Banking, Financial, CA and CS Combinations in Vedic Astrology

Banking, Financial, CA and CS Combinations in Vedic Astrology

Banking, Financial, CA and CS Combinations in Vedic Astrology. Financial facilities are given to the people serving in the bank in many ways, due to which there has always been a craze for this job. If you want to know whether I should be selected for banking service or not? Definitely, the answer to this question can find out through the horoscope.

Today I am going to tell you some astrological combinations by which you can decide whether you should opt for a banking service or not. First of all, you read this article and analyze the planets in your horoscope. If you think that your horoscope promises banking services then you should start preparing.

Primary houses for finance, accountancy & banking services

2nd, 6th  and 10th houses are primary houses for banking services.

First house

The first house represents physical, mental-ability and inclination towards other professions.

Second House

The second house represents money and speech, so this place has special significance for banking services.

Fifth house

The 5th house indicates advice skill, intelligence, higher education and creative skills.

Sixth House

The sixth house represents job, competition and daily routine work, so for success in the competitive examination, this house should be strong. The relationship between the sixth and tenth house is also very important for success in competitive examinations.

Tenth House

The tenth house represents profession, honour and respect. Actually, the tenth house indicates all the questions related to career. For this reason, this house becomes important in determining the career.

Eleventh house –

This is the house of fulfilment of desire so this house is necessary for all types of predictions.

Banking, Financial, CA and CS Combinations in Vedic Astrology

Banking, financial, CA, and CS services Combinations in Horoscope

The following astrological combinations will determine whether a person will work as an officer or a clerk in the banking service.

  1. Mercury and Jupiter in the 4th, 5th or 10th house increase the chances of a job in banking, commerce or finance.
  2. If Jupiter, Mercury and benefic planets are situated in the eleventh house or its lord triangle, then the person will work in the banking industry.
  3. If the lord of the fourth or ninth house is situated in the sign of Mercury or Jupiter and is having a relationship with the tenth house, then such a person can make a career in the banking sector.
  4. Sun represents Government If Sun is present in the above combination and is in Leo sign in 10th or 11th house or exalted in Aries, such a person will work in Public/Public Sector Banks or even IMF on top positions.
  5. If Mercury or Jupiter is the lord of the fourth, ninth, fifth or tenth house and aspected by the ascendant, then the person is associated with an economic career.
  6. When the lord of the sixth house is in relation to the ascendant, Lagna or the second house, then such a person is associated with the banking sector.
  7. If the planet Venus is in any way related to the second, fourth, ninth, tenth or eleventh house and also with Mercury or Jupiter, then the person works in the banking sector.
  8. When a person is born in Sagittarius and has an aspect to Sun, Mercury or Venus, then the person desires to do a job in the banking sector. If Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are together in a strong position, the native is successful in banking services. Wealth yoga in horoscope
  9. The native of any ascendant and having relation with the second, fourth, fifth, sixth, ninth, tenth and eleventh house or the lord of the house, the person will definitely get success in the banking sector.

Banking, Financial, CA and CS Combinations in Vedic Astrology

Example Horoscope:-

  • Date of Birth:– 28:06:1968 
  • Time of Birth:– 16:00:32
  • Place of Birth:– Patna, Bihar 

Planetary Combination of Banking, Financial, CA and CS Sector in Astrology

The aforesaid astrological factors for Banking, Finacial, CA and CS services are illustrated in this Birth Chart.

 Analysis of the above horoscope

In the above horoscope, the person is working in the bank. Now you can see the conjunction of planets for banking service in this horoscope.

1 Ascendant Mars is situated in the 8th house with the lord of the 10th, 11th, 12th, 7th and 8th houses.

2. Mercury, Mars, Sun and Venus aspect to the second house.

3. Sun and Mercury are situated in the same house created “Budhatiya Yoga”. Here Mercury is in his own house.

4. The lord of the sixth house (service house) Mars and the tenth house lord Sun are together in the eighth house and aspect to the money house, so such a person works in banking service.

5. The lord of the 2nd house Jupiter is situated in the 10th house and also aspects 2nd, 4th and 6th house, it is a very good combination for banking services.

6.  Mercury aspect 2nd house from 8th house and Jupiter aspect second, fourth and sixth house from the tenth house.

Banking, Financial, CA and CS Combinations in Vedic Astrology

  1. The tenth lord Mars is together with the 2nd, 3rd, 4rth and 5th lords in the 12th house and all these planets’ aspects to the 6th house are an indication of a banking job.  
  2. 6th and 9th lord Jupiter placed in the 2nd house and aspect 6th,8th and 10th house this is a very positive sign regarding his career. 

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