Abroad Travel and Settlement Yoga in Vedic Astrology

Abroad Travel and Settlement Yoga in Vedic Astrology

Abroad Travel and Settlement Yoga in Vedic AstrologyAbroad Travel and Settlement Yoga in Vedic Astrology. Now a day’s everyone has a dream to travel abroad. One first question that comes in mind, is it possible for me, if yes then why and how will it be possible? For what purpose/ reason I will go to abroad? There are many possibilities’, like for pursuing Education, service, business, permanent settlement, tourism or pilgrimage journey, diplomatic, government assignment, marriage with foreigner etc. Now question arises in mind who will give the answer to my question. I think astrology can give a quiet satisfying answer, so one should approach to an astrologer for that purpose.

An Astrologer can guide you about your confusions like foreign settlement, foreign education etc. There are many astrological combinations related to abroad or foreign settlement is present in astrology. An astrologer can predict about foreign travels at the time of birth, when you will go to abroad on the analysis of your birth chart / horoscope.

Abroad traveling has become more common these days due to globalization, there are many foreign companies called MNCs that hire people from India, even the movement of students abroad for higher studies has increased to a great extent. So let’s know about the possible astrological combinations for abroad travel.

Related Houses for abroad travel and settlement

As the classical text and commentary mention a few scattered planetary combinations in this respect . According to Astrology 3th, 4rth, 7th, 8th, 9th or 12th houses of every horoscope represent foreign travel and settlement.


3rd House – Signifies short journey and also house of 12th from 4rth house

4th House – Signifies birth place`s house

7th house – Signifies journey and foreign settlement

8th House – Signifies change in profession etc.

9th House – Signifies long journey and fate

10th house – Signifies career or profession

12th house – Signifies foreign land house

Promise and timing of traveling abroad

If the above mentioned houses are connected to each other like 4th lord (home) and 12th lord (foreign house) with 10th lord (career, profession) it means the native will travel foreign for career and permanent settlement is possible on foreign land.

If 5th, 9th and 12th house are connected to each other, then people will go abroad for attending seminars, lectures or educational purposes.

When the main period or sub period of planets owning or occupying these houses or there is connection of period Lord with above said signifying houses ( 3rd, 4th, 9th,10th, 12th) there may be abroad travel.
Even the transit of Saturn, Jupiter and Rahu from these houses facilitates foreign travel.

Double transit of Saturn and Jupiter on foreign house will give auspicious result.

Abroad Travel and Settlement Yoga in Vedic Astrology

Important Rule for abroad travel and settlement

4th house and Lord from Ascendant, Moon Sign and Pada Lagna also must be afflicted by malefic planets like Saturn, Mars, Rahu etc.

Rahu and ketu connection with 4th house and lord from both lagna .

If 4th house is afflicted by malefic planet or 4rth Lord is placed in 6th house, 8th house, or 12th house in the horoscope the person will leave his native place to settle abroad.

Rahu and ketu axis is in 12th house from both Lagna.

Rah and ketu axis is in 12th house from Pada Lagna also and connection with 4rth house and lord from pada lagna.

Ketu situated in 12th house (House of foreign land).

If the Moon itself placed in quadrant, Cancer or Pisces sign, exalted or own house in 8th, 9th or 12th house, or Trikon especially in 9th house foreign travel is sure.

If 4rth house lord placed in 12th house and 12th house lord in the fourth house the native will settle abroad.

9th Lord placed in 12th house It means fortune from abroad so the native will go abroad and living in sage heritage because 12th house is 4rth from 9th house which is house of pilgrimage.

If dispositor of Moon connected with 9th house and Lord, 12th house and Lord the native also think for abroad travel and at last he will fulfill their desire.

Majority of planet placed in movable sign in Kendra and Moon must place there.

If 5th house and Lord connected with 12th house or Lord the person will go to foreign country for the purpose of studies. If 10th Lord is also connected then the native will go for studies and after that do job also.

7th houses and Lord signifies frequent travel, trades and foreign country also so 7th house or 7th Lord Connection to 9th house or Lord and 12th house or 12th Lord the person will go away from native place.

