Foreign travel and settlement in Vedic Astrology

Foreign travel and settlement in Vedic Astrology

Foreign travel and settlement in Vedic  Astrology.

Everyone has a dream to travel abroad but the question comes to mind will I also go if yes then why and for what purpose/reason? There are many reasons such as business, education, service, permanent settlement, tourism or pilgrimage, diplomatic, government assignment, marriage with foreigners, etc.

Whether there is a combination of planets in your Kundli for going abroad or not, can be ascertained only by analyzing your Kundli. Your Kundli is able to find out whether you can go abroad or not. If yes, then for what purpose you will go, you can know through your horoscope.

At that time traveling abroad had become very common as many foreign companies called MNCs provide employment opportunities. This company gives training in India or abroad and then posts abroad.

Foreign travel and settlement in Vedic Astrology

Houses for Foreign travel or settlement

As the classical texts and commentaries refer to the combination of some scattered planets in this regard, the area needs to be looked at to meet new dimensions. According to astrology, the combination of planets for foreign travel is studied in the 3rd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, or 12th house of the horoscope.

  • The 12th house represents the foreign house.
  • 3rd house indicates a short travel house and the 12th  from the 4th house.
  • The fourth house is the house in the place of birth.
  • The seventh house is the house of travel and foreign accommodation.
  • 8th House indicates change.
  • 9th house signifies a long journey and Fortune.
  • The 10th house is the house of career or profession.

Promise and timing of traveling abroad

  • If significative houses are conjunct with each other like the 4th lord (home) and 12th lord (foreign house) with the 10th lord (career, profession) then it means the native will travel abroad for carrier and permanent residence there.
  • If the fifth, ninth, and twelfth houses are related to each other, the native will go abroad for education or lectures.
  • When the lord of these houses or the main dasha or sub-dasha or dasha lord of the acquired planets is related to the above reading house, then foreign trips can take place.
  • Even the transit of Saturn, Jupiter, and Raha through these houses gives the facility for foreign trips.
  • The double transit of Saturn and Jupiter abroad will give auspicious results.

Some important parameters for Foreign travel

  1. Malefic affliction on the 4th house and Lord of the 4th house from Lagna chart, Moon chart, and Pada Lagna also.
  2. Connection of Rahu and Ketu with 4th house and 4th Lord from both Lagna.
  3. If the 4th house is afflicted by the malefic planet or the 4th Lord is placed in the 6th house, 8th house, or 12th house in their horoscope the native will leave his native place to settle in foreign land.
  4. Rah and Ketu axis is in the 12th house from both Lagna.
  5.  Rah / Ketu axis is in the 12th house from Pada Lagna also and connected with the 4th house and lord from pada lagna.
  6. Moon itself placed in Kendra, cancer or Pisces sign, exalted or own house in 8th, 9th or 12th house, or Trikon, especially in 9th house foreign travel is sure.
  7. 4rth lord placed in 12th house.
  8. Ketu was placed in the 12th house of the foreign land.
  9. The 9th Lord was placed in the 12th house It means fate from abroad so the person will go abroad and live in the guru Ashram because the 12th house is 4th from the 9th house which is the house of pilgrimage.
  10. Dispositor of the Moon must connect with the 9th house or 9th Lord, 12th house or 12th Lord.
  11. A movable sign in Kendra and Moon must place there.
  12. Any connection with the 5th house or Lord to the 12th house or Lord the person will go to a foreign country for the purpose of studies. If the 10th Lord is also connected then the natives will study there and do jobs also.
  13. The 7th house and Lord signifies frequent travel, trade, and foreign country also so the 7th house or 7th Lord Connection to the 9th house or Lord and the 12th house or 12th Lord the person will go away from the native place.

Now we would illustrate further through the horoscope of natives who traveled abroad and had a residence in foreign countries.

Date of Birth 10-11- 1956,  Time of birth – 23:45,  

Place of birth – Rohtak, State – Haryana

Image of horoscope


The lord of the ninth house (Venus) is the ruling journeys abroad is placed in the house of foreign and also associated with the 11th house, the house of desire and financial gain,(profit), the person fulfills their desire through the journey to foreign lands.  The 4rth house is also afflicted by the malefic planet Saturn, here Saturn is the lord of the ascendant and 12th lord, and the 12th lord significator of foreign house lord is 4rth house and the 4rth lord is also placed in the 12th house it is created


She works in a foreign country and earns money from there.  The lord of the long/abroad journey and resident from the 9th house, Venus is conjunct with Saturn lord of the ascendant. The native always goes on foreign tours with his boss. Moon is placed in the 5th house associated with Ketu. Moon and Venus 9th and 4th lord is forming close conjunction. Here is a very interesting combination In this horoscope is that the 9th lord is in the 12th house, (house of foreign land ) from both (ascendant and moon) Lagna.


  1. my date of birth is 26 october 1983 time 4;15 am and place Nepal, kathmandu do i have foreign travell and settelment ,please let me know .
    thank you

  2. my date of birth is 26 october 1983 time 4;15 am and place Nepal, kathmandu do i have foreign travell and settelment ,please let me know .
    thank you

  3. Mr. sureshji
    According to your horoscope foreign travel and settlement is possible.


  4. Mr. Suresh ji
    According to your horoscope your foreign travel and settlement is possible.

  5. HI , my name is Avadh Pundir born on 4th April 1986 at 8:20am in Saharanpur India.
    When I will be able to travel and settle abroad. Thank You.

  6. Hello, my date of birth is 18.08.1988, time 11:30 p.m., place New Delhi. Do I have a settlement in abroad on permanent basis? or would I eventually move back to homeland.

  7. Will I get seat for ms in foreign county?
    Date of birth:2/1/1994

  8. My name is Piyush khosla. My DOB is 14 April 1988 and born at 3:15am. I am living in Canada from past 4 years.Can you please tell me will I able to settle in Canada permanently ?

  9. My name is Piyush khosla. My DOB is 14 April 1988 and born at 3:15am in Chandigarh, India. I am living in Canada from past 4 years.Can you please tell me will I able to settle in Canada permanently ?

  10. Can you read my kundali in detail guru? It will be appreciated if you do so ..about my marriage time ..abroad settlement and my life in head ..i have been told that my kundali has many ups and down life .it has mangalik yog ,kalsarp yog .priti yog etc

  11. Sir

    Name G.BHASKAR RAO ,Time 4:15 am ,,Place- Jamshedpur,DOB-14/06/1989

    Sir pls tell ,When i will get job in abroad.there is any yog in my kundali . which time i will go.

  12. Dear Expert Sir Dr. Deepak ,

    Please help me with the details of Foreign Settlement . My birth details are as below .

    Shakti Prasad Tripathy
    DOB is 6th September 1982
    Time is 7:12 PM
    Place is Bhubaneswar , Orissa

    Rasi is Meena
    lagna is Meena
    position of planets

    Moon in LAGNA
    Rahu in 4th house
    Surya and Sukra in 6th house
    Saturn and Mercury in 7th house
    Mars and Jupiter in 8th house
    Ketu in 10th house

    Kindly analyze and please tell me if I have a Foreign Settlement and if Yes then at what age.

    Awaiting your kind response .

    Many thanks

  13. for detail analysis of horoscope get professional appointment.

  14. foreign travel in your horoscope is not very clear but you can try in 2015 to 2016 or through MNC.

  15. yes,problem should be come, favorable time will start from July 2015 .

  16. Thanks for the reply sir. i didn’t understand yet. d1 and d9 simultaneously? or should i check the above things in d1 first then d9 separately?
    if you can check my husbands kundali that would be great.
    We are here in USA from 7 years and planning to settle here only. if you can check this thing that would be really great.
    Here are the details.
    Name: Jeetesh Srivastava
    DOB: 11 July 1984
    place : Mirzapur ( U. P.)
    Time: 12:30am

  17. Dob: 18/11/1986
    Place:New Delhi, India
    Time: 20:13
    Kindly let me know if there’s a foreign settlement chance and when will it happen

  18. Dear sir my wife apply for usa familly visa presently in srilanka next year we wii get result please let me know any chances to settle usa or other country dob 21/07 /1976
    Time 7:06 pm
    Birth place : kandy.srilanka

    Time : 11.32am
    Birth place : chilaw.srilanka


    Time : 3:24pm
    Birth place : chilaw..srilanka

  19. Swati please clear 11july night or 11 july morning if 11 july morning than you should right 00:30 . so clear it.


  20. first confirm me for right timing of birth confirmation
    1. you should be in job.
    2. any break in education.
    3. you should be married.
    4. you are hardliner in own field .

  21. first confirm me for right timing of birth confirmation
    1. you should be in job.
    2. any break in education.
    3. you should be married.
    4. you are hardliner in own field .

  22. Hi,

    DOB : 29-Jan-1986
    Time: 2:06 PM
    Place: Hassan , Karnataka, India

    Kindly let me know the possibilities of settling in foreign lands as well as the favorable time.


  23. Date of birth – 6-march-1988
    time – 9:25 AM
    Place – kapurthala (punjab)
    Dear sir
    Is any possibility in my chart to marriage in foreign land?

  24. Dear Sir

    is there any chance of foreign settlement ?
    And also married life? when will i marry and will it be good?
    my details are as below:

    date of birth : 5-August-1982
    time of birth : 5:32 pm
    place of birth : new delhi

    thank you in advance!

  25. my dob is 24.12.86 time :-7 am place:- budaun (U.P) .
    Is there a chance of foreign settlement and if yes when will it be?

  26. my date of birth is 06 Augest 1987 time 4:30 am and

    place settlement, Andhra Pradesh do i have foreign travel and settlement ,please let me know .
    thank you

  27. my date of birth is 06 Augest 1987

    time: 4:30 am and

    place : Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh

    do i have foreign travel and settlement ,please let me know .

  28. my date of birth is 06 Augest 1987

    time: 4:30 am and

    place : Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh

    I am planning apply USA visa for this time, Can i get USA visa and work over there? ,please let me know .

  29. Maanya
    27 feb 1987
    02:07 am
    Sri Ganganagar (Rajasthan )
    Sir plzzzz help i am in fashion designing if I can settle abroAd

  30. i want to now that if i have foregin travel in my astrology
    date of birth -19-05-1995
    time 17:43 pm
    nalgonda ,andra pradesh

  31. Sir,

    My D.O.B is 09/09/1980, Place – Ara, Bihar, Time 1:33 PM. kindly assist me whether i can go outside india for job or not as i am trying right now. is it a favorable time for me.

    Thank u for helping people.

    Rajeev Kumar

  32. swati you will settle there, but in this time transfer or change is also possible Feb to Aug is not mentally peaceful time.

  33. Hello Sir,

    I am in UK currently with my wife and daughter and looking for permanent settlement abroad from India to any country. Is this looks possible for me and by when it is possible.

    My details are as below:
    DOB: 21/09/1983
    TOB: 6:50 PM
    POB: Farrukhabad, India

    Please advise.

    Thanks very much for your help.

    Udghosh Garg

  34. Dear Deepak,

    I have been in US since Feb’11; now got struck in a very serious problem which is personal in nature. This is terribly affecting my departure from here.

    Pls suggest can I travel back to home or any hopes for departure from this country in near future?

    D.O.B: 24-May-1980
    Time: 7.07 am
    Place: Mangalore, Karnataka

    Presently undergoing Rahu Mahadaha (Sun bhukti)
    Rahu – 4th house
    Saturn(lord of 9th & 10th) – 4th house
    Mars(lord of 7th & 12th) – 4th house
    Jupiter(lord of 8th & 11th) – 4th house

    Pls advise. Thanks!

  35. sir myself sharvari saraf
    birth time :16:20
    rashi :tul
    birthdate :15.01.1996
    will I get chance to make my career at abroad orelse whether I will settle up abroad
    I am currently doing CA n need to know of my chances for futher education abroad .. plz help me sir …

  36. Dear sir,
    My DOB is 9/2/1978 at 22.53 Indore, MP
    my husband’s DOB is 19/11/76 at 3.25 am nagpur, maharashtra.

    We are currently in U.S. would like to know if we will settle here?
    Kindy help!


  37. Maanya according to your kundali no strong combination present in your horoscope but after marriage can be possible.

  38. through MNC you can get chance after april change in place or job is possible.

  39. Sir, my DOB is 27/12/1988 and time of birth is 6:56 (AM), place is lucknow (UP) , will i ever go to abroad? if yes then when?

  40. my date of birth is 06 Augest 1987

    time: 4:30 am and

    place : Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh

    I am planning apply USA visa for this time, Can i get USA visa and work over there? ,please let me know ?

  41. Dear Deepak Sharma,

    How to avail your paid astro services? Pls suggest. Thanks!

  42. Mr. Prashanth presently your Dasha is Rah /sun Rahu is in 4rth house and Sun is in the lord of 4rth house in lagna with 5th lord(lord of love) and also own Nakshatra so according to horoscope you should come back home.

  43. Mr. Lokesh you should apply visa and hope very soon you will be should wear pearl and red coral stone.

  44. Sir m kind of lost in my career path so now i am looking to move abroad for a better future
    Please suggest if it is good according to my kundli
    16 Nov 1986
    Sri Ganganagar Rajasthan

  45. Hello Dr,
    Am presently working in the UK and would like to know if I can settle here permanently.

    D.O.B- 11/11/1984
    Time: 18:54
    Place: Mumbai (India)

  46. Dob: 27/11/1990
    Time: 00:04
    Kindly let me know if there’s a foreign settlement chance and when will it happen

  47. Mr. Prashanth for paid astro service all information available on my website like Question Desk and Bank detail.

  48. Mr rajshekhar only one question is free of cost . get profession appointment.

  49. When will i go to foreign..??
    My DOB : 29/07/1991
    Time : 06:10:10 Sec
    Place: Chennai,Tamilnadu

  50. Dear Dr.Deepak Sharma,
    Time: 10:20am
    Place: Chikmagalur, Karnataka
    We are planning to go U.S. and would like to know if we will settle here?

  51. Respected Deepakji,

    with your Good consciousness and wisdom which you possess Kindly let me know if there’s a foreign settlement chance or foreign travel in my kundli. My wish is to settle in USA or European country. will this wish get fulfilled. I had never travelled abroad. Thanks in advance.
    D.O.B- 2nd may 1982
    Time: 23:45pm
    Place: Alwar Rajasthan (India)

  52. when will i go to foreign ???
    d.o.b: 27-04-1992
    time :21:24
    andhra pradesh

  53. Abroad settlement for either of us.

    bharati dsouza
    4 january1973
    00:50 (am) (midnight of 3rd jan)

    kenneth dsouza
    15 february 1970
    08:59 am (self deduced as mother remembers 9am siren going off after birth )


  54. Minu you have chance to settle in foreign land but you will have to face something problem also.

  55. Mr. Vik you have ask multiple of question my website allow only one question is free if you know everything then get profession appointment.

  56. Sir,
    my date of birth is 28 July 1980, and i wanted to know my chances for foreign settlement careerwise

  57. D.o.b:04/04/1992
    Place:Hyderabad ,andhra Pradesh ,India
    Recently married to a guy who works abroad
    I have been there but since he got shifted to other city and I was jobless there
    Will I go to foreign again and will I get a job over there
    Married on 23 may 2014

  58. Time:16:25
    Place:Hyderabad ,andhra Pradesh ,India
    Recently married to a guy who works abroad
    I have been there but since he got shifted to other city and I was jobless there
    Will I go to foreign again and will I get a job over there
    Married on 23 may 2014

  59. dob; 1st december1994
    tob: 00:30
    pob: virar
    current place:mumbai
    will i settle abroad?

  60. Hello Deepak Sir,

    MY DOB : 14th March 1989
    Place: Mumbai
    Time: 11 AM

    Please let me know if there is foreign settlement in my horescope and in which year
    I wish to settle abroad from May 2015 onwards. If it is possible now? or later in life?
    Kindly let me know


  61. Hello dipak sir,plz help me.
    Name : Jai, male
    Dob : November 6 , 1989
    Time : 8 : 45 AM
    Place ahmedabad ,gujarat
    Plz tell me when i am going to settle permanently in foreign land? Year nd month if possible.. bcoz m facing so much trouble right now.

  62. Mr. Mahesh according to your horoscope marriage in foreign land is possible, some hurdle will come you can try for that.

  63. According to your horoscope you can try.
    pls give this question’s answer
    1 you get any loan or give money for interest to anyone since Apr2013 to till now.

  64. According to your horoscope you can try.
    pls give this question’s answer
    1 you get any loan or give money for interest to anyone since Apr2013 to till now.

  65. According to your horoscope presently your Venus Mahadasha is going on ven is in 12th house this is the house of foreign due to this reason
    you always think about that try time is going on but not very strong combination. you will have to hard work for abroad.

  66. According to your kundli your dasha is going on Rah mahadasha and Saturn Antardash Rahu is placed in 12th house house of Foreign and sat is the lord of profession so that you think for abroad but keep in mind you will start from below than expectation. wear gomed for good career.

  67. yes,you should be try for permanent settlement. after April be conscious for health. health problem can be possible.

  68. Namaskar Dr. Sharma,

    I am Anil: Here are my details
    DOB: 30 Nov 1983
    Time : 15:45
    Place: Puri (Odisha)

    Kindly let me know long foreign travel and settlement there?


  69. travel is possible but a very few chance for permanent settlement.

  70. Mr sai according to your kundali after May 2015 is favorable time for you . you should try the best.

  71. Miss Bhargavi according to your horoscope ve/ke dasha is going on so short journey is possible. after May 2016 is very good time for settlement but always keep in mind up down in your career is possible. you will settle on the base of husband.

  72. Miss Raksha your current place is Mumbai but where is your birth place you have not note down. so first you complete all information.

  73. will i go to foreign..??

    My DOB : 29/07/1991
    Time : 06:10:10 Sec
    Place: Chennai,Tamilnadu

  74. Namaskar Dr. sharma ji

    I am Roma and here are my details :
    DOB – 1988 Nov 10 Thursday Morning at 1:35 am Kathmandu
    Please kindly let me know when I am going to settle permanently in foreign land?
    after marriage I can go foreign land or before marriage ? there is foreign settlement in my horoscope or not please kindly tell me.

  75. My dob is 15-7-1987, 07:07 am, Bangalore, Karnataka
    Is there any chance of foreign travel before. 2016..?

  76. Hello Sir

    My DOB is 21/06/1989 Time 04:30 PM

    Do i have chance to travel abroad & Settle for long time kindly update
    requesting you

    Waiting for your valuable reply


  77. Namaskar Dr. sharma

    I am roma my dob is 1988 nov 10 Thursday morning time 1:35 am in Kathmandu
    according to my kundali which year I can go to foreign country?


  78. Namaskar DR. Sharma

    My name is roma & my dob is 1988 nov 10 Thursday morning 1:35 am in kathmandu. according to my kundli which year I can travel to foreign country? waiting for your reply.


  79. Hi,

    I am Kunal Mhaske, dob Sep 27th 1983, time 4 30 AM and place of birth Akola, Maharashtra. I am in USA and from past few months and not doing well. Facing lots of challenges for job and visa status. Do you think I have any scope in foreign settlement? Not sure i would like to settle in India at this time. Please guide me.


  80. Do i have chance to travel abroad ?

    Birth details :
    DOB – 29-07-1991, Male
    Time : 06:10 AM
    Place of Birth : Chennai, Tamilnadu

    Kindly reply ..

  81. Will i get foregin option to travel.

    Date of birth -09 jan 1981
    Time : 12:50AM
    Place puttur

  82. Is there any chance of going to usa? my family is there only.
    And do i go for there for job or some else reason?
    My name is Kaushik Patil.
    D.O.B:- 18/feb/1997.
    Birth place:- Jalgaon.
    Time:- 20:12

  83. Sir, do I have a chance of foreign settlement. My details are as follows:
    dob:15th nov 83, time: 10pm (22:00), place :jamshedpur. My husbands details are as follows: dob:14th aug 81, time: 12:55 am (00:55), place :delhi

  84. DOB: 26/05/1982, time: 18:15:10, place Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

    Any chance for me for Foreign Settlement….??

  85. Namaskar Guruji,

    Please inform if foreign settlement is possible for me considering following details :

    Would love to hear from you.

  86. Namaskar Guruji,

    Please inform if foreign settlement is possible for me considering following details :

    Would love to hear from you.

    Thank you..

  87. My Birth date is 6th june,1991.Time 12.20 pm and place is chennai.Whether i have possibility for settle in foreign country?

  88. dOb – 31 jan 1985
    Place of birth – mumbai
    Time – 11 am

    Any possibilty i ll settle down permanently in UK / US?

  89. Jai shani dev, respected Sir had asked for quick outlook regards my foreign settlement.pls reply..

  90. dob 20.9.1992
    pob Chennai
    tob 10:02

    will i settle abroad after marriage?

  91. date of birth -20.9.1992
    time of birth – 10:02 am
    place of birth -Chennai

    Sir, my parents are groom hunting and i just wanna know by any chance will i settle abroad ?

  92. My D.O.B is 03/09/1953 Time 05.02 a.m. Place Delhi, Sir, Any chance my foreign settlement, if yes, when? Regards.

  93. Hello sir, My dob is 21/05/1988. Time: 8.05 am. birth place : Bangalore, Karnataka. Recently i had been to UK for the short trip. Now i am planning to settle in UK. so applying for jobs from India. What are the chances of me settling in UK this year??

  94. your time is start now. This is good time for foreign travel. from oct 2015 to may 2016 be very conscious about your career.

  95. your time is start now. This is good time for foreign travel. from oct 2015 to may 2016 be very conscious about your career.

  96. why not from march 2015 your traveling time is start . but not easy need hard work for that .if you are in job transfer is also possible.

  97. Hi,
    I am Kunal Mhaske, DOB Sep 27 1983 and time 4 30 AM, Place of birth Akola in Maharashtra. I am having lots of issues these days and not sure whether i will be able to settle in abroad or not. I am already in USA and facing difficulties. guide me where is my settlement though i m trying hard in job also but not getting success.


