in educational institutions in north west or South West .is this ok .

  2. Toilet mustme south or north or west not touching any corner regards rema.k

  3. I am making stage in south west direction.
    Is this direction is good for stge.
    Can we draw any painting on the back wall of stage.

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