Second Marriage Combination in horoscope

Second Marriage-minSecond Marriage Combination in horoscope. Everyone have one dream to spent lifelong happy married life but sometimes this dream come true but sometimes this dream does not come true and marriage end up in divorce or separation. If more than one marriage or divorce or sepration combination present in your horoscope /natal chart/ kundali  then only possible of remarriage. So that it is very clear that Second marriage is possible only when your first wife or husband will death or divorce. There are many planetary combinations for Divorce, widow and widower is become in the horoscope of the person. 7th house is the main reason behind marriage, divorce and second marriage.  There are some yoga in your horoscope will explain that you will have a separation or divorce with your life partner. If any planetary combination is present in your horoscope then can be predict that your second marriage is possible.

Now first question is that how to know second marriage prediction, it can predict with the help of Astrology.  7th house in the horoscope is the house of MARRIAGE so that 7th house, 7th house Lord and benefice or malefic aspect on 7th house is the most important thing for marriage or second marriage prediction. There are so many planetary combinations are available in astrology that is used to explain second marriage in astrology.


Marriage or second Marriage related House in Horoscope

Ascendant or Lagna –   self

2nd house/lord-                family life and longevity of spouse,

                                              Second marriage house

7th house/lord –               Marriage house, wife or husband

9th house/lord-                 significator of second marriage

11th house / lord –            fulfill of desire              

Jupiter –                             Significator of husband in female chart

Venus –                               significator of wife in male chart

 Sign –                                  Dual Sign Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces

Some important parameter for Second marriage 

  1. If dual sign Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are present in the 7th house and its Sign Lord Mercury and Jupiter situated in any dual sign then second marriage is possible.
  2. 7th and Ascendant lord both are placed dual sign in Navamsa and natal chart.
  3. If two or three malefic planets (Saturn, Sun, Mars, Rahu and Ketu) are aspect on 7th house or 7th Lord.
  4. 7th Lord placed in dual sign in natal chart and Navamsa chart.
  5. When Saturn & Mercury are placed in 7th house and two other planets are in the 11th house then the native will get married two times. If somehow the Ketu or Rahu is involved with this yoga so the second marriage will be happen in secret.
  6.  Ascendant lord and seventh lord both are placed either in ascendant or 7th house or in Navamsha but both planets situated in dual Sign.
  7. If the 7th lord from both lagna is in dual sign and conjoined with Venus.
  8.  If the lord of the 7th house is weak or in a retrograde condition and aspected by malefic planets then there is a chance of second marriage.
  9. If the 7th lord and Lagna lord both are placed in dual sign in Eleventh house.
  10. If  7th  lord  is located in bad house  such as 6th, 8th or 12th  and a malefic planets such as Mars, Rahu or Saturn placed in  the 7th house and Venus is in weak position with a natural positive planet then there is a chance of 2nd marriage.
  11. If the 8th lord placed in 1st house or 7th  house and  7th  lord placed in dual sign or any how influenced by malefic planets like Saturn, Mars, Rahu etc so there will be two marriages possible.
  12. If the lords of 2nd house (House of family) or 2nd house Lord and 7th house or Lord are influenced by malefic planets two marriage can be possible.
  13. If the there is malefic planets in 7th house and 7th lord is in dual sign in natal chart or in Navamsa, more than one marriage is possible.
  14. Second marriage is indicated if The lord of the Ninth house is placed either of the houses of second or Eleventh or any how connected to these house.
  15. The Lord of  7th  house or  its Star lord is placed in a dual sign(gemini,virgo,sagittrius,   Pisces) or  if the house Lord is placed in the Nakshatra of dual sign Lord .
  16. The Lord of 7th house is placed either of the houses second (family house) or Eleventh (house of desire) or both.
    Second marriage is indicated if the lord of the second house is also a significator of either of the houses seventh or eleventh.
  17. Second marriage is indicated if the lord of the Ninth house is placed either of the houses of second or Eleventh or any how connected to these house.
  18. If the two or more than two planets placed in the 7th house with Venus (significator of wife) and also present malefic influence on that house more than one marriage possible.
  19.  Venus shoud be placed in dual sign in natal chart or Navamsa chart.

Please note:

Above all rule must be applied from all ascendant/Lagna and Navamsa chart also. If any of the above two or three conditions are not available in your horoscope then second marriage will not possible.

Second Marriage

D-9 Navamsa Chart

Second Marriage

This horoscope belongs to a  smart boy  who was born on 21 July 1954 in Delhi . Gemini  sign is rising in Lagna and  Mercury  being the Lagna lord is placed in Lagn with seventh Lord Jupiter both Lagna Lord and 7th Lord are in Ascendant and even Sign it is clear indication of second marriage . it is also in Rahu ketu axis .