  98. My DOB is 22-02-1985.
    my TOB: 19:54 Hours (7:54 PM)
    Place of birth: New Delhi
    Current City: Bangalore

    I recently had short trip to foreign land. As i am currently running Ketu Dasha, would i be getting any further opportunities to visit foreign land for work and money.
    Is there at all a chance that i would settle there for 2-3 years.

  99. hi master,
    I am grateful to find this website. I am currently making a huge decision of my life, which is to move abroad or stay in my country. My boyfriend is a british and he invite me to move to the UK so that we can live together and we plan to get married. I lived abroad twice ny chance, but i am not sure if i have the destiny to live long term there. Should i marry abroad?
    My dob is 6th jan 1983, born in kuala lumpur malaysia, time 9.08am. Hope you can give me some advice. Thanks very much

  100. Thank u so much for ur reply sir…probably not possible before September as I am getting married by June- asked u bfore 2016..anyways thanx a Lott for replying

  101. Hello sir
    My name is pushpinder kaur, date of birth is 03-01-1989 time 03:15pm place of birth is jagraon Punjab pls tell me …can I settle in abroad? …and when I go to abroad?…after marriage or before marriage
    Pls reply me….

  102. DOB : 03/05/1994
    TOB : 16:45
    Place of birth : Hisar,Haryana
    Please tell me if education from foreign land is favorable for my future and are there any chances of foreign settlement for me.
    Would love to hear from you.

  103. My dob is 10 November 1987 and time of birth is 1:50 am. My place of birth is Srinagar (j&k) . I am planning to settle abroad. Will this come true soon and when would it happen if so?

  104. dear kunal your Rah/ve dasha is going now in this period transfer change in job or place possible . foreign travel and settlement possible but not easily .

  105. dear kunal
    your Rah/ve dasha is going now in this period transfer change in job or place possible . foreign travel and settlement possible but not easily .

  106. Dear Dr. Sharma
    My dob is 19th April 1975. Time 22:05. Place : Mumbai
    Please advise whether I will be able to settle abroad and when approximately.


  107. My details are as follows.
    DOB : 03/05/1994
    TOB : 4 : 50 pm
    Place of Birth : Hisar,Haryana
    I am planning for pursuing my studies abroad.
    It would be really helpful if you could tell me whether foreighn education is good for my future and are there possibilities of foreign settlement.
    Would love to hear from you.

  108. dear vishnu

    your 4rth,12th and 10th lord are placed in 2nd house house of wealth and lagnesh also aspect from 8th this combination encouraging you for travel abroad. for more detail analysis of your horoscope I have to work on related divisional chart and I request you to get in touch with me at website.

  109. Sir, My DOB is 06/02/1992 and time is 12:28 (PM) and place of birth is Lucknow (UP), I am trying go in merchant navy since 3 years but somehow it’s not happening, i have really lost hope, but i really want my career in this field, sir please tell whether i will be able to pursue my career in merchant navy?

  110. sir,
    my DOB is 10.06.1990,time: 09:49 Am,plaece: tanuku,westgodavri dist,AP
    planetary Positions:
    Ascendant : Cancer
    sun: 11th house(Tarus)
    moon:6th house(sagittarius)
    mars:9th house(pises)
    mercury:11th house(tarus)
    jupitor:12th house(gemini)
    venus:10th house(aries)
    saturn:7th house(capricorn)
    rahu:7th house(capricorn)
    ketu: 1st house(cancer)

    sir can u help me when will i get job,abroad chances and about carrier
    i am searching for job ………

  111. My details are as follows.
    DOB : 18/05/1986
    TOB : not sure
    Place of Birth : Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

    I am planning to move abroad, probably this year or next year through my job. Kindly let me know will it be possible as per my horoscope.

  112. dear hiren
    your horoscope 4rth and 7th lord are in the house of foreign due to this reason you always think about abroad that combination motivate you for more detail analysis of your horoscope I have to work on related divisional chart and I request you to get in touch with me at website.

  113. sarojini

    according to your horoscope 4th, 5th 10th lord are in the 12th house this combination is good but for more detail analysis of your horoscope I have to work on related many divisional chart like d10 etc and I request you to get in touch with me at website.

  114. parul

    Moon aspect to sat lord of foreign house due to this reason you think about this traveling can be possible for more detail you touch with me through website.

  115. sir,
    my dob is 10.06.90,TOB:09:49 AM:POB:tanuku,westgodavari dist,AP
    when will i get job,will i go foreign, how about my carrier .my planetary positions are

    ascendant: Cancer
    sun: 11th house
    moon:6th house
    mars:9th house
    mercury:11th house
    Jupiter:12th house
    Venus:10th house
    satrun :7th house
    rahu:7th house
    kethu:1st house

  116. Sir,


    My details are as follows:
    DOB – 08-Apr-1987
    Time – 12:05 PM
    Place – Mumbai

    I have been aspiring to settle in Australia. Will I be able to settle permanently.
    Will I get the job there?

    Thank you.

  117. DOB : 12-Mar-1986
    TOB : 05: 30 PM 17:30 PM
    Place of birth : Delhi

    There are any chances of foreign settlement for me.

  118. Good Evening Master ji

    My dob – 10th nov 1988 1:35 am Thursday in Kathmandu nepal
    My husband is in Australia, according to my kundli can I get dependent visa of
    Australia if I try ?

    thank you waiting for your kind reply.

  119. Pandit ji,

    kindly predict if I or my wife would be travelling foreign this year? details are below.

    Ashutosh Shukla
    23 august 1981
    5:45 PM
    Sultanpur (Uttar Pradesh)

    Pooja Shukla
    16 june 1987
    2:05 AM

    Kind Regards

  120. Gud eve master Ji,

    My dob-1988 nov 10 on Thursday
    @ 1:35 am. at kathmandu nepal
    My husband is in australia, I am going to
    apply for dependent visa after november, will I get visa for Aus? Thank u.

  121. date of birth -10th December,1990
    time of birth – 2:07 am
    place of birth – Hyderabad

    Sir, my parents are groom hunting and i just wanna know by any chance will i settle abroad ?

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  123. In your horoscope 4rth lord is in the 12 th house it good sign so try for that. for detail you can try to talk personally through website or email.

  124. you ask many question simultaneously. free of cost one q is only allow.

  125. lagnesh and 12th lord are together in fate house encouraging your desire good for that.

  126. sir,
    my dob is 10.06.90,TOB:09:49 AM:POB:tanuku,westgodavari dist,AP
    when will i go foreign .my planetary positions are

    ascendant: Cancer
    sun: 11th house
    moon:6th house
    mars:9th house
    mercury:11th house
    Jupiter:12th house
    Venus:10th house
    satrun :7th house
    rahu:7th house
    kethu:1st house

  127. Thank you so much for the advise pandit ji.. One last question, I have been facing so many obstructions, any remedy for it?


  128. Dear Sir,

    My d.o.b : 12/05/1988
    8:35 P.M

    Can you please predict me when is the foreign travel , after marriage?


  129. Dear Sir,

    Sharing my wife’s and mine’s birth details –

    Rishi Mukherjee
    DOB – 19/11/1974
    time – 21:20
    place – Calcutta. west bengal

    Megha Mukherjee
    DOB – 8/8/1984
    time – 13:30
    place – siuri. west bengal

    Would be great if you please kindly spare some time and let us know if there are any chances for me and my wife settling abroad.


  130. sir,
    my dob:31.1.1985 time : 8.30pm
    hyderabad, telangana
    rohini nakshtara

  131. Om Sai Ram. I am waiting for your reply sir.Because, i am getting my groom search are mostly from long distance like U.s ………So i request you to reply about foreign settlement.

    Thanking you

  132. sir,
    my dob is 12th may 1973
    time is 14.40
    place is dehradun

    pl suggest ,will i get a better job in foreignin 2015


  133. try with some difficulties good result can be for more detail analysis of your horoscope I have to work on related divisional chart and I request you to get in touch with me at website.

  134. Sir, i want to ask that is it good to settle abroad for me this year
    my dob : 2 nov,1982
    time 2:10 am
    Place: Dungarpur (rajasthan state)

  135. Hello My birth time is 11 august, 1991 Morning 08:09. Birth place :Ahmedabad
    I want to settle in USA so is it possible ? and if yes when?
    And I will do job for life time or I will do business?
    and when should I marry and to whom?

  136. Hi Deepak
    I wanted to know my chances for settling in a foreign country. I would be very thankful to you if You can help me out with this.
    Dob – 29 July 1988
    Time – 10:10 am
    Place – Delhi

  137. Hello sir ,
    my dob is 25-may-1988
    time 19:30 (7:30 pm)
    Birth place delhi

    Do I have any chance of settling abroad or may be after marriage?


  138. Hello

    My date of birth – 09 Apr 1972 08.00am London, UK. Me and my husband are living in USA but want to move to London, UK. We have been told we will both be more successful in UK.

    When will be the best period of time to move ?

  139. Respected pandit ji,

    Kindly predict for me and my wife.

    Ashutosh Shukla

  140. you can try but first save this job from April can be problem so be cautious about job.

  141. please ask one question only for many query get professional appointment.

  142. Hello My birth time is 11 august, 1991 Morning 08:09. Birth place :Ahmedabad
    I want to settle in USA so when can i try for it?

  143. My date of birth is correct I.e.3rd September 1953 time 5.02 am Delhi

  144. Hello sir ,
    my dob is 9-aug-1982
    time 11:30 pm
    Birth place Cherthala

    when I have any chance of settling abroad ?

  145. Hello, my date of birth is 08.10. 1972 time 01:35 a.m., place Mumbai . Do I have a settlement in abroad on permanent basis? i am trying for Australia

  146. D.O.B: 14/02/1976
    TIME: 4:00pm

    Kindly let me know if there’s a foreign Re-settlement chance in USA this year.

    Warm Regards,


  147. D.O.B: 14/02/1976
    place of birth: PADRA (GUJRAT) INDIA
    TIME: 04:00PM

    Kindly let me know if there’s a foreign Resettlement chance in USA.

    Warm Regrads,

    Hitesh Patel

  148. sir
    my dob is 12th may 1973,
    time 14.40
    place is dehradun uttrakhand

    when will i get a better job offer abroad



  149. Hello sir ,

    My dob is 25-may -1988
    Time 7:30 pm
    Place of birth delhi

    Do I have any chance of settling abroad for work or may be after marriage?

    Ascendent – scorpio
    sun – 7th house
    moon – 11th house
    mars – 4th house
    mercury – 8th house
    venus – 8th house
    Jupiter – 6th house
    Saturn – 2nd house
    rahu – 4th house
    ketu – 10th house


  150. My dob 16.06.1978
    Time: 06.20 am

    Sir, how strong are my chances of going and settling abroad. please advise.


  151. my dob: 17th.may 1990
    time:10pm approximately
    place:chandrapur, Maharashtra
    is there any.chance of.going abroad or.settlement there.
    I cant getting can yes

  152. my dob: 17th.may 1990
    time:10pm approximately
    place:chandrapur, Maharashtra
    is there any.chance of.going abroad or.settlement there.
    I nt getting can yes

  153. My date of birth is 26.10.1984. Time is 6.20 PM, born at ulhasnagar, mumbai. Will I be able to settle abroad with a good base there. Please let me know.


  154. Hello.

    My date of birth is 26.10.1984, 6.20 AM at Ulhasnagar, Mumbai. Will I settle in abroad with a good base there. Please let me know.


  155. Hi my name is yogesh and my birth date is 03 Nov 1989 and birth time is 4 o clock in evening. Birthplace is pune. Sir I am trying for UK, will be settling down in uk is their any chances of me getting jobs in uk. Pls confirm

  156. According to above detail of horoscope you should try for abroad and in future after marriage marriage life can be disturb.

  157. Dear sir,

    My dob is 16.06.1978 and time is 06.20 am. Place is jhansi. i want to settle abroad alomg with my husband and kids. Is there any possibility. Pl advise.


  158. Dear sir,

    My dob is 16.06.1978 and time is 06.20 am. Place is jhansi. i want to settle abroad alomg with my husband and kids. Is there any possibility. Pl advise.


  159. Dear SIr, Did you get a chance to go through our details. Would be great if you kindly take a look and share your valuable thoughts. Thanks.

  160. DOB: 27th September 1976, time 9:38 pm, place udupi in karnataka.. i am trying to migrate to Australia. will that work? or can you advice.

  161. guruji
    my name chaxulkumar patel
    birth time :4:24pm
    birth place : Himatnagar(Gujarat )
    which time is best for me to go abroad and which county is good for me ?
    i would like to go for education

  162. dob:18 dec 1987

    query: can I have foreign travel yoga in my horoscope,if yes when?

  163. Hello sir, please help me..mera naam rakhi. Hai 26-10-1984 birth time 14.30pm place -Balaghat Madhya pradesh india hai. Plz bataye ki abroad mai settlement hai ya shaadi ke baad settlement hona possible hai.

  164. In your horoscope 10th and Lagan lord are in the house of six and aspect to foreign house due to this reason you always think about abroad that combination motivate you for more detail analysis of your horoscope I have to work on related divisional chart and I request you to get in touch with me at should try, after October 2015

  165. According to Rishi horoscope lagnesh Moon in kendra and lord of 12th house is in the house of 4rth motivate to settle in abroad you try but I think it is not easy for you for more detail analysis of your horoscope I have to work on related many divisional chart like d9 or d10 etc and I request you if you know detail then get personal appointment.

  166. DOB: 27th September 1976, time 9:38 pm, place udupi in karnataka.. i am trying to migrate to Australia. will that work? or can you advise.

    havent recieved any details yet pls waiting for your reply

  167. Sir, i want to ask that is it good to settle abroad for me and when . I am facing financial problem in business.loss of money and fear
    my dob : 2 nov,1982
    time 2:10 am
    Place: Dungarpur (rajasthan state)

  168. Name Pranav Anand
    birth time :10:57pm
    birth place : Saharanpur(UP)
    I am planning for permanent settlement in Canada. Will it be fruitful and whether I would stay there permanently with my family?

  169. hi sir my date of birth is 24-4-1991 and time is 4-55 pm. please tell me that will go to foreign for job or not.

  170. hi sir my date of birth is 24-4-1991 and time is 4-55 pm. please tell me that will go to foreign for job or not. place andhra pradesh

  171. sir. my details are

    22.45 pm
    chennai born.
    kindly let know if i will work and settle abroad and will it be running saturn daha and venus anthra now.kindly let know the period supporting my settlement in a foriegn country.thanks

  172. plz clarify my astrology march 12 1989 morning 7.57 in india andhrapradesh vizianagaram srungavarapukota

  173. sir ,d.o.b of my son is 6-3-1988 and timings are 4.10 am please tell me when are the changes of his marriage


  175. Sir,my son D.O.B is 6/03/1988 timings 4.10am at malad (w) mumbai please tell me when he will get marry

  176. Thank you sir….
    Can you please share your thoughts about my Wife Megha. Her birth details are also shared above.
    How can I get personal appointment. I stay in Bangalore.

  177. Sir I want to know can I go abroad for permanent settlement. .
    D.o.b -21-05-89

  178. when will i go to foreign?
    d.o.b: 05-05-1982
    time :06:10 AM
    andhra pradesh

  179. Hi ,
    DOb-9th dec 1989
    Is there any chance of going abroad or settling in abroad??if so when…

  180. Name samriti
    D.o.b 21-05-89
    Sir please tell me can I go abroad for student base or permanent settlement

  181. amarpreet and jagpreet both date of birth is same but name is change why.

  182. after may 2015 favorable dasha will start but gochar is not favorable but try for best. he is Manglik also.

  183. Sir, my husband also filled it up for me. Please advise my chances of settling abroad. Please do respond.

  184. Sir, Kindly reply

    Name Pranav Anand
    birth time :10:57pm
    birth place : Saharanpur(UP)
    I am planning for permanent settlement in Canada. Will it be fruitful and whether I would stay there permanently with my family?

  185. According to horoscope it is not easy for you to abroad settlement.

  186. According to horoscope it is not easy for you to abroad settlement.

  187. Sir I want to settle in abroad my date of birth 8/12/1991 birth time6.45pm birth place Nagpur Maharashtra

  188. Sir my D.O.B is 06-03-1988 time is 4.10 am place malad (west) maharashtra mumbai is there any chance to settle in abroad

  189. Name Himanshu
    birth time :15:33
    birth place : Delhi
    I want to permanently settlement abroad. Will it be fruitful and which direction from India will I settle?

  190. Name :aarush sakhuji
    Dob : 5/8/1993
    Time: 6:12 pm
    Place: delhi
    Sir I want to know wether I would be able to settle in abroad . I have Australia , New Zealand and Canada in option. So can u please indicate the direction of my travel and will I do a business or job there and I have my family over there.

    Thank you

  191. My husband’s name – Judhajit Mukherjee.
    Date and place of birth – 8th My 1970…Kolkata
    My name – Rukmini Mukherjee
    date and place of birth – 10th January 1977…Kolkata.

    I want to settle abroad but my husband doesn’t want to.He’s into IT industry..if he requests he will definitely get an onsite position.I want to know if i can make him settle in Seattle,USA in 2 years time..Pls help as i badly want to stay there.


  192. Name Harinder Singh
    D.o.b 12 /feb/1989
    Birth -patiala (punjab)

    Sir can you tell me I can go permanent resident canada……

  193. My name is Ashish Joshi and DOB 13-8-1982. Birthtime 8.05 pm.

    Any opportunity for foreign travel/Job.


  194. Amarpreet

    According to your horoscope permanent settlement in abroad is not easy for you try for short time.

  195. According to your horoscope permanent settlement in abroad is not easy for you try for short time.

  196. Sir, if I go would I have trouble in settlement. ya yeh bhi ho sakta hai main thode time ke liye jaaon aur fir aa jaaon aur fir chale jaaon. Please bata dijiye

  197. Sir, my date of birth is 12.08.1975 time 22:07 p.m., place Mumbai . Do I have a settlement in abroad on permanent basis? i am trying for Australia

  198. Name :aarush sakhuji
    Dob : 5/8/1993
    Time: 6:12 pm
    Place: delhi
    Sir I want to know wether I would be able to settle in abroad . I have Australia , New Zealand and Canada in option. So can u please indicate the direction of my travel and will I do a business or job and I have my family over there.

    Thank you

  199. DOB: 12/05/1991
    Place: Lucknow, UP
    Time: 00:20 am

    I have applied for masters degree abroad. Is there any chance i”ll be selected and go abroad for education? Going through a very bad phase right now in education/job area. When will this time change in favor of me?

  200. Name :aarush sakhuji
    Dob : 5/8/1993
    Time: 6:12 pm
    Place: delhi
    Sir I want to know wether I would be able to settle in abroad . I have Australia , New Zealand and Canada in option. So can u please indicate the direction of my travel and will I do a business or job and I have my family over there.

    Thank you

    Sir please reply

  201. Sir my DOB -12 August 1975 time 22:07 pm place Mumbai
    Do I have permanent settlement yog in Australia we r trying for it at present

  202. Sir my dob 12 August 1975 time -22.07 place Mumbai
    When I have settlement abroad chance I am trying for Australia at present thx

  203. my DOB is 20/10/1992 1;42am at vijayawada india,
    is there any chances of going australia in current year?

  204. Sir,

    I need your consultation sir.I have done a mistake.I mistakenly took head bath in amavayasa(today-18/4/2015).My parents are alive sir.Is this is a blunder mistake.What kind of pariharam have to do to clear it?.

  205. Sir please reply to my queries also I have been posting them from so many days

  206. Hi sir,

    Please tell me if we will settle in USA..

    My details –
    Name – ruchi shivhare
    Dob- 22 july 1983
    Place – Jabalpur,M.P
    Time- 10.05 am

    My husband’s details-
    Name – sandipan Bhattacharjee
    Dob- 19 nov 1981
    Time – 7.05 am
    Place- agartala, tripura

    Thank you

  207. Sir, If in short term will it be fruitful and how long will I be able to remain in foreign country.

  208. hi sir please tell me that i will get job in foreign country or not. your answer will help me a lot. my dob is 24-4-1991,
    time is 4-55 pm.
    place of birth: pithapuram,ap.

  209. Aarush sakhuji
    According to horoscope your abroad settlement is possible.

  210. Mr. Mohan you should try for job but not easily possible.

  211. Sir, my date of birth is 12.08.1975 time 22:07 p.m., place Mumbai . Do I have a settlement in abroad on permanent basis? i am trying for Australia Please please reply thank you very much in advance

  212. Vartika you have ask multiple question my web allow one question only .
    in present your ve/Rah dasa is going on this is not good time but ve is the lord of 5th house promise the admission but not easily with struggle so keep patience and be positive.

  213. My dob is 2/11/1982 place dungarpur rajasthan at 2am.when to go foreign is better to me?

  214. Sir my dob is 23-10-1996 time- 5:17 place- ludhiana(Punjab)
    Plz tell me do I have settlement yog in America.

  215. Sir my daughter dob-20/12/2001 time -22:47 pm place Mumbai
    Please advise at what age she will migrate permanently to foriegn country please reply

  216. Sir my dob is 23-10-1996 time- 5:17 a:m place- ludhiana(Punjab)
    do I have settlement yog in America.

  217. Sir,
    My dob is 16.03.1983, time- 17.45 hours (5.45 PM) place- burhanpur , Madhya Pradesh,
    Please tell me if I have ‘yog’ to settle abroad in Europe successfully permanantly or not.

    Lagna : simha
    Nakshtra: revati
    Raasi: keen


  218. your fate is concern with foreign land but not good yog for settlement.

  219. hello sir im plaining to go abroad and settle there.
    my date of birth:- 19-1-1991
    place:-hyderbad andhra pradesh
    time:- 6:05 am

  220. Sir, please let me know if me and my husband will settle in usa

  221. Sir please reply I am waiting for your kind reply sir pls its important

    Sir my daughter dob-20/12/2001 time -22:47 pm place Mumbai
    Please advise at what age she will migrate permanently to foriegn country please reply

  222. Dear Sir,

    My DOB is 11-March-1984.11 .45 PM,India.Will i get any job in Dubai in near future?

