Red coral (Moonga) gemstone for Mars planet

Red coral gemstone is used for Mars planets. Red coral (Moonga) gemstone is believed to nullify all malefic effects of Mars planet. Due to this reason Astrologer always suggest to wear Red coral or white coral gemstone especially those who born under that planetary influence of Mars. It is available inside of the sea. It is gelatinous marine animals called polyps. Red corals are organic gemstones formed out of skeletons of individual polyps depositing together to make a colony. It is divided into two categories. viz,  red  and white. Again red is subdivided into three colors namely color  rising sun color and deep reddish. It looks like an underwater colorful plant which keeps growing biologically. It is one of the beautiful and priceless gifts from the sea for the people.

Chemical composition of Red coral

The chemical composition of coral is CaCo3 I.e., calcium carbonate which is a melting stone. This is an organic gemstone made by living sea coral.  Precious coral has relative density of 3.86 and hardness 3.5 on the Mohs scale. Due to its softness and opacity, coral is usually used to make beads.

Source of Red coral

Red coral harvested from the Sardinia and Tunisia. It is found almost all the oceanic parts of the world. It found the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Queensland, Australia, and found off the coast of Washington and the Aleutian Islands off Alaska. The low quality of Moonga found in Japan and china. Italian Moonga is to be the finest quality. It is become deep Red coral with gracious luster.

 Image of Red Coral Ring


Who should wear Red coral

According to astrology Red coral represents the planet of Mars and Mars is protected by using red coral gemstone. As per astrology, if Mars is the Lord of auspicious house like Kendra, trikon or as a Yogakarak planet, but Mars is afflicted, weak. Debiliated, combust or create Mangal dosh in your horoscope than you should wear Red Coral gemstone because Red coral gemstone can remove all type of problem. It is beneficiary for Aries, Scorpio, Cancer, and Leo born ascendant native. if your Mars is well placed in your horoscope and Dasha is start and you want to get benefit than you should wear Red Coral.

Why you should wear Red coral

Question is that why you should wear Red coral gemstone. There are many reasons to wear it. It is to avoid all sorts of evil effects. Whenever anyone suffers from chronic disease, injury by weapons, accident, pimples, loss of finance, bleeding, biting by insects, it may be used for the concerned to get good effect in general. They have the capacity to fight against injustice.  It is also used for early settlement of marriage for girls. It saves persons from any type of litigation. Even though our old book likes parasarai hora, brihat jatak, Jatak Parijat, phala deepika suggested to use Red coral gemstone for good result.

For Example

Dharanigarva sambhutam Biddyutpunja samapravabam 1

Kumarang sakti hastancha lohitangam namamiaham 11

It is useful for enhancing self-confidence, administrative capability and the power of utilizing the rights in social and political spheres. Benefits of wearing Red Coral bring value in deals involving buying and selling of land and properties.

Disease can be cure by wearing Red coral

Red coral Gemstone prevents much type of disease fever, jaundice, stomach problem, anemia, allergies, cough, pneumonia, piles, impotency, typhus, smallpox, bleeding, knee problem, arthritis etc. Children can be saved from diseases like rickets and stomachache, by wearing the red coral beads or malas around their necks. Red coral also cures knee problems, arthritis and rheumatism. Red coral is also used to prevent abortion.

General benefit of Red coral

Red coral removes all obstacles in the way of their fortunes and will give allots of self-confidence, patience, positive thinking, spirit, develop quick thinking ability, health and wealth, property especially Land, courage, support of sibling, tolerance, repay of loan etc. so that you should wear red coral  gemstone.

After wearing May solved many type of problem related to their profession, finance, litigation and family problem. Mars create Mangalic  dosh this is dangerous for family life so wearing red coral you can resolve their Mangalic  dosh related problem. It also brings forth the bliss in a married life.

Red  coral and success in defence or police service

Mars  planet known as a commander-in-chief of the nine planets in astrology because Mars is significator of courage, energy and war. If Mars is in good position in your horoscope and any how related with 10th house or 10th Lord than you can join in defence or police department. So if you want to start service in police or defence department I assure that the success to be your partner in your way if you wear Red coral gemstone.

Method of wearing of Red coral (Moonga)

Red coral gemstone should wear in the following condition:–

Day          —- Tuesday.

Hora        —-  Mangal.

Paksha    —-   Sukal.

Tithi         —-   Purnima.

Nakshatra —-  Mrigasira, Chitra, Dhanistha.

It should be set up in a ring made of Gold or silver on Tuesday. The weight of the Red coral gemstone should not be less than 5 rattikas. The gemstone should be of 6, 8, 9, 10, or 12 rattis will give you good result. It may be worn on the index finger or ring finger of the right hand. It you don’t want to wear ring than you can wear as bracelet or malas also.

First you keep in gangajal with unboiled cow milk, honey, Akshat and red sindur after an hour or according to suggestion by astrologer wash it.  Put the gemstone on Red cotton, Burn incense sticks to Name of Mangal Devta Bajrangbali and pray in front of your God Panchmukhi Hanumanji  that I am  going to wear the representative gemstone Red Coral  to have Blessings me. You should chantmantra at least 108 times and wear it in the ring finger of the right hand.

  Image of Mars Yantra 

red coral

Mantra for Red Coral

  1. Om kram, Kreem, Kraom, Sah Bhaumaya Namah:    10000 times
  2. Om Am Angaarkaya Namah:  70000 times


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  2. Dear Sir, My DOB is 24/05/1977 and place of birth is Jullundhar, Punjab. Time of birth is 9:01pm(21:01hrs). I am suffering from multiple health problems such as obesity, sugar, BP.There are always obstructions in whatever I do and I face employment problems regularly. I am a sailor.I currently wear yellow sapphire, Pearl, Ruby, Aquamarine, and Red coral. I am gaining weight continuously in spite of loosing up to 15 kgs at a time.Someone told me that it is due to yellow sapphire. I am wearing silver snake ring in middle finger for Karsarp yog. Please, advise, correct combination of stones for me. Thank you.

  3. Can we wear a coral ring after sun set on a tuesday in purnima tithi

  4. Hello Sir,
    My DOB is 20-08-1985 at 11:50am. on Tuesday. Sir kindly help me about the career perspective and which gem stone to wear for the better future.
    Regards, Madhu

  5. Sir my DOB is 30/10/1973, born at 08.56 am in Mumbai. Please advise correct gemstone for progress in business & for financial and health benefit.


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