In Navamsa chart again both planet Mercury and Jupiter are placed in even sign and eleventh house again this planetary combination indicate divorce or separation and remarriage .


  1. My birth date is 23-11-1988 so can u tell that my wife come back or not or I will do second marriage and it’s possible or not or I will wait

  2. I am divorced ,when will i get married again. Date of birth:- 3-11-1969. Time of birth:- 13:35 (1:35 pm), place of birth:- Calcutta West Bengal. Now Kolkata.

  3. Name:Riddhi
    Second marriage will possible in my kundli?

  4. Respected Sir
    I’m Mohan Kumar from Bangalore, my dob is 21/01/1984 6:30pm. I am not really happy with my marital life. My wife is dead opposite to me (character vise) she is not a responsible home maker. I’m totally not interested to live with her. Don’t know what to do. Please check my kundali and give me a suggestion to get rid of her, even I’m ready to die to get rid of her.

  5. Hi am Deepa from Mauritius my dob is 10 sep 1993 am married and i have a 5yrs old son. My husband dob is 08 nov 1981. My husband never care or have time for us he always busy with work and his friends,and we have lots of argument with each other,am fed up living with him.. Please what have write in my kundali please tell me

  6. My husband horoscope is as follows, Pls let me know if second marriage is there and if there how to remove that dosha

    12th October 1976 – 8.25 am – Mumbai

    My dob is as follows
    30.09.1976 – 12.30 am-Mumbai

  7. Sir, tomorrow is Holi. Wishing you a very happy and colourful holi in advance.

    Kindly check particularly about my marriage.

    My birth details :

    Date of Birth: 10 February 1981 Tuesday

    Time of Birth: 21:43 (=09:43 PM), Indian Standard Time

    Place of Birth: Bhubaneswar (Orissa), India

    Latitude: 20.13N Longitude: 85.50E

    Gender : Male ; Marital Status : Single

    I am a B.Tech in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering,work as a Software Engineer in Hewlett Packard Enterprise,Bangalore

    I. Related to Marriage and Marital Life :

    Kindly check marriage when, love or arranged marriage. Currently no love affair ongoing.

    ,direction of marriage,marital life, Is there any divorce yog.

    How will be beauty,education,profession,nature,character,wealth of wife.

    How will be the beauty, education,job and nature of my wife.

    How will be my in laws.

    How will be my married life.

    How will be my prosperity post marriage.

    Structure (Fat/Slim etc),

    Colour (Fair/Wheatish/Black etc), Height

    Nature (Polite/Dominating etc),

    Character(Spiritual/Extrovert/Introvert/stylish/Western/Modern etc),

    Education(Well Educated or not ),

    Profession (Engineer/Doctor/Lawyer/Housewife etc),

    Wealth (Belongs to rich family/Middle class etc.)

    and over all beauty (Overall appearance/facial appearance) of my future wife.

    Kindly check with Navamash Kundli,Sashtiamsha chart,Saptamamasha Chart, Upapada Lagna,Arudh Lagna etc.

    Kindly give me some tips on these.(Over phone want to discuss) :

    I opened my matrimony profile 2 months ago nothing is finalized so far.

    1. How can I check I mean what should I see in the girl’s horoscope to decide she will match with me or not.

    2. How to check if the girl had any affair before marriage.

    3. How to check she will not have any affair after marriage.

    4. Please tell me some formulae or shortcut or tips by seeing which I can be sure she will be a good partner for me and can proceed.


    DATE OF BIRTH 26-11-1976

    DATE OF BIRTH 09-12-1987

    DATE OF BIRTH 24-08-1993,


  9. My DOB- 2 SEP1984 place Delhi and time-consuming 2:30 a.m
    Is second marriage possible according to my kundali?
    I filed my divorce case..Case is running process

  10. my date of birth is 7/2/1988
    time is 22.56
    prediction of second marriage

  11. Sir my name is rekha Shukla dob is 19.04.1991tyming 3:00am I hv been separated from my husband it’s been 2year wat chances of my 2nd marriage

  12. horoscope suggests for 3 there any alternate solution so that the other 2 marriages can be avoided and we can have 1 lifelong happy marriage?????

  13. My dob 17/03/1992 time 2:10 pm place palitana mera divorce ho gaya he mera bhavishy kya hoga ?kya meri kundlime do shadi ke yog he?

