Mercury Transit Sign Date and Day 2020 | Budh Gochar 2020

Mercury Transit Sign Date and Day 2020 | Budh Gochar 2020. According to Indian mythology, Mercury represents intellect and education in the birth chart. There is two sign of Mercury Gemini and Virgo in Astrology. The relationship between the two zodiacs is between four and tenth. The planets Sun and Venus are the friends of the Mercury. Moon is their enemies. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are in the form of the neutral planet for Mercury. Mars is debilitated in Pisces and exalted in Virgo sign.

If auspicious Mercury is situated in the own zodiac sign, exalted or in the triangle in horoscope then such a person will definitely enjoy all the pleasures in his life journey especially in education path. Such a person becomes a scholar with logical intelligence. He does a job very efficiently. Before working, he certainly introduces his intelligence skills. He will receive honour and achievement in society and their family.

Significator of Mercury

Mercury is the significator of intellect, education, teaching, mathematics, speech, reasoning, astrology, writing, publishing, theatre, accountant, business, business, textile business etc. Mercury has authority over the nervous system, brain, gland, skin, neck, tongue, intelligence etc.

When Mercury give Auspicious Result 

If Mercury is the lord of the inauspicious house and placed in the Kendra or triangle then it will produce a bad result but if it is lord of the auspicious house and placed in Kendra or triangle then produce an auspicious result in their transit time. Supposed that you’re a Capricorn ascendant and Mercury placed in the 9th house and in the transit period Mercury also transit in 4th house then the native will get a very good job.

Transit Planet 2019 Transit Sign Transit Starting Date Transit  Ending Date Transit Starting Day 

PlanetTransit SignDayStarting Date 2020Transit Ending Date 2020
MercuryCapricornMonday13 Jan31 Jan
Mercury Aquarius Friday31 Jan 7 April
Mercury PiscesTuesday7 April 25 April
Mercury AriesSaturday25 April 9 May
Mercury Taurus Saturday 9 May 25 May
Mercury Gemini Monday 25 May 2 August
Mercury CancerSunday2 August 17 August
Mercury LeoMonday17 August 2 Sep
Mercury VirgoWednesday2 Sep22 Sep
Mercury LibraTuesday22 Sep28 Nov
Mercury ScorpioSaturday28 Nov17 Dec
Mercury Sagittarius Thursday17 Dec —–

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