    Please advise.

    Thank you .

  223. Hi Sir,

    Below mentioned are my details:
    Name: Deepali
    Birth time: 6.48 AM
    Birth Place: Jalgaon, Maharashtra

    Please tell be if I have ‘yog’ to settle abroad successfully or not and will it be beneficial to me and our family?


  224. Hi Sir,

    My DOB 07/09/1984 time 2:40AM place :Chittoor ,Andhra pradesh.

    Please tell me do I have yog to work in abroad for long term like US or UK or any other countries.

    Kiran Kumar

  225. Hi sir,

    please find my details,
    Name: Deepali
    DOB: 30/10/1978
    Birth time: 6.48 AM
    Birth Place: Jalgaon, Maharashtra

    Please tell me if I have ‘yog’ to settle abroad and will it be beneficial for me and my family?


  226. Sir,
    My date of birth is 23.05.1995
    Time is 10.16 am
    N place is Mumbai.
    Will i be able to settle abroad?

  227. Hi Sir,

    My dob:18-01-1988 at 1.05 am (place:Hanmakonda, Andhra pradesh). Could you please tell me is there any chance for me to settle in abroad.

  228. My dob 19/nov/1979
    Tob: 23:15
    Pob: Delhi, India
    Husband dob: 01/may/1977
    Son Dob: 04/april/2008
    Please tell me if we have chances to settel abroad…. Kindly reply

  229. sir, My DOB – 31/03/1963, time- 06:05 AM place – Mumbai

    My Husband -18/11/1962, time- 07:30 PM place- Jasdan Rajkot Gujarat

    At present we are in Sydney Australia on PR since 2011
    Please inform we will stay permanently in Australia/ foreign country or will come back to Mumbai


  230. Hello Sir,

    Will I ever visit any foreign country. If yes when for how much duration?
    Please find below my required details:-
    Name- Alok
    D.O.B- 30th Jan 1985
    Place- Ujjain
    Time – 10:40 AM
    Please help me Sir, as I am getting very much depression. I have not yet got the chance to visit any foreign country and it is more than 5.5 years I have been in IT industry


  231. Distribute 1 time meal to few poor and needy people and make sure they
    eat the food with satisfaction.

  232. Thanks for your reply sir, so it means I can permanantly settle abroad in Europe .


  233. Sir, I was born on 10 dec1998 ,00:20 am jodhpur (rajasthan) . I would like to know about my higher studies abroad and settlement.
    Thank you.

  234. DOB is 10th January 1985
    Place is raipur, CG, India
    Time is morning 8:30
    Is foreign settlement possible if yes , when?

  235. Respected Sir,
    My D.O.B. is 28/03/1989, Time – 6 A.M. Place – Kolkata, India.
    Can I go foreign travel for my job?

    Thanks & Regards,
    Animesh Naskar

  236. Hello Sir,

    Will I ever visit any foreign country. If yes when for how much duration?
    Please find below my required details:-
    Name- Alok
    D.O.B- 30th Jan 1985
    Place- Ujjain
    Time – 10:40 AM

    Kindly reply it with appropriate solution.
    Have A Great Day Sir.

  237. my dob 25 sept 1983 ,time 9:07 am , place ratnagiri maharashtra.

    pls tell me if there is any chance of permanent foreign settlement and when

  238. According to horoscope you should be stay there some chance to come back so if you want to stay there then my advice to both pray Hanumanji on Tuesday and Saturday together.

  239. Hi Sir,

    Below mentioned are my and my husband’s details:
    Name: Deepali
    Birth time: 6.48 AM
    Birth Place: Jalgaon, Maharashtra

    Name: Ajay
    DOB: 11/12/1973
    Birth time: 20.30 PM
    Birth Place: Chalisgaon, Maharashtra

    Can you Please tell if we would be able to settle for long term in foreign country and will it be beneficial for us?


  240. Dear Sir,

    My D .O.B is 11-March-1984.Time 11 .45 PM,Kerala India.Will i get any job in foreign country or will come back to india?

    Thank you

  241. Respected Sir,
    I am waiting for a long time to travel abroad(USA).
    Could you please tell me whether I will be settle in USA/ which time will I go abroad this year?
    Name: Anirban
    DOB: 14 – OCT – 1985
    Time: 09:15:00 AM
    Location: Raniganj, West Bengal, India.

  242. Also,
    Both Jupiter(3rd) and Venus(11th) are debilitated, Saturn(1st) which is Scorpio, Lagna Mars(10th), Ketu (12th) and Rahu (6th ), Mercury(12), Sun and Moon(11th). I hope this will help.

  243. Respected Sir,

    I would request your kind advise with respect to my chances of getting settled abroad, especially US..
    DoB: 20 July 1979
    Time: 8:16 PM
    Place: Jamshedpur

    My Spouse
    Name: Priyanka Dey
    DoB: 14 March1988
    Time: 4:05AM
    Place: Badaun

  244. Sir,
    I was born on December 10 1998. I would like to know if I could go to abroad for my higher studies. I was born in Jodhpur,Rajasthan.

  245. Dear sir,
    My DOB is 10th january 1985.
    Time is 8:30 in the morning.
    Place is Raipur (C.G.), India.
    Would you please tell me if I have any chances of settling abroad?

  246. Hi Sir,

    Below mentioned are my details.Please let me know when i will be travelling abroad.Thanks.

    Date of Birth : June 1,1989
    Time : 6.10 AM
    Place : Nellore,AndhraPradesh

  247. Sir,

    I am Sarojini, i finished my studies in 2012.My parents started searching for my spouse but still i am not getting married.So Please give me a suggestion for my marriage.Please tell me when I will get married and tell me suggestions for getting married soon.Please wish me for getting good married life.

    My Birth date-06/06/1991
    My birth time -12.20 PM
    My birth place -Chennai.

    Thanking You.

  248. According to your horoscope you would be able to settle for foreign country I think that will not for bad for you. for more detail analysis of your horoscope I have to work on related divisional chart and I request you to get in touch with me at website.

  249. Sir my daughter dob-20/12/2001 time -22:47 pm place Mumbai
    Please advise will she will migrate permanently to foriegn country and can we send her a rad for studies please reply

  250. Hi Sir,

    My DOB 07/09/1984 time 2:40AM place :Chittoor ,Andhra pradesh.

    Please tell me do I have yog to work in abroad for long term like US or UK or any other countries.

    Kiran Kumar

  251. Hi Sir,

    my DOB is 06-11-1986, birthplace- Calcutta, time 5:45 AM.

    Please tell me do I have yog to work in abroad for long term.


  252. Dear Dr. Deepak,

    Please find my birth detail as given under.

    DOB: 02/03/1982 (March)
    TOB: 20:20 hrs (8:20 pm)
    POB: Delhi

    I request you to please tell me whether i have the permanent foreign settlement yog in my Kundli or not. If yes then when & how?

    Thanks a lot for your attention.

  253. Om Sai Ram. I am waiting for your reply sir.Because, i am getting my groom search are mostly from long distance like U.s ………So i request you to reply about foreign settlement.

    Thanking you

  254. Rajan

    DOB: 07-Nov-1980

    Time: 00:25 AM

    Place : New Delhi

    Sir, 1. Would like to ask about my career. how it would be.
    2. Will I get the name and fame in my life
    3. Santan Yog – First child would be male or female.
    4. Will I able to earn a enough money – mean making my personal property and how would be the finances.


    Thank you

  255. respected Dr Deepak
    My Dob- 26/07/1975
    POB_Bhopal MP
    tob-12:05 midnight

    Do I have chance of settling or working abroad .pl guide.

  256. respected Dr Deepak
    my DOB- 26/071975
    TOB-12:05 MIDNIGHT
    Pl advice for settlement/ work abroad.

  257. My date if birth 26/09/1994…..time 12:46 pm. Male…….fogren travel possible?? If yes when

  258. dear Dr deepakji
    TOB- 12:05 midnight

    pl advice on foreign job prospects.

  259. dear sir… Please reply me…….. will i have a chance to go abroad for a job before end of this year 2015???

    01- june-1993
    00.01 AM
    Panadura- Sri Lanka
    aquarius ascendant

  260. Hi Sir,

    Please advice for settlement/ working at abroad.

    DOB: 12-Jan-1980
    Time: 10:30 PM
    Birth place: Bangalore, Karnataka, India.

  261. Respected sir,
    Is there any chances of traveling UK for at least 1year between July to September this year.
    My Dob – 13/09/1983
    Time – 7:15pm
    Place – Calcutta

    My Husband (Vishal)
    Dob – 13/12/1978
    Time – 9:28am
    Place – Chandrapur (Maharashtra)

    Thank u so much

  262. Will I ever visit any foreign country. If yes when for how much duration?
    Please find below my required details:-
    Name- Alok
    D.O.B- 30th Jan 1985
    Place- Ujjain
    Time – 10:40 AM

    Kindly reply it with appropriate solution.

  263. you can try but not too much strong combination for studies can be possible

  264. good time for job but job in foreign not easy try through MNC

  265. you can try but not too much strong combination for studies can be possible

  266. dob confirmed 26/7/75 time not sure as not mentioned on dob cert. pl guide

  267. Will I ever visit any foreign country for long term or short term
    Please find below my required details:-
    Name- Alok
    D.O.B- 30th Jan 1985
    Place- Ujjain
    Time – 10:40 AM

    Waiting for your reply Sir.

  268. Do I have a chance of settling abroad or working abroad

    Name- Alok
    D.O.B- 30th Jan 1985
    Place- Ujjain,Madhya Pradesh
    Time – 10:40 AM

  269. 25- aug-1991
    birth time-1:15am
    birth place- chandigarh..
    when will i go to abroad?? nd when will i get married

  270. Respected Sir,

    My DOB 30/03/1977 time 11:30 PM place :Rajahmundry ,Andhra pradesh.

    Please tell me do I have yoga to get job in abroad like Gulf or any other countries.


  271. Dear Sir,

    D.O.B ==> 30/01/1987

    T.O.B ==> 6:20 PM

    Is there any possibility to travel aboard for job/work/deputation ?

    Thank you

    Vinay Kumar

  272. Hello Sir,

    My dob:18-01-1988 at 1.05 am Andhra pradesh. Could you please tell me is there any chance for me to settle in abroad.

  273. Sir, my husband’s dob – 14 January 1978, 0740 am, Gudur , Andhra pradesh. He studied in abroad for 8 years for higher education. Now for career purpose, we plan to go and stay for 5 or more years with family. Is this possible?

  274. respected Dr Deepak
    DoB -26/07/1975
    PoB – BHOPAL M.P.
    ToB- 9:30 p.m.

    pl advise for job or permanent settlement abroad.
    regards sandeep

  275. pandit ji,
    Name- prabhjot kaur
    Will i have chance to go to abroad for permanent settlement or not ?and what is good for me

  276. My dob:18-01-1988 at 1.05 am Andhra pradesh. do i have any chance to go to abroad.

  277. Hi Sir,

    .Please let me know when i will going to foreign countries.

    My Details sir,

    Date of Birth : June 1,1989
    Time : 6.10 AM
    Place : Nellore,AndhraPradesh

  278. Dear Sir,

    Do I have a chance of settling abroad or working abroad?

    Name- Alok
    D.O.B- 30th Jan 1985
    Place- Ujjain,Madhya Pradesh
    Time – 10:40 AM

  279. hello sir,
    will i marry abroad and settle there?

    name -mahesh kumar
    date of birth – 6-march-1988
    time – 9:25 AM
    place – kapurthala (punjab)

  280. Namstey Sir,

    I am interested to know as per my horoscope…if i try, will i get permanently settled in Europe or not.

    My D.O.B – 04/04/1983 (4th April, 1983)
    Place of Birth : Calcutta (Now KOLKATA)
    Time of Birth: 20:25 Hrs or 08:25 PM.

    Thanks for your guidance.


  281. Dear Dr deepakji
    TOB- 13:20 Afternoon

    Question:- Is there any possibility of me going abroad for studies ?? Bcz there are financial problems coming in between…pls let me know is there any possibility ?

  282. Hello
    Dear sir
    When I will go abrod
    For studu and settelment
    My DOB: 31/10/1993
    Place: khambhat.gujarat
    Time of birth: 5:30 am
    Plaese sir tell me

    Thank u

  283. dear sir ,

    my date of birth is 26 july 1983 6.45 pm in kerala. please tell me what is my dharma.should i leave india. what is written in my horoscope.pls help. i have had no peace of mind since birth. i have a daughter.

  284. Hello sir
    I’m preeti my date of birth is 12/05/1995 place of birth is hoshiarpur in Punjab and time of birth is 12:15 morning.are there any chances if me getting settled in abroad and if its there then when??
    Thank u sir:-)

  285. Sir,

    My DOB: 27th Oct 1973
    TOB: 12:40 PM
    POB: Baripada (Orissa).

    Pl let me know my chances of settling in abroad.


  286. my date of birth is 16 septmber 1982 time 5;10 am and place Pune,Maharashtra, India do i have foreign travell and settelment ,please let me know .
    thank you

  287. Dear Sir,

    Do I have a chance of settling abroad or working abroad? if Yes when can i get that chance

    Name- Ravi
    D.O.B- 28-04-1984 7:25 pm
    Place- Shahabad, gulbarga karnataka

  288. My dob 19/nov/1979
    Tob: 23:15
    Pob: Delhi, India
    Husband dob: 01/may/1977
    Son Dob: 04/april/2008
    Please tell me if we have chances to settel abroad…. Kindly reply

  289. Sir my d.o.b is 22.11.1988. Time is 11:55pm. Birth place is Ferozepur cantt punjab. Pls tell me when I will go to abroad for higher studies? Pls rply soon. Thanks in advance.

  290. Dear sir,

    My date of birth is 01.01.1977, at 9.35 am in Jorhat, Assam. Do I have a chance to settle in abroad. Kindly let me know. Thank you.

  291. Hi Sir,
    I have traveled to onshore. Want to know if I will be able to stay here for longer period or it will be a short trip?

    Its great to receive your reply. I not being able to express my gratitude to you.

  292. Hi Sir,
    I have traveled to onshore on May. Want to know if I will be able to stay here for longer period or it will be a short trip?

    Its great to receive your reply. I not being able to express my gratitude to you.

  293. Pranam Guruji,
    My name is Priyanka Priyadarshinee
    Date of birth -19/03/1989
    Time of birth-10.40pm
    Place of birth-Balasore,Orissa

    My husband name is Gouri Shankar Giri
    Date of birth-16/08/1981
    Time of birth-09.37am
    Place of birth-Baripada, Orissa

    We both live in Europe and want to settle here in Europe. Is this possible?

  294. Hi my name is poonam
    My dob is 19 th december 1988 and timing is 4 .15 pm and place of birth is chennai
    My husband dob is 12 th november 1987 and timing is 5.15 pm and place of birth is chennai
    Do we have a chance of going to aboard or getting settled over there if yes then when??? Can pls tell me

  295. I would like to know whether I have a chance to go abroad and also when can I go.
    Date of Birth: 11th January 1984
    Time of Birth: 9:50 PM (Night)
    Place of Birth: Ongole, Andhrapradesh

  296. sir,

    birth date– 25-07-1989
    birth time — 09::55 AM
    birth place — Fatehpur (uttar pradesh)

    is there any foreign settlement possible??

  297. Dear sir,
    My DOB is 10th january 1985.
    Time is 8:30 in the morning.
    Place is Raipur (Chhattisgarh), India.
    Would you please tell me if I have any chances of settling abroad?

  298. According to your horoscope 4rth house and 4rth lord both are afflicted with malefic planet so it is clear you will not stay in homeland. for more detail analysis of your horoscope I have to work on related divisional chart and I request you to get in touch with me.

  299. According to your horoscope you can try for job in abroad.for more detail analysis of your horoscope I have to work on related divisional chart and I request you to get in touch with me.

  300. Dear sir,
    My DOB is 24th December 1983.
    Time: 10:04 PM
    Place: Puri, Orissa

    Could you please let me know whether i can travel to foreign and work there and When it is expected

  301. Please reply
    Ive sent my query twice
    My dob is 19-nov-1979
    Pob: delhi India
    Tob: 11:15p.m
    Chances of settlement in foreign
    Usa or canada

  302. My date of birth is June 26 1974.

    My birth place is Ahmedabad, Gujarat India.

    When will I get USA green card.

  303. My date of birth is June 26 1974. Time 4:12 PM

    My birth place is Ahmedabad, Gujarat India.

    When will I get USA green card.

  304. DoB 26-07-1975
    TIME -9:30 PM
    Pl guide for permanent settlement or job abroad.

  305. Hello sir
    I’m preeti bala. my date of birth is 12/05/1995 place of birth is hoshiarpur in Punjab and time of birth is 12:15 morning.are there any chances if me getting settled in abroad and if its there then when??
    Thank u sir:-)

  306. my date of birth 28 nov 1988
    time: 11:55 am
    place : katihar(bihar) india
    my question is will i settle in abroad in future? please reply me sir m really in confusion please help me out

  307. sirji
    waiting since 20th may please guide
    TOB 9:30 P.M.


  308. Hi sir , my date of birth is 28-sep-1989, birth place is cuddalore , Tamil nadu, India. Birth time is 4 45 pm. Right now I am in temporary visa in USA. Pls let me know whether I can settle permanently in USA.

  309. hello I am Bhupinder Singh born in 20 June 1986 sir please tell me I would like to know whether I
    have a chance to go abroad and also
    when can I go.

  310. Do I have a chance of settling abroad or working abroad?
    Name: Sagar
    DOB : 24th Dec 1989
    Birth place :Pune,India
    Birth Time : Sunday 12:27PM
    Thank you.

  311. Sir S there any yoga of settling abroad. My date of birth is 23 08 1997 place is Rajkot Gujarat. Time 8 40 pm.

  312. Hi Sir,

    My name : Goli Manikanta Aravind
    Date of birth : 3rd October,1993 (Sunday)
    Time of Birth : 12:52 PM
    Place of birth : Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh

    chances of settlement in foreign???

  313. Hello Sir,

    My DOB is 28-09-1979, Time of Birth is 5:45 AM and Place of Birth is Sitapur (U.P.) and I want to know if there is any of abroad settlement in my horoscope and also if I can practice my profession of Law in that foreign land. Regards Arpita

  314. Waiting your reply….
    Its third time I’ve put across my query…
    Kindly reply

  315. Guruji,

    My DoB is 08.10.1972 2.20 a.m – Karkataka lagna, 2nd house – Shukra, 3rd House – Ravi, mangala & Chandra, 4th House – Budha, 6th House Guru & Raju, 11th House – Shani (Rohini Nakshtra) & 12th house – Ketu. presently i am under shani mahadasha & Budha anthardasha. What are the chances for me to go to abroad ? Thanks & regards

  316. Sir,
    My name is Barsha Gurung. I am from Nepal. My date of birth is 6 July1989 and time is 9:20 am on Thursday. My birth place is Nepal. I wanted to know when i will travel foreign country for settlement?

    Waiting for your quick response.
    Thank you.

  317. Dear Sir,

    Pls be kind enough to let me know will I be able to have any chance in the foreign country settlement. If so what sort of a country.

    Date of birth – 19th July 1985
    Birth time – 4.02pm (16:02 hrs)
    Birth place – Gampaha, Western Province, Sri Lanka

    Look forward to hearing from you.

    Thank you.

  318. Hi Sir, My details :
    DOB: 03rd Nov 1984
    Time : 22:10:00
    Place : Indore

    Question : Will i have permanent settlement abroad? and when?

  319. my date of birth is 26/05/1992 time 09.08 am birth place karur tamilnadu
    will I settle at foreign countries

  320. respected guruji,
    I am raghavendran date of birth 26/05/1992
    time 09.08 am
    birth place karur,tamilnadu
    I want to know whether I settle permanently in foreign countries

    thanks and waiting for reply

  321. Dear Sir,

    Please let me know chances of working in foreign countries

    My Details sir,

    Date of Birth : June 1,1989
    Time : 6.10 AM
    Place : Nellore,AndhraPradesh

  322. priyanka you people are very selfish because after getting reply you are not able to write a single word”thanks” you should understand that I spend at least one hour for one horoscope. regardless person.

  323. according to your horoscope in that time Mercury Mahadasha is going on Me is the lord of 5th house and placed in 6th house with 7th and 12th lord( Lord of Foreign travel) and also aspect to foreign house so due to this reason you thinking and planning for abroad with some hurdle try to fulfill your desire . you should wear Emreld stone .

  324. according to your horoscope in that time Mercury Mahadasha is going on Me is the lord of 5th house and placed in 6th house with 7th and 12th lord( Lord of Foreign travel) and also aspect to foreign house so due to this reason you thinking and planning for abroad with some hurdle try to fulfill your desire . you should wear emerald stone.

  325. Abroad settlement is not easy for you but make a platform for future in this time.

  326. Pranam Guruji,
    Awaiting for your response from 15th june kind reply…

  327. Sir
    Why dont you answer the queries posted on your website….. I’ve sent my query thrice to u….but ive not rcvd ant reply so far….
    I understand u spend time in reading the horoscope….but why discrimation among the queries.
    This is the last time now
    Dob: 19 nov 1979
    Time: 23:15(11:15 p.m)
    Place: delhi

    What are the chancea of abroad settlement.

  328. My date of birth is June 26 1974. Time 4:12 PM

    My birth place is Ahmedabad, Gujarat India.

    Will I be able to get green card in near future?

    Thank you.

  329. Namste guru ji. Please tell me when we will go to abroad. My husband’s details are
    D.O.B 05.01.1987
    Time 11:30pm
    Place village Chak jamit singh wala (guruharsahai) Punjab
    Waiting for your reply guru ji.