Now we would illustrate further through horoscope of native who traveled abroad and had residence in foreign countries.

Example Horoscope

DOB: 21 September 1970,  Time: 21:45,  Place: Mumbai

Abroad Travel and Settlement Yoga in Vedic Astrology
1. Above mention horoscope Ascendant Lord Venus placed in 6th house with 8th lord Jupiter and aspect to 12th house (House of foreign).

2. 10th lord Saturn placed in 12th house (House of foreign).

3. Ascendant lord Venus aspect to 10th lord Saturn and foreign house.

4. 4th house is also afflicted with three malefic planet Mars, Rahu and ketu.

5. 12th and 7th House lord Mars is placed in the 4th house.

6. 9th house (House of long journey) lord Saturn is placed in foreign house.

7. Foreign house lord Mars is associated with Rahu ketu axis.

The person always visits to foreign county for professional reason. Profession house lord Saturn placed in foreign house and Ascendant lord Venus aspect to Saturn so native visit abroad for work in this horoscope. Horoscope of the native fulfills many rules which is already mention.


  1. Hello sir namaste.. My regards to you. Sir when i will be able to settled down in foreign country in which year sir? And in which direction. Thank you sir

  2. dear janvi
    janvi according to your horoscope some abroad settlement yoga is available. for time and direction I have to see many varga and other thing in your horoscope. for detail prediction you can contact me through email.

  3. Hi, my date of birth is 01-06-1995 time 5:55 am place kadapa Andhra pradesh . Any chances of staying abroad.

  4. My name is manu . Date of birth-18/10/1982.time 10:25 am.place of birth- yamunanagar, haryana, india.do i have forein travel yog in my horoscope

  5. I strongly feel many planets in 8 the house. also indicate sure travel to foreign country n settlement in foreign.

  6. I strongly feel many planets in 8 the house. also indicate sure travel to foreign country n settlement in foreign.

  7. I am Manogaran. Date of Birth 22 Jun 1977 time 4.30am place of birth Chengalpattu, Tamilnadu. Do I have any chance of long term or settlement in foreign country.

  8. Sir, I am Manogaran. Date of Birth 22 Jun 1977 time 4.30am place of birth Chengalpattu, Tamilnadu. Do I have any chance of long term or settlement in foreign country.

  9. Hi. I would like to know do I have strong chance of migrating overseas to a western country such as USA.

    DOB: 22/05/1995
    TOB: 10:43 AM
    Birthplace: Singapore

  10. I have already had some short term visits. Please let me know will I get a chance for settling in foreign country.

  11. Dear Sir,

    I am trying to move to abroad for research oriented studies(PhD) since past 2 years.Let me know the chances.

    DOB: 09.03.1987
    Time: 19:20 PM
    Place: Mandya,Karnataka,India

  12. Hi Sir,

    Name: Kunal Hasija
    DOB: 14/10/1987
    Time: 07:05 PM
    POB: Sonipat Haryana

    I am trying for foreign settlement from past 2-3 years.
    Can you please help me if its there in the chart.


  13. Hi Sir,

    Name: Kunal Hasija
    DOB: 14/10/1987
    Time: 07:05 PM
    POB: Sonipat Haryana

    I am trying for foreign settlement from past 2-3 years.
    Can you please help me if its there in the chart.


  14. Namaste

    Are there any chances in my career for foreign settlement? If yes then when.

    Name-Shashank Sharma
    Time of birth-17:35

  15. Thank you but I am about to give up because nothing has worked out positive so far.

  16. Possibility of settlement abroad.
    I was studying and working in Ireland up until 2019, but relocated back to india. Is there a possibility for me to settle back again.
    Name: Shikhar Sharma
    DOB: 11/12/1991
    Place of Birth: Kanpur
    Time: 20: 40 PM

  17. Will i get able to travel for education in the US in 2021? My DOB is September 8, 1995. 5:50 PM, Manila

  18. Redpected Sir,
    My Name Atun, Female
    Date of birth: 7th December. 1986
    Place: Farwaniya, Kuwait
    Time: 1:00 pm Kuwsit Time
    I want to know when will i settle aboard as I have submitted my file for PR Canada but still no response.. Please guide me

    Thank You

  19. Redpected Sir,
    My Name Atun, Female
    Date of birth: 7th December. 1986
    Place: Farwaniya, Kuwait
    Time: 1:00 pm Kuwsit Time
    I want to know when will i settle aboard as I have submitted my file for PR Canada but still no response.. Please guide me

    Thank You

  20. Hi my name is lagan
    Dob 22.11.1999
    Time of birth 6:40 pm
    Place of birth new delhi
    Is there foreign settlement there in my life ??

