Planetary Combination for Delay or Denial of Child Birth in Astrology

Planetary Combination for Delay or Denial of Child Birth in Astrology

Planetary Combination for Delay or Denial of Child Birth in AstrologyPlanetary Combination of Delay or Denial of Child Birth in Astrology. There is a cycle in life, birth, parents raising, study, job, marriage and childbirth. When there is a lack of any link in this cycle, a person thinks that his life is incomplete.

It is said that the life of a person who is not married remains incomplete similarly, the family is considered incomplete even without children. The whole house comes alive due to the presence of children in the house, if a daughter is born, then we say that Lakshmi has arrived in the house, etc.

In my astrological journey, which I have experienced every person wishes for the best child because often people ask me this type of question —

  1. Is there happiness in my horoscope or not?
  2. What is the reason for the delay in child birth?
  3. If there are children, how many are there?
  4. If there are children, son or daughter or both?
  5. Will my child’s education be good?
  6. Will my children take care of me?

Astrological combination of delay or denial of child birth

  1. If the fifth house, 5th house lord and progenitor Jupiter is afflicted by the inauspicious planet.
  2. The fifth house, Bhavesh and Guru must be afflicted by the three Ascendant (Lagna, Chandra Lagna and Guru Lagna). The fifth house or Bhavesh is afflicted by the lord of the sixth, eighth and twelfth house.
  3. When the lord of the fifth house is sitting in an inauspicious place, being of debilitated, then the birth of the child will be delayed.
  4. The malefic planets Mars and Saturn are looking at the house of the child, then it is late for the child or the child is not born.
  5. If the above situation is also formed in the Navamsa and the seventh division, then there will be a decrease in the happiness of the children.

Planetary Combination of Delay Child Birth in Kundali

Date of Birth:- 31/12/1992,

Time of Birth:- 3:30 Pm,

Place of Birth:- Surat

Planetary Combination for Delay or Denial of Child Birth in AstrologyThe native is born in Taurus ascendant and Pisces sign. As stated above, the 5th house is the main house for childbirth. If this house is afflicted by the lord of malefic houses and malefic planets then delay or denial of birth is possible.

  • In this horoscope, 5th house and its lord afflicted by malefic planets.
  • Inauspicious house (12th and 7th house) lord Mars aspect to 5th house.
  • Mars aspect fifth lord Mercury.
  • Another 3rd House lord Moon is placed in the 11th house and aspect to 5th house.
  • Ketu is also an aspect to 5th house.
  • 8th and 11th lord Jupiter placed in the 5th house.
  • Jupiter is the significator of childbirth and Jupiter located in the 5th house. According to shastra ” karko Bhav Nashay” it promises delay childbirth or denial.
  • Mars aspect 5th house and 5th Lord it is also showing once a miscarriage or abortion is possible.

The Fifth lord is placed in malefic houses  8th house. It means 5th house and 5th Lord both are afflicted with malefic house Lord and malefic Planet, as a result, its indicate delay of childbirth or denial of childbirth.

D9 chart 

Planetary Combination for Delay or Denial of Child Birth in Astrology

  • The fifth house lord is Moon placed in the 7th house (Marak sthan).
  • Saturn placed in the 5th house and aspect its lord Moon.
  • 5th house lord Moon is in Rahu-Ketu axis.
  • No any auspicious planet aspect to 5th house and its lord.  This combination is delay or denial of childbirth.

D7 chart

Planetary Combination for Delay or Denial of Child Birth in AstrologyThe divisional chart of Saptansh gives a deeper insight into matters pertaining to childbirth.

  • 5th house lord Venus placed in the 2nd house and malefic planets Saturn aspect.
  • The fifth house is in the Rahu-Ketu axis. 
  • No any auspicious planet aspect to 5th house and its lord.  This combination is also a denial of childbirth.

1 Comment

  1. Sir
    In above lagna chart –
    1) Jupiter and moon forme Gajkesri yog
    2) Jupiter and Saturn aspects each other ( Nav-Pancham yog)
    3) Jupiter and Mercury ( although enemy planets) making parivartan yog
    4) Saturn of own sign ( capricorn) is not assumed bad, though aspecting 5th house
    5) In this chart saturn is yogkarak planet, hence not bad as well
    6) If mercury is combust then there could be problems and it is also markesh.
    7) In my opinion there looks delay in giving childbirth but i rule out possibility not to have child.

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