  330. Dear Sir,

    Please reply my query, do have abroad chance?
    Do I have a chance of settling abroad or working abroad? if Yes when can i get that chance

    Name- Ravi
    D.O.B- 28-04-1984 7:25 pm
    Place- Shahabad, gulbarga karnataka

  331. Sir, Good evening.

    I want to know about my future, so please tell how much you charge to provide service


  332. d.o.b -19 Aug 1991
    timing- 6:15 a.m
    place-jabalpur ,madhya pradesh
    sir is their a chance for me going to abroad and what career should i choose according to my d1 and d10 chart

  333. Thank you very much for the guidance .This is noble service you are extending to people like us thanks

  334. Guruji mai bahat umeed leke yaha aihu ap please mujhe bataye ki keya mera foreign me jana aur settlement hone kaa koi chance hai yaa nahi aur agaar hai toh yeh kaab hone wala hai yeh hai mera birth details.
    POB:Dhaka, Bangladesh
    90.43E, 23.67N
    tob:4:00 pm (afternoon)

  335. Guruji mai bahat umeed leke yaha aihu ap please mujhe bataye ki keya mera foreign me jana aur settlement hone kaa koi chance hai yaa nahi.
    POB:Dhaka, Bangladesh
    90.43E, 23.67N
    tob:4:00 pm (afternoon)

  336. My date of birth is 17-07-1988 and time is 00:30 AM and place of birth is New Delhi. Please let me know my abroad chances for job.

  337. Mr Sharma my professional charge is 1100 Rs for all type of question. Bank detail is available on website.

  338. Pranam Guruji,
    Awaiting for your response from 15th june kind reply…

  339. Deepak sir please make reply so that I get know about my chances for abroad and I will make my plan accordingly.

  340. According to your horoscope you are Leo lagna and Ketu in 4rth house in present Moon dasha is going on and moon is the lord of 12th house the house of foreign due to this reason you always think about foreign settlement. in present you will think to do work with partner. very strong yoga is not present but according to dasha you can try. for detail we have to work all Vargas so keep in touch with me.

  341. Pranam Guruji,

    Kindly reply…waiting for reply since 8th june please.

    I would be very thankful

  342. Thank you Guruji for the calculation, Anytime near by or next year is it possible?


  343. Hi There,

    My DOB is 10-03-1984 with time 16:18 PM, is there any chance of foreign settlement in my kundli? Can anybody help?

  344. Meenakshi According to your horoscope, your 9th lord (bhagyesh) placed in 12th house (foreign house)with 12th lord it is good yoga for abroad travelling. present Moon dash is going on Moon is 7th lord and placed in 8th house and aspect by Mars and saturn also so please be cautious about marriage life.

  345. Dear sir,

    Once again I am writing to you as I have not got any reply from you.
    My date of birth is 01.01.1977, at 9.35 am in Jorhat, Assam. Do I have a chance to settle in abroad. Kindly let me know. Thank you.

  346. Sir ji please reply I am very eager to know and very confused in my life.

  347. Sir i want to settle in foreign my dob is
    2 november 1982, time is 2:10 am
    Place dungarpur( rajasthan)

  348. Guruji,

    Pranam. Can you please advice.

    My date of birth is June 26 1974. Time 4:12 PM

    My birth place is Ahmedabad, Gujarat India.

    Will I be able to get green card in near future?

  349. My birth date 11july 1980 time is 15:20 in amritsar pls tell me can i go abroad

  350. Hi Deepak Sir,

    My DOB 22ND APRIL 1990 10.30 am
    Place : Vijayawada,Krishna District Andhra pradesh.

    What are my chances to settle in abroad ? If I travel how long will I stay.

    Best Regards,


    DOB : 21 NOVEMBER 1988

    TIME : 10:40 PM


    I want to know if I would be settled in abroad and any chances of going to abroad please do reply I will be obliged

    Thank you

    sakshi kaul

  352. My DOB is 26-11-1980 time 2:25 AM IST & place is Kolkata. Do I have foreign travel yoga in next 3-4 yrs.

    DOB : 21 NOVEMBER 1988
    TIME : 10:40 PM
    I wanted to know whether I will be settled in foreign country i.e Abroad

    Please do reply I am waitinf plzzzzzzzz

  354. I am sangeetha R born on 8th august,1980 at vellore.
    do I have foreign travel

  355. Hello sir,

    I am Priyanka Arora, looking forward to visit my sister in canada this year. Please tell me what is the best time to apply for visa.
    DOB – 29th August 1983
    Place – New Delhi
    Time – 20:45 ( 8:45pm)


  356. Hello Sir,

    My Name is Kiran D. Adhane.

    D O B – 13th January 1973
    Place – Aurangabad Maharashtra
    Time – 03:03:00 am

    Please can you consult me on my settlement abroad ( USA ). Am trying for H1B for year 2016.

    It would be really great if you can study my horoscope.

  357. Hi Sir,

    My name is Rekhashri
    DOB: January 13th 1988
    Place of Birth:Chennai
    Timing: 11:40 AM

    Awaiting for your response


  358. my date of birth is 27-sep-1989
    will i get chance for ms in usa?

  359. Hello Sir, My name is Chitrang Varma..
    Dob:- 28/09/1990
    Place of birth:- Mumbai
    Timing:-7 pm (Evening)
    Need to know dat I will visit abroad or not

    Chitrang varma

  360. According to your horoscope lagnesh Moon, 12 th lord Mer and 4rth lord venus all are togather in 5th house due to this reason you think about abroad settlement there is no very strong yoga but you should try for short time first.
    you should keep patience for every thing

  361. My dear Amit according to your horoscope from lagana kundali no strong yoga available but according to chandra kundali 12th lord ( lord of foreign house) jupiter together with 4rth lord in lagana so you should try .

  362. Hello Sir once again I m reposting my post…In case u forgot to answer.. Plz do reply Sir asap.. Eagerly waiting for ur response Sir.

    Hello Sir, My name is Chitrang Varma..
    Dob:- 28/09/1990
    Place of birth:- Mumbai
    Timing:-7 pm (Evening)
    Need to know when I will visit abroad? If yes den when?

    Chitrang varma

  363. Thank you Guruji for the advice.

    Currently my green card petition is pending for last 10 years.

    As you mentioned I will hope to see some good news after July 15.

    I really appreciate your guidance.


  364. Dear Sir,

    My Name is Kiran D. Adhane. I’m writing to you for the third time, since I’ve not receive your response yet.

    D O B – 13th January 1973, MALE
    Place – Aurangabad Maharashtra
    Time – 03:03:00 am

    Please can you consult me on my settlement abroad ( USA ). Am trying for H1B for year 2016.

    It would be really great if you can study my horoscope.

  365. dob 21/12/1995
    time of birth 7:07 pm
    place of birth new delhi
    bhavika wahi

    any chances of settling abroad or going in future? and any chances of love marriage

  366. Husband’s
    Date of Birth : 19th Oct 2013
    Time of Birth : 3:43 AM
    Place of Birth : Patiala (Punjab)

    PLease let us know about foreign settlement. We are trying from 1 July 2015
    If yes, when?

  367. Husband’s
    Date of Birth : 19th Oct 1983
    Time of Birth : 3:43 AM
    Place of Birth : Patiala (Punjab)

    PLease let us know about foreign settlement. We are trying from 1 July 2015
    If yes, when?

  368. Dear sir,
    My DOB : 28-11-1985
    Time : 10.14 AM
    Place : Coimbatore
    Kindly tell me whether I have a chance to go to any foreign land or not . If yes please tell me when it is possible.

    waiting for your response. Thanks in advance sir.

  369. Respected Sir,

    My Date of birrh is 27-Jan-1985
    Time=10:30 PM
    Place= Ambala(India)
    Sir I want to know that is there any Yog of settlement in abroad in my kundli after marriage?

  370. Hi,
    I got blessed with twin kids (boy and Girl) – need to know whether they will study and settle in abroad ? If yes, which country ? Also, their parents (Me and my wife) will get an opportunity to settle with them ?

    Boy Kid DOB is 16-May-2013 11.10 AM IST at Chennai.
    Girl Kid DOB is 16-May-2013 11.11 AM IST at Chennai.

    Suresh Kumar

  371. Dear sir,my name is Sonu Agarwal,d.o.b:16-06-1988,time :9.40pm, place: Dholpur(Rajasthan)…sir I am applying for mba in usa for January 2016 session. Is it possible I will get admission and visa for usa. Thanks in advance sir.

  372. D.o.b 13/dec/1994
    Time :1:53
    Place :dehradun
    Question : sir I want know about my foreign settlement in my future life

  373. Sir,
    My date of birth is 31/01/1976 , time 08:15 am , Nagaon ,Assam. Please let me know the chances of settling abroad. permanently and when . I kept travelling but wanted to settle .

    Please do reply

  374. My d.o.b is 26.04.1989, time 11:08 am place of birth, kumbakonam,tamilnadu.. i am marine life student sir.. pls tell about my future and any chance offoreign settlement in my future life

  375. According to horoscope Me/ve dasha is going on venus is the lord of tenth house this is house of profession so you should get desire. your Sun is not good due to this reason you get problem so you sould wear Ruby stone .

  376. your Mar/ke dasha will be start from jun 2016 it is not good dasha for you but unexpected result can be possible in present time you should wear Red coral for getting good result.

  377. Dear Sir, please kindly let me know will i have chance for working abroad ? If yes, then when? Here are my details..
    DOB : 2nd Dec 1983
    Place : Medan, Indonesia
    Time : 12.45 PM

    Thx a lot Sir…

  378. Hello Sir
    I got blessed with twin kids (boy and Girl) – need to know whether they will study and settle in abroad ? If yes, which country ? Also, their parents (Me and my wife) will get an opportunity to settle with them ?

    Boy Kid DOB is 16-May-2013 11.10 AM IST at Chennai.
    Girl Kid DOB is 16-May-2013 11.11 AM IST at Chennai.

    Suresh Kumar

  379. Dear Sir
    MY DOB is 21 october 1982
    place of birth: Jammu
    Timing: 22:15
    Can i work n settle in abroad ? Please guide me. Thanks

  380. Hi sir,

    Iam waiting for response, kindly tell me is there any possibility for me to get job in abroad.
    It would be great if you look my horoscope.

  381. Hello Sir

    Kind attention required – Please clarify to take some important decisions….

    I got blessed with twin kids (boy and Girl) – need to know whether they will study and settle in abroad ? If yes, which country ? Also, their parents (Me and my wife) will get an opportunity to settle with them ?

    Boy Kid DOB is 16-May-2013 11.10 AM IST at Chennai.
    Girl Kid DOB is 16-May-2013 11.11 AM IST at Chennai.

    Suresh Kumar

  382. Hello sir,

    My name is Muthiah Ramanathan.M. I am USA now and I am trouble with my visa status now.

    My DOB is April 14, 1991 at 5:30 am in chennai, Tamilnadu.

    Would like to if foreign settlement is possible. I am looking for opportunity in USA since May 2015. But nothing has turned up positive. Kindly put up your advise.


  383. Hello sir,

    My name is khushboo.
    DOB : 31-Oct-1984 11:12 pm in New Delhi.
    I am planning to settle in Canada. The process is going on. Please check are there chances?
    And how beneficial it will be according to my stars?


  384. My name is Chitrang I m writing u for 3rd time.. Since I’ve not receive ur repond yet…plz do reply sir for once….just need to know when I’ll go abroad.. At which year.

    Name- Chitrang Varma
    Dob- 28/09/1990
    Place- Mumbai
    Time- 7 pm (Evening)

    Plz do reply sir…

  385. Hello Dr. Sharma

    Here are my details:

    Name: Paras Narang
    DOB: 19 December 1991
    Time: 10:45 AM
    Place: Ferozepur, Punjab, India

    Is there any chance for my permanent settlement in foreign?
    please reply

  386. Hello Sir

    Kind attention required – Please clarify to take some important decisions….

    I got blessed with twin kids (boy and Girl) – need to know whether they will study and settle in abroad ? If yes, which country ? Also, their parents (Me and my wife) will get an opportunity to settle with them ?

    Boy Kid DOB is 16-May-2013 11.10 AM IST at Chennai.
    Girl Kid DOB is 16-May-2013 11.11 AM IST at Chennai.

    Suresh Kumar

  387. Dear sir,
    Me and my husband’s details are give below.
    Can we permanently settle abroad.

    Amit Mehta,DOB:29-9-1982;Time-18:28 pm,Place-Patiala(Punjab).

    Harmeet Kaur, DOB:7-april-1981; Time-6:00am;Place-New Delhi

    Request you to pls revert..

    Harmeet Kaur

  388. Date of Birth: 25/02/1970

    time : 2:21 am

    place : Mumbai

    When can I go abroad for job purpose? Kindly reply.

  389. Hlo sir my DOB 15 MARCH 1989. can u pls chck my horoscope I get visa or not this year for uk. I am married with a british girl now we apply for spouse visa. So sir pls tell me

  390. Hlo sir my DOB is 15 march 1989 time is 9:15 pm yamuna nagar (haryana) sir can u tell me about my horoscope I get visa for uk married with a british girl .we apply for spouse sir pls can u tell me….

  391. Hlo sir my DOB 15 MARCH 1989 TIME IS 9:15 PM IN YAMUNA NAGAR (haryana) I apply spouse visa for uk can u c my horoscope .I can get my visa or not this year

  392. Dear sir ,
    My date of brith :06-09-1990
    Time born: 5:00 am
    Place of brith : cuddalore , tamilnadu
    I need my question their no proper job in India or aboard how my life is change pls give suggestion and tell when get foregin job in proper

  393. Dear sir,
    My DoB : 21/12/1985
    ToB: 5:45 pm
    Kathmandu nepal
    My husbands DoB: 24/4/1982
    Dnt knw his ToB but rashi is sagittarius.
    Do we travel abroad for settlement?

    Kindly reply sir
    Thank you

  394. Hi Sir,

    This is the second request. I haven’t received your reply earlier.

    my DOB: 14/04/1991
    Place: Chennai, TN
    Time : 5:30 am.
    Raasi: Meena

    I would like to know about foreign settlement and job opportunities. I have hard time since May 2015. Please suggest me your advise depending on stars location and help me take a decision.


  395. Hello Sir,

    Can you please check will I settle abroad or not

    my details are

    DOB 18 Sep 1982
    TOB 22:50 (IST)
    POB Warangal

    I would greatly appreciate your response

    Thank you

  396. Date of Birth : 29th Oct 19837
    Time of Birth : 11: 20 AM
    Place of Birth : Ajmer (Rajasthan)

    PLease let us know about foreign settlement.
    If yes, when?

  397. Dear sir, please advise if I will settle abroad permanently

    Name -Jaspreet Singh
    dob -28 sept 1986
    time-2.17 pm
    place of birth- new delhi

  398. Hello sir,
    as per above discussion, I have almost all posible yogas For foreign settlement Including parivartan yoga between 1st and 12th.
    Lagna leo
    Rashi leo
    12th house sun mars venus conjunction.
    1st house moon.
    Saturn in 4th.
    Jupiter in 9th.
    Mercury in 11th.
    Rahu in 8th
    Ketu in 2nd.
    In d9 jupiter in 12.
    In d9 Parivarthan yoga between 3rd and 5th.

    I am planning to do my ms from usa Can you please confirm the same as my 12 house ashtakavarga has very low point only 18. I just want to know if my stay over there will be fruitful or not. Is my decision is right and achievable.

    Dob 29/7/1987
    Time 7:45 am
    Birth place: kanpur uttar pradesh

  399. Dear sir,
    Corrected data::: waiting for your reply please reply
    My DoB : 21/12/1985
    ToB: 5:45 pm
    Kathmandu nepal
    My husbands DoB: 24/4/1981
    ToB : 19/ 33
    but rashi is sagittarius.
    Do we travel abroad for settlement?

    Kindly reply sir
    Thank you

  400. Mr. Muthiah according to horoscope and first sight analysis of horoscope foreign settlement is not easy for you. your lagnesh and fortune lord both in kendra or trikon this combination indicate own land is better for you. for detail analysis we have to do hard work on many varga and other astrological technic.


  401. Mr. pratyush all yoga for foreign settlement is available it is good for you but your lagnesh sun is debilitated in d-9 and bhagyesh Mars is also debilitated in natal kundali. although Mar is in makar rashi but in 8th house and navamstulya rashi in 6th house so sometimes problem can be possible but achievable.


  402. My date of birth is 2nd August 1983 time 7:15 Am and place Ludhiana, Punjab. Do i have foreign travell and settelment ,please let me know .
    thank you

  403. Dear sir,
    Pls advice if foreign settlement is possible for us.My husband and my details are:

    Amit mehta, DOB:29 september 1982, time: 18:28 pm, place:patiala (punjab)

    Harmeet kaur, DOB: 7 april 1981, time: 6:00 am, place: new delhi

    Waiting for your revert.

  404. Sir my details are as follows:
    Name-mohit .
    Time -07:34 am
    Place of birth- Delhi,India

    My question is that whether business is good for me or job and of which type ??
    And please tell me if there is possibility for foreign travel or foreign settlement for me and when?

  405. Namashkar,
    Kindly let me know whether foreign settlement is possible for my son Aditya . His date of birth is 01.02.1986, time: 9.07 pm place :Mumbai.He is already in USA for studies and wishes to settle there. Shall be very grateful for your guidance.

  406. Hai sir pls rply my comment I post 2nd time. My dob is 15 march 1989. Time 9.15 pm yamuna nagar (haryana) india…….sir tell me. Do I have foreign travel or settelment if yes when sir pls rply .
    thnks .

  407. Hello sir.. I m writing you for 4th time.. Since I’ve not received your reply … Plz help me out of it.. I really need ur suggestion regarding going abroad.. & to settle their.( I HOPE THIS TIME U WILL ANSWER MY QUESTION)

    DOB- 28/09/1990

  408. Really superb answers in a scientific way…
    Very nice….
    Salute for ur service…
    Thanks a lot…

  409. Hi Sir,

    I’m Muthu Kumar. Can you tell me whether I have possibilities for foreign settlement or job opportunities in abroad? Also tell me Wen I can get possibilities? Kindly help me sir

    DOB: 26/07/1989
    Place: Tirupur
    Raasi: Mesham

  410. Good evening sir I am waiting for your reply .this is my 2 nd time that i am asking you . kindly answer me .
    Sir my details are as follows:
    Name-mohit .
    Time -07:34 am
    Place of birth- Delhi,India

    My question is that whether business is good for me or job and of which type ??
    And please tell me if there is possibility for foreign travel or foreign settlement for me and when?

    I will be thankful to you.

  411. Hi sir,

    I would like to know, whether I can travel abroad for job or for higher studies? Pls sir I’m in a great confusion for past seven months. pls tell me sir

    Rasi: Kadagam
    DOB: 25.12.1988

  412. Misses Anuradha
    According to your horoscope he will not stay at home so foreign settlement should possible but not easy.

  413. Sir …pls revert to me also ..i have posted 3 times earlier as well.We wanted to know about foreign settlement.My husband and my details are as follows:

    Name-Amit Mehta, DOB: 29 september 1982, time- 6:28 pm; place: patiala ( punjab).

    Harmeet kaur, DOB- 7 april 1981, place- new delhi, time- 6:00 am

    Hope you will revert sir.


  414. Namaste sir… I have a query regarding my horoscope… Abt going record..

    Name:- Rohit
    Date of birth :- 28/09/90
    Place of birth :- Mumbai
    Timing:- 19:00 pm

  415. Hello sir,

    I dono the birth time, birth place pollachi, coimbatore district

  416. plz check my horoscope and say is there any chance in my life to settle in foreign
    here are my details
    name-prudhvi raj
    place-kaikaram andhar predesh
    plz help me…..deepak sharma

  417. Sir
    My DOB is 04 Oct 1985
    Time : 20:50:00
    Place of Birth : Gadag Karnataka ( 15.4167° N, 75.6167° E)

    Can you please tell me when I’ll travel abroad for job.\


  418. Thanks alot sir..
    U r doing a great job for everyone. ..
    Keep up the good work… 🙂

  419. I was going through your blog and feel you are the right person to guide me.
    We are living in bahrain now and planning for migrating to Canda.
    But my husband have some issue with his documents.
    Please find our details below and let me know if you think we will be able to get PR and when should we apply like favorable time or should drop this idea.
    Mine details

    dob – 20 march 1985
    time – 10 :40 am
    place gurdaspur punjab

    hubby – Barinder
    dob 19 oct 1978
    time – 12:35 pm
    place – nawasher punjab

    Daughter – Anvi
    Dob – 23 feb 2015
    time- 4 :13 am
    place manama (Bahrain )

    Your advice will be highly appreciated.


  420. My name is Asha.
    DOB- 14/08/1980
    Time- 3.15 am
    place – Srinagar, Kashmir

    I am applying for an opportunity in foreign for short duration (4-5 years)….is there any chance of getting it. Please reply me…..

    thank you guruji

  421. Sir my details

    Time – 9.50 AM
    Place of birth- Pollachi

  422. Sir pls revert on my post also..
    I have posted on 10 august, 6august and 27 july with details.

  423. Sir I am basically from Kolkata but I am putting up in Noida from past 8 years and now planning to apply for PR for Canada. My birth date is 21/03/1985 time : 8:12 PM Place: kolkata. I want to know whether this is possible by end of this year or by 2016 and when. will I be successful enough in doing this are there any hurdles and if yes then what can I do about this. your earliest response will be much appreciated and helpful for me to take the steps further as soon as possible.

  424. Harmeet according to your husband horoscope you should try. I think be cautious about married life. it can be disturb.

  425. almas 21 june 1992
    birth time 4:30am
    my foreign travel is possible if yes then when ?

  426. very confusing you write dob 25/12/2015 how it is possible

  427. Madam you have many question and many horoscope so get professional appointment

  428. sir, please advise is there any foreign settlement for us.

    mahesh DOB 01 aug 1990 time 14:40 place warangal
    soumya sri DOB 03 june 1993 time 12:05 (afternoon) vijayawada

    Kindly let me know whether foreign settlement is possible for us.
    waiting for your reply.
    Thank you in advance.

  429. Hai sir pls rply my comment I post 4 time. My dob is 15 march 1989. Time 9.15 pm yamuna nagar (haryana) india…….sir tell me. Do I have foreign travel or settelment if yes when sir pls rply

  430. Hi Sir,

    My DOB 07/09/1984 time 2:40AM place :Chittoor ,Andhra pradesh.