  21. Greetings sir. I want to pursue a masters degree in US. Will i get able to travel for education in the US in 2021? My DOB is September 8, 1995. 5:50 PM, Manila. Thanks.

  22. Hello Sir, My DOB is 4th July 1974 and place is Delhi. Can I settle in abroad?

  23. Respected Sir,
    My Name Mannu Sharma Male
    Date of birth: 4th July. 1974
    Place: Delhi
    Time: 18:15
    I want to settle abroad. I got multiple offers but could got finalized. Can you please let know how much chances are there for me?
    Thank You

  24. Redpected Sir,

    My Name : Praveen Kumar,
    Date of birth: 5th March. 1988
    Place: Bangalore, India
    Time: 12:32 pm IST Time
    I want to know when will i settle in aboard and get married. Please guide me sir. Thank you.

  25. Hello sir its me Khusi Sijapati From Nepal My dob is 2003/08/10… Time is 10 :15..I wanna know whether when will i go to abroad???at which year and how it will be?there

  26. when will i settle abroad
    name shree
    dob 11.06.1982
    time 05.50 am
    place mumbai

  27. Sir , my date of birth is 2/4/1980 and time is 7.15 and birth place is Barabanki ( u.p.)
    Do I have foreign settlement yoga as I am trying to settle abroad in 2021 ?
    Please reply

  28. Sir , my date of birth is 2/4/1980 and time is 7.15 and birth place is Barabanki ( u.p.)
    Do I have foreign settlement yoga as I am trying to settle abroad in 2021 ?
    Please reply

  29. Namaste

    Can you please predict thru my kundali whether I have foreign settlement yoga?
    DOB – 28th August 1989, Birth time 2.30 AM, birthplace – Davangere, Karnataka

    Nakul Naik, Male

    Thank you in advance

  30. My dob is 14 August 1990,2.00 am at banur,punjab
    When i permanent settle abroad?

  31. Sir i have Aquarius Ascendant. Mars in 4th house. Jupiter-Ketu in 6th. Sun-mer-venus-Moon in 11th. And Rahu-Saturn in 12th on capricorn sign. What are my chances of settling abroad? and what would be time frame ?

  32. Sir, my date of birth is 2/2/1983 and the time is 7.30 morning, birth place is Gwalior( M.P.)
    Do I have foreign settlement yoga as I am trying to settle abroad? Please reply. that will be a great help.

  33. _/\_ Sir

    Name: Alka
    DOB: 22 jan 1979
    Time: 6:20 AM
    PLace: renukoot, UP

    Are there any chances for foreign study and settlement?

  34. My name is Navnitkaur dob 13/06/1995 is any foreign settlement possible as I am trying past 1.5yr?

  35. Hello sir
    My name is Sanjana Sood.
    Date of birth is 27 December 1999
    Time of birth is 08:32 PM
    Place of birth is Ludhiana,Punjab,India

    Will i settle abroad ? Is there any remedy

  36. Dear Sir,

    My Date of birth: 22/10/1991, Time : 10:27 pm, Place: Delhi

    Please tell me will I be able to settle in abroad after marriage?

  37. Hello

    Name :- Pritish Ghosh
    Date:- 01/05/2005
    Time :- 00:50
    Place :- kolkata, West Bengal

  38. Hi sir, my name is Ramaswamy born on 7th April 1987 at 9.20am at kesavaram, Andhra Pradesh. Sir I want to know my foreign chances in my horoscope. If it is there when will be the time

  39. When Will I settle abroad ? Or only for business purpose? Dob-2/2/1979, Time- 9.02am, place – Mumbai.

  40. Name: priya Yadav
    Dob: 03/12/1993
    Time: 4:20pm
    Place: nanded
    Foreign travel is there in my kundli… Please reply

  41. Sir My DOB – 04/12/1992 and time is 23:20

    Place of birth is – AURAIYA (U.P.)