  14. I am married .abt married life child.have financial loan problem.

  15. Meri kundlime sarkari naukri me yog he ? KB milegi? My dob 21/03/1990 , time 05:45 am , place – sihor

  16. DOB 12-01-1986
    time 7:30 pm eve
    place allahabad
    will i get divorced and have a second marriage?

  17. Meri shadi kb hogi? Mera bhavishy kya he? My dob 17/03/1992 ,time 2:10 pm, place palitana , state – Gujarat, district – bhavnagar

  18. My name si shruthi.. my birth details.. 08/07/1986.. place hospet, karnataka.. time 4: 30 AM..
    Can u plzz tel me wen ll i get marry.. am a divorce.. i suffered a lot frm my last marriage.
    my parents r worried can u plzz help me regarding this.
    Thank u.

  19. Can you please tell me about the yog/s which make second marriage a success. This is a very important point.

  20. My name is madhuri . my birth details 17/03/1992, time 2:10 pm, place – palitana , state – Gujarat , district – Bhavnagar. sir/ mam. Can u plz tell me when ll I get marry.. am a divorce. My parents r worried can u please help me regarding this.

  21. My name is madhuri . my birth details 17/03/1992, time 2:10 pm, place – palitana , state – Gujarat , district – Bhavnagar. sir/ mam. Can u plz tell me when ll I get marry.. am a divorce. My parents r worried can u please help me regarding this.

  22. Name: Sneha, DOB 19th Sept 1982, Time: 12.15 pm, Place Loanavala
    From more than a year I am struggling to get divorce from my husband. I want to know, exactly when can I get the same and get rid of him.

  23. My birth details are
    – Date: 25/07/1987
    – Time: 12:22 PM
    – Place: Amritsar, Punjab

    Someone suggested me not to get married before April 2020. Please provide insights regarding my married life.

  24. My Date of Birth is 12/03/1991…
    Want ot know is there an second marriage in my life

  25. sir
    Very informative article My Dob 24/02/1977 ,9:50 A M,Thiruvananthapuram,Kerala
    8:28 North ,76:57 East ,SEPARATED from wife over last 7 years and divorce petition
    pending in court ,when will i get divorce and is any possibility for a happy remarriage.

  26. My birth details
    Date. 11/11/1989
    Time. 11.40 pm
    Palace. Bidar karnataka

    Comment….. how is my marriage life

  27. sir i am praveen kumar
    my dob : 15-01-1977
    tob : 2.20 pm
    pob : guntur andhrapradesh
    is there two marriage yoga in my kundali and will it frutify?

  28. My Name is Pradeep. My dob is APril 16th, 1984. Time 13:55 PM. Place of Birth” Dehradun, Uttarkhand
    Will I have a divorce and remarriage?

  29. M Divorced when I will be married again?
    DOB 19/8/85
    Time 9:15 am
    Place New Delhi

  30. Please tell me when will I get married… Sonal Mishra 10april 1982 time 10:20 pm birth place Kanpur up….

  31. Please tell me when I will get married my birth details are 10 april 1982 time 10 :20pm, place Kanpur up

  32. Please let me know when will get get married second time? why did 1st marriage failed?

    Do I have any childrens?

    06/09/1988 7:35pm , chennai.

  33. Name : Riddhi
    Birthdate : 10/10/1990
    Birthplace: Ahmedabad ( gujarat )
    Birth time : 1:55pm

    When will i get Married Second time ??

  34. Name : Riddhi
    Dob: 10/10/1990
    Time :1:55pm
    Birth place : Ahmedabad

    Second mairrage kab tak ho jayegi ?




    Time-10:05 PM

    Please suggest about my marriage. I am 34years bacheolar

  36. going through separation… is there chance of second marriage? i have a daughter also.
    1-01-1986, delhi, 1.20pm

  37. Kya meri second merrige ho payegy or kab tak hogy life partner kaisa hoga

  38. I am divorced but have reconciled with my ex spouse. will we get remarried? should i move on to someone else? is remarriage in my chart?

    dob 1/17/1988
    anaheim california
    5:15 pm

  39. I am seperatex from my wife. We have divorced eachother. Is seconad marriage possible for me without any problem.
    Jitendra Dwivedi
    Dob :-14/07/1986
    Tob :-9:15 am
    Pob:- bokaro steel city

  40. I have filed for divorce but would like to reconcile..Is there divorce in my chart…or 2nd marriage ..or I will have to live alone .

  41. M divorced and I have one male kid of 4 yrs and I want to get married for the second time so when and how it will be n how will be my future?

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