    Please tell me do I have yog to work in abroad for long term like US or UK or any other countries.

    Any remedies if it is not possible or not easy.

    Kiran Kumar

  431. Dob 25 may 1982
    Pob: jalandhar, punjab
    Tob: 11:35 morning

    Want to live in US for 8 to 10 yrs, possible?

  432. My date of birth is 29/04/1987 11:50 AM and place of birth is thrissur Kerala. My husband’s date of birth is 10/12/1984 2:50 PM and place of birth is Delhi. We are trying for a job abroad. Is Foreign settlement possible as per our horoscope. When is the best time for the same?

  433. almas
    21june 1992
    when my foreign travel is possible?

  434. chandanji according to di kundali you wil not stay in birth place , foreign travel can be possible but settlement is not clear indication in horoscope. for detail keep in my touch through email.


  435. kindly reply me i emailed too
    this is another time im posting i dnt mean to irritate
    21 june 1992
    karachi ,pakistan
    tell me about my foreign settlement i will be really thankful

  436. kindly reply me i emailed too
    this is another time im posting i dnt mean to irritate
    21 june 1992
    karachi ,pakistan
    tell me about my foreign settlement i will be really very thankful

  437. Sir reply for me too sir. When I have possibilities to get job in abroad?

  438. Sir its a typing mistake. very sorry

    Official Name: Hirthanu
    Time – 9.50 AM
    Place of birth- Pollachi

  439. Official Name: Hirthanu
    Time – 9.50 AM
    Place of birth- Pollachi

  440. Pranam guruji

    kindly tell me chances of working in foreign countries.I am waiting for your reply for last 4 months.Please help me on this.Thanks.

    Date of Birth : June 1,1989
    Time : 6.10 AM
    Place : Nellore,AndhraPradesh

  441. Pranam guruji
    kindly tell me chances of working in foreign countries.I am waiting for your reply for last 4 months.Please help me on this.Thanks.

    Name : Manjunath Avisani
    Date of Birth : June 1,1989
    Time : 6.10 AM
    Place : Nellore,AndhraPradesh

  442. Hello Sir,

    my date of birth is 31 December 1983

    time: 10:23 am

    place : Salem, Tamil Nadu

    do i have foreign travel and settlement ,please let me know .

  443. Pranam Guruji,

    My Details: D.O.B: 2ND MAY 1982
    P.O.B: Alwar city rajasthan, india
    time: 23:45pm
    Guruji i am a divorcee, My divorce took place on 20th march 2014,when will my second marriage take place. Thanks in advance.

  444. When will I go abroad

    Name -Pavan
    DOB 25 July 1981
    Time 11 PM
    Location — Hyderabad Telangana

  445. Dear Sir

    MY DOB is 21 october 1982
    Timing 22:15 n place of birth : Jammu..

  446. Hello Sir, My DOB: 28-9-1985; Time: 1:15 AM Place: Mandya,Kar. Please tell me whether i will have chance to go to Foreign? Thank you so much.

  447. My DOB 12 August 1975 time -22.07 pm place -Mumbai
    Do i have chance to Settle in Canada as permanent resident
    kindly update requesting you

    Waiting for your valuable reply


  448. Hi Sir,

    Kindly reply me whether i got any chances of settling in Australia ,Planning to migrate.
    DOB:NOV 9 1988
    TIME 5.00AM

  449. my dob is 4th may 1986
    time 05:18 am
    place lucknow

    Will I settle abroad and what is the suitable time?

  450. Hello Sir

    Kind attention required please..– Please clarify to take some important decisions….

    I got blessed with twin kids (boy and Girl) – need to know whether they will study and settle in abroad ? If yes, which country ? Also, their parents (Me and my wife) will get an opportunity to settle with them ?

    Boy Kid DOB is 16-May-2013 11.10 AM IST at Chennai.
    Girl Kid DOB is 16-May-2013 11.11 AM IST at Chennai.

    Suresh Kumar

  451. Sir
    My DOB=28/11/1984, TOB= 17.50 POB=Kapurthala punjab
    Please let me know what are the chances of permanent settlement abroad and that too in near future and whether i will get marry with a foreign settled girl.

  452. Dear Sir

    MY DOB is 21 october 1982
    Timing 22:15 n place of birth : Jammu..

  453. respected guruji,
    I have asked for my foreign settlement on 24th june 2015.

    I request your kindself to let me know whether foreign settlement is possible?

  454. I have asked a question on 24th june 2015. kindly reply for the same please

  455. Sir, I’ am going to write exams for higher studies in US. Whether foreign travel is possible for me by this year? Pls help me……..

    Name: Hirthanu
    D.O.B: 25/12/1988
    Birth Time : 9.50 AM
    Place of birth : Pollachi, Coimbatore District, TamilNadu

  456. Dear Dr. Deepak,

    My DOB is 07/12/1977, Place: Thane (Maharashtra), Time 07:25 AM

    Please let me know if I will settle abroad for Job with Family and permanent settlement.

    When will I get this chance and what should be done for that.

    I will be very thankful.


  457. Dear Guru ji, please guide me on my foreign settlement at Canada or other country is possible or not, if yes by when and where. How was my carrier will go, going through tough situations. Please guide me, my details are, 7 August 1978, 19:14, new delhi India.

  458. My date of birth is 04 January 1979 time 0.45 AM (between 3rd & 4th Jan) and place near Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh State, India. Do I have foreign travell and settelment and when? Please let me know .
    Thank you

  459. My birth date is 13. 02. 1979. Time 03.05 am. Place of birth is surat, gujarat…plz tell me the chancees of settling abroad with my husband n kids

  460. Hi Sir,
    My Date of Birth is: 14th November, 1987.
    Time of birth is: 3:10AM
    Place of birth is: Hyderabad.

    Please let me know when I will get marry and is it love or arranged marriage?

  461. Sir! I have a question regarding forign settlement. My Birth date- 25 Feb 1992 .. birth place- patiala. Birth timing -7:20 pm

  462. Hello Guruji,

    My DOB : 18-June-1975, Time : 13:00 Place : Saharanpur – UP

    My wife: DOB: 21-Nov-1975 Time 15:00 Place : Kurukshetra – Harayana

    I have been in USA for 5 yrs and come back in 2014. Please reply, can I get a another chance to go back to US and settle there permanently.

  463. almas
    karachi pakistan
    i have only one question
    kindly tell me about my foreign settlement?

  464. birthdate:09/03/1993.Time:05:55am.
    is there any foreign tour in my life
    plz help sir

  465. Dear sir,
    My DOB is 30th January 1985.
    Time: 10:40 AM
    Place: Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh

    Could you please let me know whether i can travel to foreign and work there and When it is expected.

  466. My DOB 12 August 1975 time -22.07 pm place -Mumbai
    WHEN I have chance to Settle in Canada as permanent resident
    kindly update requesting you

    Waiting for your valuable reply please


  467. will I ever go to foreign whether permanent or temporary and when. my date of birth is 25/08/1985 place of birth Ahmedabad, india. time of birth 13:40 pm

  468. My dob is
    8th jan 8.10pm
    Location – mumbai

    My husband
    9 oct 10.07am
    Location – mumbai
    Are we going to settle abroad . Currently I m in abroad but jobless . Please advise .

  469. Sir,

    My DOB is 4 Oct 1988. Place: Amalapuram and Time is 6:10 AM. Will I settle in US ? Please let me know.

    Thanks and Regards,

  470. Hello sir
    Myself Madhav
    Working from last 4 years with no achievement and no self respect can I get any chance to work in abroad
    Thank you sir

  471. Please provide your valuable response at the earliest. Thanks in Advance!!!

  472. Sir please advice what are the chances for me to settle in UK.
    My DOB: 21/May/1981,
    place of Birth: Vijayawada,
    Time: 13:00.

    Thank you

  473. pranam guruji,

    i am planning to study MBA abroad. I want to know whether i will be able to go to foreign and if yes then when.

    DOB- 16-08-1992
    TIME- 8:12 AM

    Pls reply.

    Thanks in advance.

  474. sir,
    i want to settle in canada my DOB;26.5.1984, TOB:06.35AM, POB:TAMILNADU. Pls leave a message because iam trying for 9 years still now iam having a struggle.

  475. Hello Sir,

    I wish to settle abroad… till date not successful even after trying many times

    DOB: 28-02-1979
    POB: Ghaziabad, U.P.
    TOB: 12.40PM


  476. Hi Sir,

    My name : Goli Manikanta Aravind
    Date of birth : 3rd October,1993 (Sunday)
    Time of Birth : 12:52 PM (Afternoon)
    Place of birth : Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh

    chances of settlement in foreign???

  477. Respected Sir, As advised, I am submitting my date of birth particulars
    Name:Raghavendran M
    Date of birth: 26/05/1992
    Time of birth: 09.08 AM
    Place of birth: Karur,Tamilnadu

    Kindly advise me whether any chance to settle abroad?

  478. My name : Rashmi Nair
    Date of birth : 18th August,1984
    Time of Birth : 15:26 PM
    Place of birth : Thrissur, Kerala

    I’m a home maker… Using my birth details can you tell me as to what are my chances of settling abroad permanently?

  479. My name is vishal Chhabra My Date of birth 29 July 1978 time 4.20 pm New Delhi India I want parmanet satalment in canada can be possible

  480. Hello Sir

    Can you pls help ?

    I got blessed with twin kids (boy and Girl) – need to know whether they will study and settle in abroad ? If yes, which country ? Also, their parents (Me and my wife) will get an opportunity to settle with them ?

    Boy Kid DOB is 16-May-2013 11.10 AM IST at Chennai.
    Girl Kid DOB is 16-May-2013 11.11 AM IST at Chennai.

    Suresh Kumar

  481. Respected Guruji,
    I have asked whether any chance for foreign settlement in my horoscope. You had replied to furnish the date of birth.
    I am furnishing the details of my date of birth particulars.
    Date of birth : 26/05/1992
    Time: 09.08 AM
    Place of birth: Karur, Tamil Nadu.
    Please advice me any chance of foreign settlement?. Thanking you.

  482. Dear sir,
    My DOB is 30th January 1985.
    Time: 10:40 AM
    Place: Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh

    Please let me know Sir,is there any possibility of any travel to foreign and work there and When it is expected?

  483. Mr Raghavendran try for that your very good chance for foreign settlement permanent settlement can be possible. now you should wear yellow sapphire stone.

  484. Mr. Rohit
    It is not easy you should try from October 2015 and for that wear Diamond.

  485. Dear Sir

    MY DOB is 21 october 1982
    Timing 22:15 n place of birth : Jammu..

  486. Hi SIr,

    Below are my details, please let me know when there will be a chance for me to travel abroad.

    DOB: 12-Mar-1983
    TIME: 2:22 AM
    Place: PIPILI, odisha

  487. My DOB 12 August 1975 time -22.07 pm place -Mumbai
    Do i have chance to Settle in Canada as permanent resident
    kindly update requesting you

    Waiting for your valuable reply


  488. Namaskar Guruji,
    I have asked a question on august 25th regarding foreign settlement Kindly reply me.

  489. vivek
    dob 30th aug 1994
    time 06:01:59 (24 hr format)
    place vadodara

    Hello sir recently i completed bba now i want to go to canada for further studies i am preparing for ielts, will i be able to clear ielts in first attempt? and will i settle in canada after that?

    and if possible pls let me know how is my overall life, wealth, earning, & marriage life?

  490. name. gurwinder kaur
    dob. 7/6/1991
    time. 9:30 night
    place. Abohar
    state. punjab
    I m marriage, I hv apply my file for spouse case when I ll go abroad.
    plz tell me

  491. Respected Guruji, I have received your reply dt.21/09/2015 and noted the information. I am really happy and thanks for the advise given by your self.

    with namaskarams, (Raghavendran M).

  492. Dear Guruji,

    Will i have a chance to settle abroad ? If yes, may i know when is possible ?
    DOB : 20-July-1976, Place of birth : Solurmattam (Near Kothagiri/Ooty)
    Time : 1.40 AM

    Suresh Kumar

  493. Namaskar Deepak ji,

    Currently facing jobless situation for last 33 months. Please advise when will I get a stable job and I wish to settle abroad so what are the possibilities and when.

    DOB: 17-December-1981
    POB: Sanjoo Village in Degana Tehsil (District Nagaur – Rajasthan)
    Coordinates -Latitude 27° 0′ 0″ N & Longitude 74° 10′ 0″ E
    TOB: 18.03PM

    Warm Regards,
    Ashok Sharma

  494. My DOB 12 August 1975 time -22.07 pm place -Mumbai
    Do i have chance to Settle in Canada as permanent resident
    kindly update requesting you

    Waiting for your valuable reply

  495. Respected Sir,

    My D.O.B is 04/01/1993 Place – Gulbarga, Karnataka,
    Time 2:58 am
    kindly assist me whether i can go outside india for job or not as i am trying right now. is it a favorable time for me.

    Thank u for helping people.

    Anand Patil

  496. dear sir pl advice my dob-24-10-1976, tob 07:30am . pob new delhi .

    i want to settle abroad pl suggest if their is any chance.

  497. name oliver edward j a , dob is 30th march 1970, time 6.10 am , place madras, tamil nadu
    I wish to settle abroad so what are the possibilities and when.

  498. my dob = 22 may 1992
    birthplace = Anand(gujarat)
    birth time = 3:08 P.M

    me abroad settle ho paunga??..kab me abroad ja sakta hu??

  499. HelloGuruji,

    Will i have a chance to settle abroad ? If yes, may i know when is possible ?
    DOB : 20-July-1976, Place of birth : Solurmattam (Near Kothagiri/Ooty)
    Time : 1.40 AM

    Suresh Kumar

  500. According to your horoscope in present Rah /sat dasha is going on sat is the lord of bhagesh and astmesh so sat will give both result good and bad and in that time totally depend on your labor according to labor you get . after nov 2015 you should try for abroad .

  501. Hi Deepak,

    My D.O.B: 16/06/1991
    Time: 12.59 PM
    Place: Thiruthuraipoondi,Tamil nadu,India

    I got my VISA last year itself. Waiting for the onsite Requirement , Could you please tell me is there any chance to go U.S . If it is possible , can you please tell me the travel date/Month?

  502. Hi pandit ji,
    name – amarjeet singh
    dob – 14/12/1989
    time of birth – 23:30
    place of birth – new delhi

    I am in uk from past 5 years, I would really appreciate if you can tell me whether there are any chances of setting down here.

  503. Will I be able to go abroad and settle there ,my dob is 27/1/1985 ,time 4:40pm, place dehradun,uttrakhand ,full name Anirudh bisht

  504. Sir pls reply ur doing gr8 job keep it up waiting for your expert adivce
    DOB – 12 August1975
    Time-22.07 pm
    Place -Mumbai

    Will I get permanent residence ship PR of Canada at present I am trying for it

  505. DOB 03 05 1980 time 9 :15 am place Anand India I am in south Africa . Can I goAmerica

  506. Dear Guruji,
    When i will get a chance to work in foreign land for two to three years? My details are below

    Name Vikas Sharma
    DOB 18 Aug 1986
    Birth Time17:35
    Birth Place Bikaner Rajasthan

    Thanks & Regards
    Vikas Sharma

  507. guruji my dob is 30th september 1990
    time is 16:53 (4:53pm)
    born in nepal,kathmandu
    please sir this timr of my life is in complete confusion
    do i have forein study or settelment chance..if yes which time is apprppraite for me
    sir please do reply
    i would really be very garateful

  508. Respected Guruji

    My D.O.B is 04/01/1993
    Place of birth – Gulbarga, Karnataka.
    Time of birth -2:58 am
    Please let me know Sir,Is there any possibility of any travel to foreign and work there and settle abroad?
    When it is expected?

    Anand Patil

  509. Namaste guru Ji,

    I & my wife are thinking for Foreign Settlement, for please guide us on my foreign settlement at Canada or other country is possible or not, if yes by when and where. How was my carrier will go, going through tough situations .My birth details are:
    Date of birth : 24/05/1990
    Time: 09.05 AM
    Place of birth: Ladwa,Haryana

    My Wife details are
    Date of birth : 20/09/1987
    Time: 09.00 AM
    Place of birth: Pehowa ,Haryana
    Please advice us any chance of foreign settlement? Please advice us.
    Thanking you.

  510. Namaste guru Ji,

    I & my wife are thinking for Foreign Settlement, for please guide us on my foreign settlement on other country is possible or not, if yes by when and where. How was my carrier will go, going through tough situations .My birth details are:
    Date of birth : 24/05/1990
    Time: 09.05 AM
    Place of birth: Ladwa,Haryana

    My Wife details are
    Date of birth : 20/09/1987
    Time: 09.00 AM
    Place of birth: Pehowa ,Haryana
    Please advice us any chance of foreign settlement? Please advice us.
    Thanking you.

  511. Hisir ,i was born on 01-06-1983,time 7 am place chandigarh,
    i am trying get settle in canada from long time,what is your veiw about this,if yes will this be good for me.
    thanks rgrds

  512. Hello Sir,

    Will i have a chance to settle abroad with family ?
    DOB : 12-December-1984, Place of birth : Hubli,Karnataka,India
    Time : 7.20 AM


  513. Dear Guruji,

    DOB : 20-July-1976, Place of birth : Solurmattam (Near Kothagiri/Ooty)
    Time : 1.40 AM

    State : Tamilnadu.

    Could you please help me on the same ?

    Suresh Kumar.

  514. hello guru ji,

    Are we going to settle abroad ??? Plz find me and My Husband Details

    DOB 20-09-1987
    Birth place Pehowa distt kurukshtera,Haryana
    Birth timing 9:00 am

    Husband details are
    DOB 24-may 1990
    Birth place Ladwa distt kurukshtera,Haryana
    Birth timings 9:05 am

    Kindly guide us possible chance to settle abroad pl suggest if their is any chance.

  515. Mr. dutta first i want to say that your abroad settlement is not easy for you but in that time Mahadasha is positive for abroad travel . for getting good result you should wear yellow sapphire. if you want detail analysis of horoscope or special solution you can get professional appointment .


  516. Please let me know if I can go abroad and settle

    Below mentioned are the details

    Dob = 30 sep 1978
    Raashi = Simha
    Day of birth = Saturday
    Time of Birth = 5 O clock n 10 Mins (evening) PM
    Star = Pubba
    Name = Sunil Sridhara
    Place of Birth = Bangalore

  517. Dear Guruji,

    Will i have a chance to settle abroad ? If yes, may i know when is possible ?
    DOB : 20-July-1976, Place of birth : Solurmattam (Near Kothagiri/Ooty)
    Time : 1.40 AM, State : Tamilnadu

    30th september,1990
    TIME 4:53 PM (16:53)
    PLACE: nepal, kathmandu
    so i have foreign settlement or study chances..if yes yes then when if no than what should i do to proceed my study in foreign countries

  519. i would be really thankfull if my queries get answered ..sir now i am planning to proceed for my foreign procedure..

  520. Sir
    with due respects,
    Saturn in Vrishbha, Deb. Jupiter in Makar, occurs around Feb 1973,
    is the DOB of above chart OK? just to know,
    Also, does Jupiter aspect on 4H, assist native a link with birth place?


  521. Dear Deepak
    Please check if I have permanent settlement in USA and grow to leadership positions, I am in USA from past 5.5 years, my company applied for permanent residency, when can I get my green card, is it advisable to buy home in USA
    Name: Prasad Gandhikota
    Rasi Meena
    Date of birth 5th January 1971
    Time 5 am
    Place of birth Rajahmundry Andhra Pradesh

  522. Hi Sir,
    My Details
    DOB NOV 9 1988
    TIME 5AM
    Kindly reply me sir from long time i am asking you same question.Plzz REPLY ME SIR

  523. Hello Dr. Sharma

    Here are my details:

    Name: Paras Narang
    DOB: 19 December 1991
    Time: 10:45 AM
    Place: Ferozepur, Punjab, India

    Is there any chance for my permanent settlement in foreign?
    please must reply once

    30th september,1990
    TIME 4:53 PM (16:53)
    PLACE: nepal, kathmandu
    doo i have foreign settlement or study chances..if yes yes then when if no than what should i do to proceed my study in foreign countries..sir i would be really grateful if u reply me..right now i am planing to go abroad for study

  525. Hi am gayathri ,I want to know that me and my husband will be able settle abroad my date of birth is 25/11/1988,vellore,tamilnadu,time 10:35pm, my husband date of birth 19/05/1982,tiruvanamalai,tamilnadu,time of birth 4:30 pm thank u mam I will be waiting for ur answer

  526. Hi Sir,
    My Details
    DOB : NOV 29 1988
    TIME 7.15 PM
    any chances to settle abroad?

  527. Hi sir.
    DOB is 21 june 1983. Kathmandu
    Do I have travelling abroad for study or job in 2016.
    Thank you

  528. Sir, my
    Name- Harpreet
    DOB is 02-july-1993
    time- 12:35 am
    place- mukerian(punjab)
    I am willing to go for Masters in Canada for January intake 2016.
    I am pleased to know are there any chances?
    Shall be thankful to you

  529. And please tell me if I buy a professional consultation of my career will that be in-depth consultation for my entire life?

  530. sir my date of birth is 9.09.1997… i want to pursue graduation abroad. what are my chances sir. i would be glad if i hear your reply soon sir .

  531. Dear Guruji,
    When i will get a chance to work in foreign land for two to three years? My details are below

    Name Vikas Sharma
    DOB 18 Aug 1986
    Birth Time17:35
    Birth Place Bikaner Rajasthan

    Thanks & Regards
    Vikas Sharma

  532. Hi sir

    My name is simranjit kaur
    D.O.B 03/05/1986
    Time 7.15pm
    Sir,I want to ask you about mine foreign settlement in UK or Canada? I done degree in Hons in nursing studies,which further line,I should choose in this profession so I can get better job?Please guide me.