    Please let me know my foreign settlement prospects, please request you

  42. DOB : 17-02-1996
    Time : 11:47AM
    Place: Gorakhpur I wish to pursue my Master’s from abroad and work there. Is it possible for me?

  43. Respected Sir,
    My Name Bhagyavi
    Date of birth: 8th July. 1990
    Place: Visakhapatnam, Andhrapradesh
    Time: 4.30 Am
    I want to know when will I settle abroad and get married,can you please let me know if there is a any chances to settle abroad.
    Regards ,

  44. Very nice and unique explanation!
    My DOB is 23.8.82
    Amritsar Punjab
    9:17AM Is there any scope of foreign settlement in my horoscope?

  45. Respected sir,
    I’m sapna Multani from haryana. My d. O. B is 15 Nov 1994 11.50am , birth place-Delhi, tialk vihar .could you please tell me when I will go abroad and my exact time of travel??

  46. Hello Sir
    Very nice explanation! My DOB is 23.8.1982
    09:16am Amritsar Punjab..Is there any foreign settlement or career good in India only?

  47. Hello Sir,

    My name is Rohit Gaba from Chandigarh
    Birth place : Sirhind , punjab
    DOB: 25-09-1988
    Time is 7.30pm

    My wife name is Ahana Raina
    Birth place : Chandigarh
    DOB: 19-12-1991
    Birth time : 4.15AM

    My question is simply can we settle abroad permanently and in which country and which year ???

  48. Hi. I would like to know do I have strong chance of migrating overseas to a western country such as USA.

    DOB: 18/02/1979
    TOB: 01:16 PM
    Birthplace: Delhi

  49. Hello sir namaste.. My regards to you. Sir when i will be able to settled down in foreign country in which year sir?
    Brijesh Malik

  50. Hi,
    DOB : 16-12-1986
    Birth Place : Thane, Maharashtra
    Birth Time : 05:20 pm
    Will I settle abroad after Marriage?

  51. Hello Sir
    Very nice explanation! My DOB is 23.8.1982
    09:16am Amritsar Punjab..Is there any foreign settlement or career good in India only?

  52. Hello Sir
    Very nice explanation! My DOB is 23.8.1982
    09:16am Amritsar Punjab..Is there any foreign settlement or career good in India only?

  53. Sir my date of birth is 16-03-1993. Is there any change of Canada settlement?

  54. Hello Sir!! My name is Ashish Soni.
    DOB: 6 July 1996,
    POB: Mahoba, Uttar Pradesh, India.
    TOB: 08:03 AM
    Can I go for MS in the US or Canada, and then later settle in there?

  55. Name- NISHI
    Dob: 31/12/1994
    Time: 9:40 AM
    Place: Mumbai, Maharashtra
    Is Foreign settlement after marriage there in my kundli… Please reply

  56. Hi Sir, can you please tell me if I have chances for foreign settlement and when it will happen
    Name: Shivangi Nigam
    DOB: 01 Dec1992
    Time 11:07 am
    Place Hardoi, Uttar Pradesh

  57. My Name is Anurag Prasad.
    Date of Birth – 22/07/1999
    Time – 20:42pm
    Place Kolkata.

    Is there any chance of foreign settlement, will i get visa approved.

  58. Myself Hari
    My date of birth 14-08-1996
    Time 1:40PM Bilimora gujarat india
    Can you check my foreign yoga

  59. Sir, my name is pragya dob is 23july 1988,time 5:07am,place narsinghpur M.P, do I have chances to settle or go for study abroad?

  60. Is there foreign studies in my life and if there is foreign studies then when is it?
    Name:Vedant Modi
    Date of birth:27/02/2004
    Time of birth : 14:46
    Place of birth: dhanera, gujarat,india

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