    Please reply

  533. My name is Simranjit kaur
    D.O.B – 03/05/1986
    Time – 7.10pm
    Place – tilak nagar,jalandhar,Punjab.

    Sir,I want to ask you about my foreign settlement in UK?

  534. Dear Deepak. Please tell me when can I go to foreign and for how long. Wanted to stay for longer period for more then 5yr.
    DOB : 15.12.1974
    Place : Orissa, jeypore.
    Time of birth : 6:15 pm.

  535. My dob is 5.10.1982 time is 20.20 pm in batala punjab. Can i be settle abroad or not.waiting for your positive response..

    30th september,1990
    TIME 4:53 PM (16:53)
    PLACE: nepal, kathmandu
    doo i have foreign settlement or study chances..if yes yes then when if no than what should i do to proceed my study in foreign countries..sir i would be really grateful if u reply me..right now i am planing to go abroad for study..can i try now.. or which time will be suitable

  537. I & my boyfriend are thinking for Foreign Settlement after marriage, for please guide us on my foreign settlement on other country is possible or not, if it is yes by when and where. How was our carrier will go, going through tough situations .My birth details are:
    Date of birth : 17/10/1991
    Time: 05.29 PM
    Place of birth: Colombo 03,Sri Lanka

    My boyfriend’s details are
    Date of birth : 10/01/1984
    Time: 12.57 PM
    Place of birth: Aranayake,Sri Lanka
    Please advice us any chance of foreign settlement? Please advice us.
    Thank you very much.

  538. Sir my name is Jagjeet Singh
    DOB 13-04-1989
    Place Dhariwal Gurdaspur Punjab
    Do I have a chance of settling abroad..?

  539. Hi Deepak Sir..,

    Currently i am not working as i got married. Can u please let me know will i work in future as per my astrology ??
    Do i have any foreign travelling chances ??

    Name : Veera Sujana
    DOB : 28th august 1987
    Timing : 06:30 am
    Place of birth : Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh

  540. Hi sir,
    My name is manbir kaur.DOB is 19 may 1993.timining is 4:40pm,pace is amritsar…
    Is there any chance of my foreign settlement…
    Please advice me

  541. Hi pandit ji,
    name – amarjeet singh
    dob – 14/12/1989
    time of birth – 23:30
    place of birth – new delhi

    I am in uk from past 5 years, I would really appreciate if you can tell me whether there are any chances of setting down here.

  542. Mr Amarjeet
    your permanent settlement is possible by first sight analysis of horoscope.


  543. your dasa is favorable but it is not easy for you.


  544. you ask many question so you need professional appointment.


  545. hello sir,

    my name is krishan kumar .My birth details are:Date of birth : 24/05/1990,Time: 09.05 AM,Place of birth : Ladwa,Haryana

    Is there any chance of my foreign settlement…Please advice me.

  546. permanent foreign settlement yog is not very strong but Rajyog is present so you can do everything. be positive about family life.

  547. hello sir,
    my name is date of birth is 13-01-1992 at 17.15 hour in I have chance of settling in abroad permanently. if yes then what is the favourable time to try for it?


  548. DOB : 02-May-1982 : Time – 00:15 a.m
    Place of birth : Hyderabad, India.
    Can i go to US and settle in there for short or long period…..

    Please let me know guruji

  549. NAME Susheem Pahwa
    DOB 16/12/1983
    Time 10:10 pm
    Foreign settlement chances?

  550. Please be kind & inform me have us any chances regard going abroad

  551. My Date of Birth is 23rd May 1992
    Time : 03:50 Am
    Place – Nagaur, Rajasthan(India)
    Will i got foreign country and settle there?

  552. Thanks Mr. Sharma for taking the time out to reply me back, really appreciate.

  553. Hlo sir my DOB is 18TH SEPTEMBER time is 10.30 am kodinar Gujarat sir can u tell me about my horoscope do I get visa for abroad and settle there .. sir please tell me

  554. Sir, i have consult before on 5 october 2015.but no response. please guide me it is any chance to settlement in abroad or i drop the that idea.plz consult as soon as possible, waiting for your reply.

  555. Hello sir,

    my DOB is 26/6/1985, time 2.10 am.Place :jorhat, Assam,India
    I have traveled to foreign land for my employer for short duration many times.
    but i want to stay abroad for couple of years.Please advise if my horoscope support that.

  556. DOB:- 12.08.1973
    TIME:- 08.00 AM



  557. when will i get married
    And tell me about foreign settlemen
    Dob 23/02/1988
    time : 1:23 pm
    Place : ganganagar, rajasthan

  558. plz advice me…. i try before but i could not get response till now.pz advice i try for foreign settlement or drop the idea..

  559. Birth Details:
    9th January 1990
    11:55 AM
    Kolkata, West Bengal

    Question: Will I settle abroad, if so when?

  560. my DOB 20-03-1991
    place -warangal
    i wanna go to abroad for further studies please tell me sir

  561. Pranam guruji
    kindly tell me chances of working in foreign countries.I am waiting for your reply for last 6 months.Please help me on this.Thanks.

    Name : Manjunath Avisani
    Date of Birth : June 1,1989
    Time : 6.10 AM
    Place : Nellore,AndhraPradesh

  562. Mr. Krishan in your horoscope Moon is in the house of foreign due to this reason you are very concern about abroad possible but not easy many problem wil come .

  563. Name : Athmanandareddy

    Date of birth : 27-04-1989 Time : 12:08 PM

    Can i settled in usa

  564. Dear Deepak Sir

    My date of birth is 05th December 1990
    Time 08:05 am
    Place Jahangir Puri, Delhi
    do I have foreign travel and settelment , please let me know .

    Thank You

    Plz reply soon

  565. Dear Deepak Sir


    My date of birth is 05th December 1990
    Time 08:05 PM
    Place Jahangir Puri, Delhi
    do I have foreign travel and settelment , please let me know .

    Thank You

    Plz reply soon

  566. Sir kindly advise me
    My DOB is 16/12/1983
    Susheem Pahwa
    Place of birth Gurgaon
    Time 10:10 pm
    I messaged you earlier also,but did not get the reply.
    My question is will I be able to settle abroad?
    My wife’s DOB is 20/02/1987
    Place of birth Delhi
    Time 12:30 pm
    Kindly guide me sir,I am trying very hard.look forward for your reply.

  567. my birthdate is 20th april 1991, time is 8am sharp and place is navsari gujarat india…..please can u tell me if i have foreign settlement yog

  568. Sir, could you please advise, if I have chances of working in foreign countries?

    Name: Kiran
    DOB: 24/04/1983
    TIME: 17:45
    PLACE: Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh

  569. My date of birth 15. 8.89,9.45pm,gudalur is there any chance for me to go abroad

  570. Hello Sir,

    Good Evening and i hope everything is going good. I am writing in connection with my foreign settlement. I would like to take your guidance baed on my below details.

    DOB : 27th Feb, 1984
    Time : 07:30 AM
    Place : Trichur, Kerala, India.

    Humbly requesting you to please reply.

    Yours faithfully,
    Binesh Ravindran

  571. My DOB – 14th October, 1998, Time of Birth – 5-56 AM, Place of Birth – Kolkata, West Bengal, India. I want to know – Shall I be able to go to USA to pursue Bachelor’s, Master’s & Doctorate in 2018 (My HS is in 2018 March) in the fields of Mathematics & Computer Science? I shall apply for the universities in 2017.

  572. Dear sir,
    My name is desai japan n
    My dob is 04 th jan 1984
    My tob is 08:59 am
    My bp is vadodara(gujarat)
    Kindly let me know when i will be getiing married?is there any chance of getting marry to foreigner?

  573. Hi Sir, Namaskar

    my name is – ankita sharma, my DOB- 11.03.1992, Place of birth- Ambala, india, Time of birth- 08:57 PM. Kindly tell me will i travel abroad or settle there anything, it is really important to know for me at this point, kindly tell.
    Thanking you
    Ankita sharma

  574. Dear Deepak Sir,

    My date of birth is 05th December 1990
    Time 08:05 PM
    Place Jahangir Puri, Delhi
    do I have foreign travel and settelment , please let me know .

    Thank You

    Plz reply soon

  575. Dear Sir

    Please find below following details :

    Name : Mukul Pande
    Date of Birth : 31 December 1985
    Time of Birth : 8: 55 am
    BIrth Place : Mumbai

    Are there chances of continuous foreign travel for work related opportunities. Please let me know . Also are there chances of temporary settlement abroad.

    Thank you in advance.

  576. Dear guruji,
    Plz advice me guruji

    My name is desai japan nitinkumar
    My dob is 4 th january 1984
    Birth place is vadodara

    When marriage will happen?do i marry to foreign citizen girl?

  577. My dob is June 14, 1986. 3:30 AM.. Born in Chennai. Kindly let me know if I will travel abroad and will I be able to settle there?

  578. Sorry its mistake

    My DOB – 11th Aug 1989, 06:00am, Dahod, Gujarat.

    Please advice when will i get married. Also about my carrier prospects.

    Abroad Settelment Or Not

    Please Reply Soon

  579. Dear Guruji,

    Will i have a chance to settle abroad ? If yes, may i know when is possible ?
    Name : Suresh Kumar
    DOB : 20-July-1976,
    Place of birth : Solurmattam (Near Kothagiri/Ooty)
    Time : 1.40 AM,
    State : Tamilnadu

    Suresh Kumar

  580. Dob- 22/06/1982
    time- 22.45
    place- Kolkata
    what to do for free from loan.
    can I go abroad.

  581. According to your horoscope and by first sight interpretation marriage will became after 2015 and can be possible to getting married with foreigner but many problem will come.

  582. Hello Sir,

    Good Evening and i hope everything is going good. I am writing in connection with my foreign settlement. I would like to take your guidance baed on my below details.

    DOB : 27th Feb, 1984
    Time : 07:30 AM
    Place : Trichur, Kerala, India.

    Humbly requesting you to please reply.

  583. Namaste Pandit’ji ,

    My wish is to permanently settle down in USA. I would be highly obliged if you can tell me by when I can make that happen .

    Details :

    DOB – 14/10/1972
    Time : 16:10
    Place – Kolkata (Calcutta), WB, India.

    Pronaam ,

  584. DOB: 04th July, 1984,
    Time: 19:50
    Place: Ahmedabad

    can you please tell me when i will go to abroad? I already put file for Australia. please tell me.

    Thanks for spend your valuable time for me.

    Thanks again.

  585. respected sir,

    i am right now studying be 3rd sem and i am planning to go to usa for pursuing my ms degree and i have average marks.plz giude me if thare are any chances of going to usa

    DOB-10TH NOVEMBER 1995

  586. respected sir,

    i am right now studying be 3rd sem and i am planning to go to usa for pursuing my ms degree and i have average marks.plz giude me if thare are any chances of going to usa

    DOB-10TH NOVEMBER 1995


  587. Dear Deepak Sir,

    My date of birth is 05th December 1990
    Time 08:05 PM
    Place Jahangir Puri, Delhi
    do I have foreign travel and settlement , please let me know .

    Thank You

    Plz reply soon

  588. Hi my name is Yogesh and my date of birth is 03-11-1989, birth timing is 1600 hrs and place of birth is Pune. Sir my question is that I want trying to relocate to UK. Sir I request you to please suggest me is there any chances to settle down in UK. Pleased reply.

  589. advise me
    My DOB is 16/12/1983
    Susheem Pahwa
    Place of birth Gurgaon
    Time 10:10 pm
    I messaged you earlier also,but did not get the reply.
    My question is will I be able to settle abroad?
    My wife’s DOB is 20/02/1987
    Place of birth Delhi
    Time 12:30 pm
    Kindly guide me sir,I am trying very hard.look forward for your reply.

    WAITING FOR YOUR valuable ANSWER.. Sukhpreet Singh

  591. Hi
    We have adopted a girl child in India whose dob is 13 Jan 2011 and time is 11.42 PM
    Place of birth is Jansath, muzaffarnagar, UP,India. She is my cousin’s daughter.

    My question is to know if we can succeed to bring her here with us in London,UK
    Family adoption laws and process is very difficult in both the countries.

    Please advise.

  592. Dear sir
    My name is dinesh kumar I born on 12th August 1988 at 9:51am . Plz let me know I have applied a work visa for Dubai in this month. Is there any chances for me to get the visa or settle in Dubai ?

    Awaiting for reply.

  593. advise me
    My DOB is 16/12/1983
    Susheem Pahwa
    Place of birth Gurgaon
    Time 10:10 pm
    I messaged you earlier also,but did not get the reply.
    My question is will I be able to settle abroad?
    My wife’s DOB is 20/02/1987
    Place of birth Delhi
    Time 12:30 pm
    Kindly guide me sir,I am trying very hard.look forward for your wife also giving exams for foreign settlement.

  594. Dear Sir,

    We are from Mumbai. My Husbands details:
    DOB: 07/01/1981
    TIME OF BIRTH : 10:15 am
    PLACE: Kumbakonam

    My details;:
    TIME OF BIRTH: 14:30
    PLACE: Kannur

    Please tell us if we have a permanent foreign settlement fate? Please advice.

    Thank you!

  595. Dear Sir,

    My DOB : 08/02/1987
    Time 02:47 PM
    Place kannur, kerala
    do I have foreign travel and settlement , or will i travel to any foreign land please let me know .

    Thank You

    waiting for your reply

  596. DOB:11/5/1984
    TIME:00.13 A.M
    My question is will i be able to work in foreign land.

  597. Thanks Sir .

    For Advice.but me do i drop the idea to foreign settlement??????
    or advice me best solution for this.

  598. Dear Shri Deepak Sir,

    My date of birth is 05th December 1990
    Time 08:05 PM
    Place Jahangir Puri, Delhi

    do I have foreign travel and settlement , please let me know .

    Thank You

    Plz reply Sir, I m eagerly waiting for your reply.

  599. Dear sir

    My dob is 14/11/1986 & time is 6:26pm place ludhiana.

    i am trying for canada PR. i am b tech engineer.

    is there any chance for me to get settled in canada.
    I’ll wait for your kind replt

  600. Hello sir,
    My questions is currently i am doing job in africa & i want to start my own business.Is there any chance of my foreign settlement…
    Please advice me.
    DOB = 04/06/1984.
    DOT = 1:20am
    DOP = Gandhidham (gujrat)

  601. Thank u guruji
    Can you please advice me when excatly marriage will happen?

  602. My dob is 7 jan 1991 time 7:15 pm. Please let me know that are there any chances of foriegn travel in my horoscope as i am trying from last 2 years but no luck.please let me know when is the good time to go?

  603. Hello sir

    Name simranjit kaur
    Dob 03051986
    Time 715pm
    Place Jalandhar punjab India

    I just want to ask you settlement in uk?

    Kind regards

  604. Hello sir,

    DOB : 03/11/1984
    Time : 03:20pM
    place : Visakhapatnam,india

    My question is will i be able to work in foreign land.
    do I have foreign travel and settlement , please let me know

  605. my date of birth is 18 January 1985 time 3;15 pm and place Jamnagar, gujarat Will i be able to travel overseas ever? if yes when?
    thank you

  606. your detail is not complete .
    what is your place of birth .

  607. Miss simranjit
    according to horoscope no strong combination present in your kundali. through husband can be possible .

  608. According to horoscope foreign settlement is possible but not easy.

  609. Dear Sir
    My name is Gadee Gowwrii dob :05jul1972 time of birth is 1:15 am and placeof birth is adoni , Kurnool dist,andhrapradesh .
    Then question is when do i go to foreign
    and what should be done to settle there and do continuous job
    Pls give the remedies if any problems
    Thanks and Regards
    Gadee Gowwrii

  610. Will i study aboard ?
    Dob 08/04/1981
    time 4.20pm
    place talegaon pune

  611. Dear sir,
    My dob is 19 mar 1987
    Time is 00:40 am
    Place = ulhasnagar (maharashtra).

    My question is i wish is to permanently settle down in foreign land is there any possibility in my horoscope.

  612. Dear sir,
    My dob is 19 mar 1987
    Time is 00:40 am
    Place = ulhasnagar (maharashtra).

    My question is i wish is to permanently settle down in foreign land is there any possibility in my horoscope.

  613. My Date of Birth is 1st Feb, 1977, Birth Place is Mandi (Himachal Pradesh) time is 00:39 night can i have chance settle in Foreign Land

  614. sir can you please reply and clear my doubts becuase ill be simply waste my time trying for it.

  615. for short time can be. there no any strong combination present in your horoscope. but in that time transfar can be possible.

  616. yes you can travel overseas in that time Sun Mahadasha is going on when Antardasha of venus come you should try for foreign travel.

  617. My DOB – 14th October, 1998, Time of Birth – 5-56 AM, Place of Birth – Kolkata, West Bengal, India. I want to know – Shall I be able to go to USA to pursue Bachelor’s, Master’s & Doctorate in 2018 (My HS is in 2018 March) in the fields of Mathematics & Computer Science? I shall apply for the universities in 2017.

    Please advise me, Sir. I need help. Please.

  618. My birth details are as follows:

    DOB: 03-11-1989
    Timing: 1600 hrs
    Place: Pune

    Sir, my question is I am trying to relocate to UK. Please suggest me is there any possibility. Please do reply sir

  619. Dear Sir
    Please advice me
    My DOB is 16/12/1983
    Susheem Pahwa
    Place of birth Gurgaon
    Time 10:10 pm
    I messaged you earlier also,but did not get the reply.
    My question is will I be able to settle abroad?
    My wife’s DOB is 20/02/1987
    Place of birth Delhi
    Time 12:30 pm
    Kindly guide me sir,I am trying very hard.look forward for your reply.

  620. Dear Guruji,

    Will i have a chance to settle abroad ?
    If yes, may i know when is possible ?
    Name : Suresh Kumar
    DOB : 20-July-1976,
    Place of birth : Solurmattam (Near Kothagiri/Ooty)
    Time : 1.40 AM,
    State : Tamilnadu

    Suresh Kumar

  621. Dear Guruji,

    Will i have a chance to settle abroad ?
    If yes, may i know when is possible ?
    Name : Suresh Kumar
    DOB : 20-July-1976,
    Place of birth : Solurmattam (Near Kothagiri/Ooty)
    Time : 1.40 AM,
    State : Tamilnadu

    Suresh Kumar

  622. Dear Deepakji,

    I started my Australia PR Visa on Jun’13. All steps are completed but struck at the end of the process. Would I have a chance to Live and Settle in abroad? If yes when I would start my new international life? I am struggling a lot to get visa. Kindly understand my situation and provide your wonderful prediction. My family details are presented below.
    DOB: 06-12-1982
    Place: Akividu, Bhimavaram(Andhra Pradesh), India
    Time: 06:05 AM
    My Wife name: Swarna latha, DOB: 02-02-1991,Place: Ramakrishnapuram ( Telangana), Time: 07:00 PM

    I look forward to hearing a good news from you.
    Best Regards,
    K V R

  623. Hello Sir,

    Good Evening and i hope everything is going good. I am writing in connection with my foreign settlement. I would like to take your guidance baed on my below details.

    DOB : 27th Feb, 1984
    Time : 07:30 AM
    Place : Trichur, Kerala, India.

    Humbly requesting to please reply.

  624. Please find below following details :

    Name : Mukul Pande
    Date of Birth : 31 December 1985
    Time of Birth : 8: 55 am
    BIrth Place : Mumbai

    Are there chances of continuous foreign travel for work related opportunities. Please let me know . Also are there chances of temporary settlement abroad.

    Thank you in advance.

  625. Dear Sir,

    I am Praveen
    Will i have a chance to settle abroad with wife?
    If yes, may i know when it is possible bcos i have started applying for jobs?
    DOB : 16th March 1987
    Place of birth : Dahisar, Mumbai
    Time : 23.30PM
    State : Maharashtra

    Thanks in Advance

  626. hello sir,

    Kindly let me know which country will be suitable for me to settle down?Actually I am planning to go abroad for studies and looking to settle down abroad.

    Also advice me on which course will be suitable for me

    My details are DOB: 22nd July 1994, place Mumbai and time is 16.36.

  627. Dear Guru ji
    my date of birth is 27-04-1981
    time: 6:15 am
    place:palampur, H.P

    guru ji i was working in nigeria from mar 2011 till 8th Nov 2015.
    but now im back to india
    still i have some chances to work abroab or not

  628. Dear guruji,
    My name is desai japan n
    My dob is 4 th jan 1984
    My tob is 08:59 a.m.
    My pob is vadodara (gujarat)

    Will u plz tell me when excatly marriage happen ?

  629. Hello Sir,
    My name is Paramveer Grewal
    my DOB is 19 Feb 91
    time 8.32pm
    and place of birth is Kolkata.
    What are my chances of settling abroad?
    Thank You

  630. Please find below following details :

    Name : Paramveer Grewal
    Date of Birth : 19 Feb 1991
    Time of Birth : 8: 32 pm
    BIrth Place : Kolkata

    What are my chances of permanent settlement abroad?
    Eagerly waiting for your response.
    Thank you in advance.

  631. female
    DOB 30 august 1981
    time 10:10 am
    place of birth dehradun

    Please let me know possibility of settling out of India in job ? When & where I will get married? Which gemstone is recommended for me.

  632. Dear Sir,

    If you please kind enough to respond my query.

    Aritra Mitra

  633. Dob. 25 feb 1970

    Time. 2. 21 am

    Place Mumbai
    Pl tell if I have scope for foreign travel or settlement and which year


  634. hello
    dear sir
    name :parth
    dob :03/02/1993
    bot 7:45 pm(19:45)

    i am a mechanical engineer and i applied for usa student visa but its rejection in april 28/4/2015 and i want to settlement in foreign…so i want to know is it possible ?

  635. DOB 17 march 1989
    Place : keshod, gujarat
    Time 7 pm
    When will I get married?


  636. Hi Sir,
    Please advise me.
    my DOB is 26/6/1985, time 2.10 am.Place :jorhat, Assam,India
    I have traveled to foreign land for my employer for short duration many times.
    but i want to stay abroad for couple of years.Please advise if my horoscope support that.

  637. M rahul arora
    Dob :- 25/9/1991
    Tym:- 1:30 pm
    Place:- sonipat (haryana)

    Sir do i hv scope of foreign travel or possiblity of settling abroad ?
    Thank you

  638. Sir please help me.kindly tell me ,is there is any chance of my foriegn settlements?
    My DOB is 20/02/1987
    Place of birth New Delhi
    Time 12:30pm

  639. Hi Sir,

    My DOC is ^ april, 1984, Karnal Haryana, 10: 30 pm, will i work and settle abroad and when will i get married..thanks

  640. Hi Sir, My DOC is 6 april 1984, time 10: 30 pm, Karnal haryana, India, will i work and settle abroad.

  641. Please find below following details :

    Name : Paramveer Grewal
    Date of Birth : 19 Feb 1991
    Time of Birth : 8: 32 pm
    BIrth Place : Kolkata

    What are my chances of permanent settlement abroad?
    Eagerly waiting for your response.

  642. Hello Sir,

    Good Evening and i hope everything is going good. I am writing in connection with my foreign settlement. I would like to take your guidance baed on my below details.

    DOB : 27th Feb, 1984
    Time : 07:30 AM
    Place : Trichur, Kerala, India.

    Humbly requesting you to please reply.

    Binesh Ravindran

  643. Hello Sir,

    Good Evening and i hope everything is going good. I am in connection with my foreign settlement. I would like to take your guidance based on my below details.

    DOB : 27th Feb, 1984
    Time : 07:30 AM
    Place : Trichur, Kerala, India.

    Humbly requesting you to please reply.

    Yours faithfully,
    Binesh Ravindran

  644. Hello Sir,

    Good Evening and i hope everything is going good. I am writing in connection with my foreign settlement. I would like to take your guidance baed on my below details.

    27th Feb, 1984
    07:30 AM
    Trichur, Kerala, India.

    Humbly requesting you to please reply.

    Yours faithfully,
    Binesh Ravindran

  645. This site is fake. This guy doesn’t have time to reply to any of our questions.

  646. Respected Guruji, Good morning.

    DOB: 4th March 1983

    Time: 04:20 PM

    Place: Chidambaram.

    Please advise me, Do I have foreign travel and settlement.

  647. Dear Shri Deepak Sir,

    DOB – 05th December 1990
    Time – 08:05 PM
    Place – Jahangir Puri, Delhi

    Is there any chance of mine working abroad and foreign settlement ?
    please let me know .

    Thank You

    Plz reply Sir, I m eagerly waiting for your reply.

  648. Name : Alay Patel
    Birth Date : 02/03/1990
    Time : 10:39 am
    Birth Place : Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
    I am from Ahmedabad

    I want to weather there is any yog to settle in foreign countries like USA, Canada or in Australia. Pls rply when the yog is going on.

  649. Respected Sir,

    Will I be able to go to uk ? My husband stays there and my visa got rejected ! My dob: 15/12/1991
    Birth time : 6:37am
    Place of birth : Ahmedabad

  650. Hi Guruji,

    My name Durga Rani
    DOB 10 July 1985
    Time morning 10.20
    Place Rajapalayam, Tamil Nadu

    Please check and tell me whether I can get good job in foreign country and settle there. I want to settle at UK OR USA

  651. Dear sir,

    Currently facing problem in my career and job. Can you tel me whether I have chance to visit abroad in 2016 for studies or work?

    Name: Hirthanu
    Time – 9.50 AM
    Place of birth- Pollachi

  652. one day you will go abroad in that time no good dasha is going on for better result you should wear Panna ratna. Next time you try after march 2016 .

    dr.deepak sharma

  653. Dear sir

    time of birth-10am
    Place is new delhi
    Wanted to ask about whether there is any chance of settling abroad in 2016 though i am trying since 2014 onwards with little success.
    Please guide me through…thanks

  654. Sorry sir, here it is

    Name: Hirthanu
    Time – 9.50 AM
    Place of birth- Pollachi, Coimbatore district

  655. My d.o.b 21/10/1983 time 4:33 pm place Ahmedabad .
    Meena rashi and meena lagna
    3rd house Rahu
    6th house Mars and Venus
    7th house Mercury
    8th house sun and Saturn
    9th house Jupiter and Ketu
    Will I be settle in foreign?

  656. Guruji pranam
    My date of birth is 21/10/1983 time 16:33 pm place Ahmedabad . Guruji will I able to settle in foreign. Passing through tough time. I have meena rashi and meena lagna. 3rd house Rahu . 6th house Mars and Venus .7th house Mercury 8th house sun and Saturn 9th house Jupiter and Ketu. Pls advise me. Thanks

  657. Hello sir,

    My DOB is
    7:16 P.M
    makar rashi

    Is there any chance of going abroad?
    which year will be good for me?

  658. Guruji pranam..
    My date of birth is 1982.01.12. Time 8.48 am. Place. Sri Lanka. Colombo . Can I settle in foreign country. What will be the country . When it is possible.which year will be good for me.

  659. Hello sir
    My name is roma punjabi
    Dob 19 mar 1987
    Time : 00:40 am
    Place = ulhasnagar (maharashtra )
    i was working in dubai since 2008 to 2013 and now i m setteld in africa with my husband .
    My questions is whether is there any chance to go back to dubai and start my own business.

  660. Namaste Guruji,

    My DOB 26.01.1987 /1140 AM New Delhi. Are there any chances of getting settled in abroad ? & When will get stability in my life?

  661. My name is Megha Singhvi.
    date of Birth: 16 August , 1981
    Place: Udaipur, rajasthan
    Time of Birth:10:20PM

    Though I have visited abroad several times but would I be able to settle there or may be live there for 3-4 years and work there?

    Thanks in advance

  662. ​Hello sir ,
    can you please tell me if i ll go to foreign country to work or not :

    TOB:12:10 (noon)
    place :vijayawada andhrapradesh india..

  663. Hello Sir,

    Good Evening and i hope everything is going good. I am writing in connection with my foreign settlement. I would like to take your guidance baed on my below details.

    27th Feb, 1984
    07:30 AM
    Trichur, Kerala, India.

    Humbly requesting you to please reply.

    Your faithfully,
    Binesh Ravindran

  664. Namaste sir

    I wanter to know my foreign travel and settlement. Plz help me know my foreign travel.

    DOB: 21st November 1991
    Place of Birth: Birgunj City, Nepal
    Time of Birth: 02:25 PM
    Coordinates of Place of Birth: Birgunj City, Nepal (27:00 N, 84:52 E)

    Thank you & Regards

  665. my name is hemali vala. my birth time is 6:15 am. my birthdate is 9-12-1987.and my birthplace is gondal(gujarat). currently i m leaving in pune. me and my husband are computer engineer. my husband’s name is mitul parmar. his birthdate is 12-july-1986. birthplace is bhavnagar.can u pls chck my horoscope I get visa or not this year for uk. So sir pls tell me

  666. My DOB: 29-05-1981, 8.00 PM,
    Place of Birth: Salem, Tamil Nadu, India

    Do I have scope to settle down abroad?

  667. Respected sir,

    My Dob is 14-08-1985
    Time – 9:30 pm
    Please tell me, is there any chance to settle in abroad?
    I know it’s very time consuming process. So please do reply if possible.
    Thanks in advance

  668. Namaste!

    my DOB : 28-11-1987
    Place : Sri Ganganagar(Raj)
    Time : 8: 05 AM

    Please let me know if i have foreign travel yog and chances of settleling down there

  669. Will I settle abroad…..
    DOB: 02 Sept 1976
    Place: pune
    Time: 7:35 am

  670. Dear Shri Deepak Sir,

    DOB – 05th December 1990
    Time – 08:05 PM
    Place – Jahangir Puri, Delhi

    Is there any chance of mine working abroad and foreign settlement ?
    please let me know .

    Thank You

    Plz reply Sir, I m eagerly waiting for your reply.

  671. My name is satyam chopra. DOB: 21-09-1981, place of birth : mumbai, time of birth:8.30 pm. Do lemme know foreign settlement is possible for me and in which country or direction. Thanks

  672. Hi my name is Surekha koul, 23 Feb 1981 birthplace is Kashmir ( bandipoora), my husband name is Vinod Koul 4 July 1980 birthplace is Kashmir. I want to know does he hv any chance of getting job abroad, and when will he get a mex job change. Thank you

  673. my date of birth is 17 july 1990 time 10 PM and place Bhusawar ,Rajasthan do i have foreign travell and settelment ,please let me know .
    thank you

  674. December 13, 1975 08:05 AM star: Revathi Meena Lagnam: Dhanur…Please advise on the future will i be involved in spirituality? or will i lead a normal life…or will i be out of the money pressure from this year?

  675. Dear Guruji,

    Will i have a chance to settle abroad ? If yes, may i know when and which country is possible ?
    Name : Suresh Kumar
    DOB : 20-July-1976,Time : 1.40 AM,
    Place of birth : Solurmattam (Near Kothagiri/Ooty)
    State : Tamilnadu

    Suresh Kumar Ramaswamy

  676. My date of birth is 18/12/1982 morning 7:30dharwad karnataka and husband dob is 09-05-1979 timng 11:30 after noon jalahandar punjab. Pls let us know if we have any chance of foreign settlement or shorterm career there . We had applied for PR canadian but we are not qualifying due to cut off. Kindly pls provide us remedies as well…

  677. Hello Sir, I have provided my details below – Could you please let me know weather i will have a chance to settle in abroad with my family ? Also let me know in which country ?
    Name : Suresh Kumar R, DOB : 20-July-1976, Time “:1.40 AM, Place :Kothagiri, District : Nilgiris, State : Tamilnadu

    Suresh Kumar R

  678. My date of birth is 18/12/1982 morning 7:30dharwad karnataka and husband dob is 09-05-1979 timng 11:30 after noon jalahandar punjab. Pls let us know if we have any chance of foreign settlement or shorterm career there . We had applied for PR canadian but we are not qualifying due to cut off. Kindly pls provide us remedies as well…Husband name is ramachandra kulkarni and my name is Keerti Kulkarani

  679. Sir,
    My husband name is Gopalakrishnan, Dob:03.11.1986 , time is around 9.30AM was born at Madurai
    My name is Prasanna, Dob:11.06.1987 at 7.42PM at Aruppukottai
    For the past four years we are trying to get US visa, will it possible in this year?
    We are not interested to settle there. We want to go in a contract (around 5 to 7years)period and come back to India

  680. Hello Sir,
    My dob is 13th december 1985
    time 08.10 am
    place- kolkata
    will i be able to settle abroad

  681. Dear Shri Deepak Sir,

    DOB – 05th December 1990
    Time – 08:05 PM
    Place – Jahangir Puri, Delhi

    Is there any chance of mine working abroad and foreign settlement ?
    please let me know .

    Thank You

    Plz reply Sir.

  682. DOB – 07 th november 1984
    Time – 06:30 PM
    Place –mokama,bihar

    Is there any chance of going abroad with my husband and my kid ? He is trying for more than two years he is not getting any long term project. And when I will go and where.
    please let me know .
    I will be thankful.
    Thank You

    Plz reply Sir.

  683. Hello Sir,

    My name is Pritesh Joshi.I am 34 yrs old.
    birth date : 27/09/1981
    birth time : 21:27
    birth place : ahmedabad

    Will I go abroad as per my horoscope and when and how (trying to get marry with usa citizen girl)

    currently my Rahu vishotari mahadsha is running with sun antardasha.

    Please help me.



  684. Dear Deepak,

    My DOB is 04 May 1988
    Time of birth 14:45 (02:45 PM)
    Place of birth is Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh

    Question: Please let me know will I travel to USA in 2016 or 2017? When otherwise..

    Thanks in advance!!!

  685. My Husband DOB is 26.03.1976 he has appled visa twice but was not sucessful third time we are waiting for it will be successful

  686. My Husband DOB is 26.03.1976 he has appled visa twice but was not sucessful third time we are waiting for it will be successful this time and also Job

    Name :Aditya
    DOB :26.03.1976
    Timine :10:00hrs

  687. My Husband DOB is 26.03.1976 he has appled visa twice but was not sucessful third time we are waiting for it will be successful this time and also Job

    Name :Aditya
    DOB :26.03.1976
    Timine :10:00hrs
    Place of Birth : Hyderabad

  688. Dear Guruji,

    my name is rakshat chhillar
    Dob – 11 oct 1987
    Pob – delhi,new delhi
    Tob – 7:00:00 pm

    Please tell me whether i will go abroad or settle abroad ? will i settle or come back ? will it be fruitful for me?

    thank you for your reply

  689. Namaskar sir
    My DOB-08 October 1972
    Time 1.35 am
    Place- Mumbai

    when will I be able to migrate to Canada ?

  690. Hello Sir,

    My name is Pritesh.

    birth date 27/09/1981
    birth time : 21:27
    birth place : ahmedabad

    Will I go foreign country ? when and will I able to set there permanently?

  691. DOB : 26.03.1976
    Wants to move to austrilia Please let me know the chances as visa got rejected twice

  692. Hello Sir, I have provided my details below – Could you please let me know weather i will have a chance to settle in abroad with my family ? Also let me know in which country ? Details are listed below :
    Name : Suresh Kumar R, DOB : 20-July-1976, Time “:1.40 AM, Place :Kothagiri, District : Nilgiris, State : Tamilnadu

    Suresh Kumar R

  693. my date of birth is 12th April 1992 time 6;30 am and place village:-dhannur b mondal:-boath dist:- adilabad state:- telanagana do i have foreign travel and settlement ,please let me know .
    thank you

  694. Aditya P

    I have applied for visa as per my horosscope do i have chance to go and settle in aboard

  695. My birth date is 27/09/1981
    birth time : 21:27
    birth place: ahmedabad

    Do I have foreign yog ? When I will go abroad and how(by marriage or profession)?


  696. Hi,

    Will I settle abroad? My date of birth is 2 sep 1972 @ 12.40 PM in Ludhiana, Punjab India.

  697. Hello Sir,
    My DOB 31.03.1987, time 23.55, place of birth Bangalore. My husband’s name is Samir, DOB 16.05.79, time 10.04 a.m place of birth Mumbai. I would like to whether we settle in Canada as our visa is under process. Please reply ASAP.

  698. I am looking for job in USA.What are my chances of getting job?Will I and my husband able to stay at one place?

    Let me know can I think of settle down in USA or India is best for me?

    MY date of birth is 16 may 1984. Birth time is 11:30 AM .


  699. Hello Sir,
    May I know how to get your appointment ?

    I have provided my details below – Could you please let me know weather i will have a chance to settle in abroad with my family ? Also let me know in which country ? Details are listed below :
    Name : Suresh Kumar R, DOB : 20-July-1976, Time “:1.40 AM, Place :Kothagiri, District : Nilgiris, State : Tamilnadu

    Suresh Kumar R

  700. I am 12 march 1983 born at 11:30 in meerut UP and desperate to go abroad do i have any chance what are the remedies please help me

  701. Hi, My dob is 10/08/1994 time 10:30 am and place of birth durgapur (west bengal) please tell me about my career and if any foreign travel present when will it happen and for which purpose? please reply urgently..

  702. My DOB is 31-07-1994, birth time between 9:20-9:40, place: secunderabad, andhra pradesh
    Are there chances of me going to abroad? If yes, is it for studies or work? and in which year?

  703. Guruji, I am lossing jobs these days. Luck is not favouring me. Pls suggest!

  704. My DOB is 19-08-1986 and time is 11:47 AM , place is Kashmir (J&K). Will i ever settle abroad?

  705. my dob-28-10-1991,
    place-rajahmundry ,andhra pradesh (i have any abroad chance)

    thanks in advance

  706. Please reply me about foreign yog and tell me will I earn good money and happy in foreign ?

  707. Hello sir,
    Will I travel abroad by the year of 2016?

    Name: Hirthanu
    Time – 9.50 AM
    Place of birth- Pollachi, Coimbatore district

  708. Please find below following details :

    Name : Paramveer Grewal
    Date of Birth : 19 Feb 1991
    Time of Birth : 8: 32 pm
    BIrth Place : Kolkata, West Bengal

    What are my chances of permanent settlement abroad?
    Eagerly waiting for your response.
    Thank you in advance.

  709. my dob is27 th Jan 1985 ,time 4:40 pm,will I ever settled abroad? plz help me by telling me.

  710. dob is 27th Jan 1985,time 4:40 pm,place dehradun .will I be able to settle abroad.?

  711. My Dob is 03/01/1990 7:20 PM , place : bhimavaram ,please let me know do i have chances to settle in US on job basis ?? Do i have chances for my H1b visa picking up this year?

  712. It is very simple first deposit amount as mention in my site(ask dr.deepak) after receive the amount I reply through email or what apps or telephone as you like.

    thanks for visit my site

  713. Hello Sir,

    Let me follow up with Deepak and then take care. Thank you.

    Suresh Kumar

  714. Hello Sir,

    Will you please help me by clarifying the following query for now ?

    have provided my details below – Could you please let me know weather i will have a chance to settle in abroad with my family ? Also let me know in which country ? Details are listed below :

    Name : Suresh Kumar R, DOB : 20-July-1976, Time “:1.40 AM, Place :Kothagiri, District : Nilgiris, State : Tamilnadu

  715. Sir, do I have destiny to settel abroad.
    Name : dinesh
    DOB : 08/12/1975
    Time : 4.30pm
    Places : una (hp), india

  716. My DOB is 06/08/1994. Place – Bangalore. Can you please let me know if I have chances to study or work abroad for some years?

  717. My D. O. B IS 1-9-1992 birth time is 2:15am born place dhule Maharashtra name Ronak

  718. My D. O. B IS 1-9-1992 birth time is 2:15am born place dhule Maharashtra name Ronaki want to know when will i get my job & is there any chances for my abroad & other que is when willvmy marriage

  719. Sir,

    I want to settle permenantly abroad with my family. Is it any chace? When?

    My DOB 27/09/1971,
    Time 22:20.

  720. sir,
    my name – saroj
    my DOB is 24/02/1976
    place- orissa
    please let me know do i have chances to settle in US on job basis ?? Do i have chances for my H1b visa picking up this year or next year? please help me

  721. My DOB is 08/11/1990. Place – Bareilly, UO. Time of birthe is 7:23 PM . Can you tell me if i have the chance to settle abroad , specially canada??

  722. yes your destiny to settle abroad by first sight analysis of horoscope. you should try. for detail contact through email.

  723. Hi Deepak,

    My DOB is 22/10/1982, 10 AM, Delhi.
    Currently running in Moon-Rahu Dasha. I have only one query, will I be able to go abroad in Moon mahadasha (till 2023) and if yes which years specifically.

    Thanks & Regards,

  724. Name – Vikash
    My DOB is 23 feb 1983
    time 3:20 a.m
    Place :Patna, Bihar
    i want to settle in foreign country , is it possible?
    please help me

  725. sir,
    myself deepali
    my DOB is 24-oct-1988 and the time is 16:27 p.m.. sir i want to know if any chances exist in my kundli to settle down in foreign

  726. Dear sir.
    Name sikha rani mondal
    Dob: 12.10.1980.
    Place : Durgapur . West bengal.
    I would like to know about when my marraige dateans after marraige how will be my carrer and is it possible to go to abroad for higher studies?

  727. Hi Dr.Deepak,
    My DOB is 28/04/1991 time 8:56PM place ahmadnagar maharashtra.
    I want to know is there any chances to go to abroad for me,if yes then when.
    second,i will have love marriage or arrange.

    Thank you

  728. my dob is 17 may 1993 at 10:10 am in sasaram bihar .when will i get govt job and do i have chances of studying in abroad

  729. Hello !!,

    My husband DOB:14-11-1977,TOB: 02.25 AM POB: Tanuku,

    Lot more times tried to go and settle in abroad, Guruji will he settle in Australia as he desires more every day

  730. Hi Deepak Sir,

    I am waiting for your reply.. Please let me know if there is a good possibility for me to settle abroad. If yes, then I would like to discuss my kundli in detail..

  731. Dear Sir,

    My Name is Megha Arora, DOB is 29.07.1984, time – 8.45 AM & POB is New Delhi, Delhi.

    Is there any chance for me to get settled abroad.

    Looking forward to see your response.

  732. Sir my DOB is 08 April 1982 time is 2:45 am… Sir is there any chance to settle aborad ..

  733. Sir my DOB is 08 April 1982 time is 2:45 am…place : Rupnagar (Punjab) Sir is there any chance to settle aborad ..

  734. Respected sir.
    My Name is ANAND KUMAR from Chennai.
    My DOB is 16-08-1983. Time : 11:15am .Place: Chennai. Do I have chance to settle in abroad please tell me, I’ll be obliged to you.

  735. Dear sir.
    Name: Ilesh Patel
    Dob: 15.08.1987.
    Place : Lunavada ,Gujarat.

    Sir, I have done MCA and now i want to go USA for career so can you please
    reply that what time is perfect for me

  736. My name is Varshil Mehta. DOB 5th August 1991. Timing 4.05 pm. Place of birth is Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Do i have a chance to settle or study or study and work for sometime in abroad?

  737. Sir, My date of birth is 16/09/1983, place- Alwar, Rajasthan and time of birth 3:50pm. Please let me know my chances of settling abroad or working for sometime?

  738. Hello Sir

    My Name is Vishal Chawla form Jalalabad (punjab)
    DOB-26/06/1992, Time- 09:05 AM

    i want to know about the chances for settle in abroad?
    Thank you

  739. Hi…
    My DOB is 16/09/1983 time 3:50 pm place Alwar, Rajasthan.
    I want to know is there any chances to go to abroad for me.

  740. Hello sir, my name is Varshil Mehta. dob 5th august 1991 and time is 4.05 pm. Place Ahmedabad, gujarat, India.
    Could you please tell me that whether i will be able to settle in foreign or will be able to do my studies there?

  741. I want to settle in abroad .is it possible in my life? My dob is 03-03-1980
    Time 10 :40 a.m place of birth is punjab

  742. I’m going to germany for higher education.
    Is it going to be beneficial?
    DOB: 20-03-1990
    Time: 5:30AM
    Place: Hansi, Haryana, India

  743. absolutely it will be beneficial for you and I think you will not come back.

  744. In your horoscope Moon in abroad house so you are thinking about going to abroad. short journey is possible.

  745. Sir ,

    I want to permanently settle down in USA for my work. Is it possible Sir ?

    Details :

    DOB – 14/10/1972
    Time : 16:10
    Place – Kolkata (Calcutta), WB, India.

    Pronaam ,

  746. Hello sir
    Will.i settle abroad..permamtely or temporary..whichever..
    DOB. 24 may 1987
    Time. 10 pm
    Place of birth. Kolkata, West bengal

  747. Hi Sir,

    Will I travel abroad by the year of 2016?

    Name: Hirthanu
    Time – 9.50 AM
    Place of birth- Pollachi, Coimbatore district

  748. Hello, Dr. Deepak.

    my date of birth is 18.08.1971, Time is 14:55 and place of birth is Meerut, UP. what are the possibilities of foreign travel

  749. Guruji pranam,
    My self Prem , date of birth is 09 Feb 1974, place :- new Delhi, time :- 20.30 hrs. Is there any chance for me to settle abroad. If it is there then when.


  750. name: mehul bhatt
    time: 08.40 pm
    place: Mehsana , Gujarat

  751. can i go abroad by education purpose or for permanent settlement in near future.

  752. my question is that will i be able to go abroad and settle their in near future. and should i try for USA student visa

  753. Name – Vikash
    My DOB is 23 feb 1983
    time 3:20 a.m
    Place :Patna, Bihar
    i want to settle in foreign country , is it possible?
    please help me

  754. Hello, Dr. Deepak.

    my date of birth is 18.08.1971, Time is 14:55 and place of birth is Meerut, UP. what are the possibilities of foreign travel.

  755. My DOB 15/11/1983 Time 12:25 PM Place New Delhi & My wife DOB 14/05/1984 Time 05:00PM Place New Delhi We have applied for Abroad Migration. I want to know when we will get the visa.

  756. I am trying to change job and is looking for opportunities abroad .just curious to know if i will find any suitable job abroad .I also want to apply for PR to Canada.Awaiting reply eagerly.
    Name -Boopesh
    Time -2:45 PM

  757. Pranam pandit ji,
    Kindly give your expert advise and prediction that whether I Will again go to Australia in coming months this year as it’s been 1 year and 2 months that I had to leave Australia with my son aged now 2 yrs as my husband had filed court case for custody of our son and I am delegated from his since 2 years .we are in high court in India at the moment as I had filed case against my in laws and him for torturing and abandoning Will I stand again on my frets on Australia I am qualified nurse over there and a citizen already of there.Will I be able to go safely and live over there with good job.pls kindly shower your kind blessings on me regarding my foreign settlement.thanks in advance much thanks.

  758. Pranam pandit ji
    Kindly shower if expert advise that whether I would be resettle in Australia of my own and travel there in coming months .my husband left me over there for money and cheated me.we are delegated since July 2014..I have to come India as he filed court case against me and our liitle baby son.I am fighting in high court for justice and he is not letting me to come there. Alone he wants son also.I cannot rely upon life is so uch humiliating ,I am lost in my parents place.I am qualified nurse and citizen of Australia in order to get back life for my baby would I be able to resettle and live there and get my list govt job back.
    Dob is 9-5-1984
    Birth time 8 pm Chandigarh India
    Birth date 9-5-1984

  759. Thanks pandit ji much .in advance and it kind expert guidance .I am so shattered in my life .I want to live life for my baby now.I do not know about him but I want my lost career and life back for my baby as well.pls help me witbur guidance and prediction .
    Much thanks

  760. Hello Dr. Deepak.

    my date of birth is 18.08.1971, Time is 14:55 and place of birth is Meerut, UP. what are the possibilities of foreign travel.

  761. Dear Sir,
    I would like to know whether I will be settling along with my family in abroad as I want to study and work in abroad. D. O. B. 16/05/1990 Time 8:30pm Place Jamshedpur.

  762. Dear Sir,
    I would like to know whether I will be settling along with my family in abroad as I want to permanently settle in abroad for good. D. O. B 16/05/1990 Time 8 :30 am Place – Jamshedpur.

  763. My astro details are:
    DOB : 11th oct 1992
    place: Delhi
    Time: 7.45 am

    Please let me know when can I expect a foreign travel for higher education

  764. pranam pandit ji,
    kindly tell me whether in coming time I will be or I am able to settle life and travel there to settle my life in Australia again . dob -9-5-1984.
    time 8 pm chandigarh India

  765. My name is ishmael, pls, i want to know if i will settle and live my life in overseas.My date of birth if 4th june 1985

  766. DOB – 27-07-1995

    My Name is Viknesh.V. I want to know for how much period i will be going to abroad.

  767. Dear deepak,
    My name is akashkumar sinha
    DOB- 18/12/1992
    PLACE- Warisaligunj, Nawada,Bihar
    Time: 9:00:00 am
    Plzzzz tell me at what age will i go to abroad and for how many years ?
    Plzzzz rly

  768. Miss monica
    First sight analysis of your horoscope some fact is that
    1. family problem present in your horoscope.
    2. this is a time to make your career.
    3. after March 2016 you can go abroad and settle there.

    dr.deepak sharma

  769. abroad settlement is not clear in your horoscope by first analysis of horoscope.

  770. My dob is 1 st January 1987. Time is 7:50 am. Rajkot gujarat. Want to know there is permanent settlement in abroad ??? When i will be able to go there?? Please reply me sir. Thank you.

  771. DOB: 07/01/1982 Time: 05:41 AM, Place: Aligarh UP

    Want to know if I will be able to work abroad and settle.


  772. My name is Minal Abhange Dob 14/09/1987. Place of birth solapur India, time 6.05 am . I have travelled and lived in foreign countries. I want to know can I settle in Canada now.

  773. My DOB is 11 March 1983, 03:20 PM, Place: Hoshiarpur, Punjab(India).
    I want to know if permanent foreign residency is beneficial and chance of going abroad.
    Thanks and regards,

  774. Tell my foreign settlement.
    Name: Kamakshi Mahajan
    DOB: 28.10.1986
    Time: 10.12 AM
    Place Chandigarh

  775. DOB: 07/01/1982
    time: 05:41 AM
    Place Aligarh UP

    Want to know if any chance to work in abroad and settle if yes when.

  776. Dear deepak,
    My name is athmanandareddy
    DOB- 27/04/1989
    PLACE- Nizamabad,Telangana
    Time: 12:00:00 Pm Afternoon
    Visa in process for usa

  777. Hi Deepak,

    my name is Raghu
    place-karimnagar, telangana
    time:05:05:00 am
    Scorpio moon sign,
    from 2014 December i am climbing all the ways the ladder of success in career with Saturn blessings (hope so) drastic change in my life happens as of now and its still continuing.
    i am applying H1B visa now ,can you please predict, will i go to USA ?

  778. My dob 1 st January 1987. Place rajkot gujarat time 7:50 am. Want to know is there any chance of permanent settlement to abroad ?? When i will be able to go?? Please reply me sir. Thank you

  779. pranam pandit ji,

    thanks very much for your kind expert prediction. really it matters for me a lot. so, pls advise me that whether it would be safe for me to settle and find job in australia by living alone. i hope no further major accidents dont happen with me again in my life there., and it means i am going or can go after 28/03/2016, as i am tangled in court process since last year in India with my husband and my in laws. i shall be so thankful to u if u kindly clear ths abroad going prediction ……..much helpful for my life.

    thanks million times pandit ji.

  780. Dear sir,
    My dob is 19 mar 1987
    Time is 00:40 am
    Place = ulhasnagar (maharashtra).

    Sir, do I have destiny to settel abroad.

  781. Please sir kindly reply me. M facing lots of problems right now regarding my relationship. Actually i m engaged. He is working in Singapore. But our wedding date still not fixed. Family ego issues are there.. So i just want to know is there any Chance to settle down in abroad?? After my marriage ?? When i will be able to go?? Waiting for ur kind response sir.. Thank you

  782. Parnam Pandit ji …Pandit ji my DOB is 8/4/1982 time is 2:45 am …place Rupnagar, Punjab.. Pandit ji will I go aborad or any chance to settle there?… Please reply Pandit ji

  783. Namestha Pandit ji..My name is Rakeshkumar and DOB is 23/10/1987 time is 12:35am born in hyderabad..can you tell me when i will go abroad?this year any chances are there to go?for higher education in USA and any chances are there to settle down in abroad??

  784. Namaste sir cn u pls let me know weather I ll get a job in aboard actully im a teacher n now appiled for the same in a school in dubai pls tell will I get the job n is it safe n orofitable for me. Thank you my date of birth is 12 10 1977 4.25 am wednesday

  785. Dear Sir,


    I would like to know whether I will be settling in USA on a long term with my family (husband & daughter). I have gone 3 times on 1m (Canada) ,3m & 9m (USA) duration. My husband is a solution architect with his own startup company.
    DOB. 25/05/1975 Time 9:20 pm Place – Hassan, Karnataka State.
    Looking forward for your kind reply.


  786. Sir,

    kishore kumar

    Sir is their any foreign settlement is based in my life if yes then when.

    If genuinely asked I myself not sure, but still writing to you.

    thanks and have a great time.

  787. Eagerly waiting for your kind response sir. Thank you. I know only one question is free of cost. So just want to know about my foreign settlement only.. Dob 1 st January 1987. Birth time is 7.50 am and place is rajkot Gujarat. Thank you..

  788. My name is Rahul Kumar and date of birth is 15 DEC 1997 at 2:43 am and birth place is firozpur Punjab. Will I go abroad if yes then when it is possible?

  789. my date of birth 10.09.1993… TIME 2:906 AM at salem tamilnadu…. will i go abroad??

  790. my date of birth 10.09.1993… TIME 2:6 AM at salem tamilnadu…. will i go abroad??

  791. Hi Sir,

    MY birth date and time is 23 Sep 1987 04:12pm. Let me know if there is any chance to go to abroad. Is the temporary or permanent settle? Let me know when it will happen?

  792. can u tell me that if I have any chances of going abroad??
    time-dont know!!
    place of birth -chandigarh,India
    plzz tell me as soon as possible
    u can also email to my account which is given below:-

  793. Sir pls tell ,When i will go abroad.there is any yog in my kundali . which time i will go.

    kusum bala, 31/01/1980, time 10pm, place chandigarh

  794. Dear Sir,
    I am really waiting for your response. My husband has tried moving abroad a couple of times and both times he missed the opportunity in the last minute due to some reason or the other. I want to know if we have it in our stars to settle abroad.

    My horoscope details:
    Place of Birth: Salem, Tamil Nadu
    Date of Birth: 29th May 1981
    Time: 8:05 PM

  795. hi sir,
    my name is M.C.Ragasudha D.O.B is september 6th, 1980, place kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, time not exactly know approx in between 9.30-10.30

  796. Dear Sir,
    My name is M.C.Ragasudha, D.O.B 6th September 1980, time not known exactly…approx is between 9.30 to 10.30 morning

  797. Hello Sir,
    I have no planet in the 12th house. Is foreing settlement possible in such situation?
    Thank You

  798. Dear Sir ,

    Kindly let me know whether foreign settlement is possible for my husband .
    Name : Velkan Rajkumar
    Place : Thanjavur.

  799. Is it possible for me to do a job in abroad?
    Date of birth- 16 of June 1992
    Time of birth- 16.44
    Birth place – Galle, Sri Lanka

    Kindly let me know.
    Thank You

  800. My d.o.b is 3 july 1984 time 10:10 am and place Kota, Rajasthan .Do i have foreign travel or settlement?.Kindly let me know .
    Thank you

  801. Hello sir, My DOB is 4th oct 1995. Will I be going abroad in next few months? I’m so desperate to know. And if possible what will happen of my love life and life from now?

  802. Sir. Don’t you reply for Sri Lankans’. Please reply me I’m waiting for your kind reply

  803. Hi My DOB is 17 march 1983
    my sunsign is Pisces and my moon sign is Aries my place of birth is chamba (Himachal Pradesh) my time of time of birth is 08:05 PM.
    I want to travel abroad and want to settle there permanently is it possible

  804. My DOB: 14/12/1984, time: 8:25pm,place: chilakaluripet ,Andhra Pradesh
    My husband DOB: 17/05/1978 ,time: 9pm , place : Narasaropet, Andhra Pradesh
    Do my husband get job in US and can we stay there for long period of time?

  805. Sir,

    My DOB is 31/08/1981, 8:00PM, Gudivada.
    Last year I applied for US H1B visa, but didn’t got. This year, company initially said, we will file for H1B, now they are not filing.
    Can you please let me know, is there a chance for me to settle in US or work for couple of years?
    PS: I traveled to US couple of times.


  806. Dear sir,
    My dob is 19 mar 1987
    Time is 00:40 am
    Place = ulhasnagar (maharashtra).

    Sir, do I have destiny to settel abroad.
    Waiting for ur kind response

  807. When can I settle abroad with my family are there any chances to settle & earn

    DOB 15.02.1977
    Time 5.45 am
    Place Malad Mumbai

  808. Hello Sir,
    My DOB: 28-Sep-1979
    Time of Birth: 9.36 PM
    Place: Jaipur, Rajasthan

    Query: Will I be able to settle abroad permanently. If yes, it’s would be marriage or work?

    Looking forward
    Thanks and regards

  809. Hi I am krishnan looking jobs abroad is there any chances..
    Time-22.10 sec
    Place -mumbai

  810. Dear Sir,

    I looking for foreign chances from past 10 years but I am not getting and asked many pandits, astrologists for getting foreign chance but not telling correctly. Few pandits told me that I will get abroad chance in 2014 but I did not get.
    I am working as software engineer since 9 years but no luck. Last year I have applied for H1 B visa but no luck for this also.

    I hope you can tell my foreign chances and please help on this. If I wont get any chance in my life I will not look & wait for foreign chances.

    My details
    DoB 28.03.1974
    Time : 12:45 PM (not exactly)
    Place of Birth : Mummidivaram (Andhra Pradesh)

  811. Dear Sir,

    I looking for foreign chances from past 10 years but I am not getting and asked many pandits, astrologists for getting foreign chance but not telling correctly. Few pandits told me that I will get abroad chance in 2014 but I did not get.
    I am working as software engineer since 9 years but no luck. Last year I have applied for H1 B visa but no luck for this also.

    I hope you can tell my foreign chances and please help on this. If I wont get any chance in my life I will not look & wait for foreign chances.

    My details
    DoB 28.03.1974
    Time : 12:45 PM (not exactly)
    Place of Birth : Mummidivaram (Andhra Pradesh)

  812. Dear Sir,

    I am looking for foreign chances from past 10 years but I am not getting and asked many pandits, astrologists for getting foreign chance but not telling correctly. Few pandits told me that I will get abroad chance in 2014 but I did not get.
    I am working as software engineer since 9 years but no luck. Last year I have applied for H1 B visa but no luck for this also.

    I hope you can tell my foreign chances and please help on this. If I wont get any chance in my life I will not look & wait for foreign chances.

    My details
    DoB 28.03.1974
    Time : 12:45 PM (not exactly)
    Place of Birth : Mummidivaram (Andhra Pradesh)

  813. Can you please let me know,Do I have a yog to travel to abroad in my horoscope?

    Below are my birth details..,


  814. Can you please let me know,Do I have a yog to travel to abroad in my horoscope?

    Below are my birth details..,

    Time :8:30 am
    Place Of Birth :Markapur(Andhra Pradesh)

  815. My name arshparshpreet singh date of bIrth 2/10/1989,day of birth Monday time of birth 8.15 am(just guess),place village barhmi (punjab )…do I have foreign settlement. ?

  816. Hello Dr.
    I’m Abhimanyu my DOB is 20/06/1985 and time is 11.27pm.
    My wife’s name is Ridhi Mehta her DOB is 16/09/87 and time is 6.40 am

    Rite now we both working in Delhi. Me into business and wife’s in a job

    Is there any chance of us to settle abroad ? And if there is then how much time it will take ?

  817. Hello my name is sharanya …..will I go to foreign for my studies and get married der which year will I be going and will I get settled der with a job after marriage …….my studies plans are for Paris or UK or US which is possible will I get married der or US….which year will I get married
    Name : sharanya
    D.o.b :23/9/1993
    T.o.b : 13:17 or 1:17 PM
    Place : hyderabad telangana india

  818. hello sir

    my name’s abhimanyu Mehta
    DOB : 20/06/1985
    Time : 11:27 pm
    Place : Delhi

    my wife’s name is Ridhi Mehta
    DOB : 16/09/1987
    Time : 6:40 am
    Place : Delhi

    do we have any chances of settling abroad ? if yes then by when ?

  819. Date of birth – 25/03/1994
    Time- 11:25 AM
    Place of birth- Allahabad,Uttar Pradesh,India
    will i get a chance in my life to visit abroad ?
    Thank you

  820. Lakshmi

    Dear sir, I am in USA now. I am confused as whether i will settle here only or go back to India.

    DOB: 29/03/1983
    Time: 11:56 p.m.
    Place: Bangalore

    Please let me know sir if I am going to settle here in usa only or not?? Thank you

  821. Hello Sir,

    I am Hemant K.
    21/07/1983 / 12:53 pm / Ghaziabad

    My wife Kanchan
    10/12/1986 / 10:15 am / Delhi

    Need your valuable advice on our chart regarding chances of settling abroad.

    Thanks very much for your time.

  822. Hello sir
    Time :6:45pm(santosh)
    This is my husband dob .we had a plan to settle in abroad (USA).Is this possible

  823. My name is Charmi Dedhia
    Location: Mumbai
    Birthdate, time and place: 14 June 1993, 11 AM, Mumbai
    Moonsign: Pisces(Meen)
    When can I expect to fly abroad for studies?
    Eagerly waiting to hear frm you. I appreciate your time.

  824. Hello Sir, This is Charmi
    I am so glad I found you and that you are helping people this way.
    I am very anxious since last 2-3 months, as I have applied abroad for studies and haven’t heard from them yet.
    My details are as follows,
    Birthdate: 14 June 1993,
    Time: 11 AM,
    Birthplace: Mumbai.

    Sun in Xth House (Gemini)
    Moon in VIIIth house (Aries)
    Mercury in XIth house (Cancer)
    Venus in IXth house (Taurus)
    Mars in XIIth house (Leo)
    Jupiter in I (Libra)
    Saturn in VI (Pisces)
    Uranus in V (Capricorn)
    Neptune in V (Capricorn)
    House VI in Aquarius
    House IV in Sagittarius

    When can I expect to fly broad?
    I appreciate your time and efforts.
    Thank you very much in advance

  825. Hi Sir,

    My Name is Aswathy.

    I would like to know is their any possibility for me to travel abroad ?
    DOB- 24 AUGUST 1986
    Time: 10.00 PM
    Place- Trivandrum Kerala

  826. Dear Deepak ji,

    DOB: 01/08/1983
    Time: 23:35
    Place: Jammu

    Can you please tell when can i settle abroad with my family?

  827. Hello,

    My name is karthik and DOB is 06-NOV-1989 and TOB 7:25 AM and POB Tirupati India.
    I want to know whether I have any long term foreign settlement. Please let me know.

  828. Hi sir

    How about foreign travel for me and my husband
    Laxmeshwar karnarka

    10.28 am
    Sirsi Karnataka

  829. Dear Sir,

    My Birth Stats is 10-Jul-1979 , 08:10 Am , Lucknow.

    Many Astrologer predict that running period is good for Foreign Settlement but in reality , i am not seeing any possibility.
    Please suggest when will i got opportunity for foreign travel.

  830. This is Satish, want to know whether i will go abroad on account of job and when?
    Birth details are: DOB: 20th August 1983,
    Time: 9:46 am, place: Basavakalyan, Karnataka.

  831. Dear deepak sir
    I came to Australia about 1 year ago. My d.o.b. is 16/01/1985 5:02am hoshiarpur, punjab, India.
    I am still struggling to get a full time job. Kindly let me know 1) when will i have financial independence here. 2) will i get in teaching job here? I was a teacher in india. I will be really grateful to u if u can please reply.

    Looking forward to hear from you soon
    Thanks and Regards

  832. prnam pandit ji, i am here today thanking you for your kind predictions and showers for my foreign settlement. it really gave me immense happiness that i can settle abroad for my further life and for my baby. thank much pandit ji,,

    Thanks and Regards

  833. Sir my name is gowtham Sriharsha THONDAMANATI, dob-october 14th 1994.time tirupati, Andhra pradesh.will I study abroad and settle in abroad. If yes please tell the period

  834. Pranam pandit ji. Please tell me whether I will go USA for higher studies in may 2016. My visa interview is on may 3rd at Chennai.
    DOB- 09th may 1994
    Time- 4 30pm
    Place- Bellary, Karnataka
    Name-Kiran MD.

    please tell me whether I go USA this may.

    Thank you.

  835. Hello sir ,
    can you please tell me if i ll go to foreign country to work or not.I am software engineer.
    DOB- 22 may 1978
    Time- 15:06

  836. Hello sir ,
    can you please tell me if i ll go to foreign country to work or not.I am software engineer.
    DOB- 22 may 1978
    Time- 15:06
    Place:- Indore(MP)

  837. Hello Pandit ji…Please advise if i will be able to settle abroad. I am trying for Canada. My DOB is 19th May’1982 and place is Panipat (haryana).

    Looking forward for your response. Thanks!

  838. Dear Deepak

    I am from Malaysia, would like to know whether do all the pandits says true about me.. Whenever I ask any astrologer they will mention that I will settle down at overseas. can you tell me when, what age, why and where I will be settling or is a lies.

    DOB : 21ST JAN 1990
    TIME : 3.02AM

    Thank you

  839. Hi,

    Date of Birth : 02-02-1976 , placeof birth srikakulam, time: 1:10 pm,Name :Sekhar

    Please tell me ,if this person have a chance for abroad settlement or not


  840. If he have a chance for abroad settlement,whe he will get.Because this year he is trying for H1B.
    So Please tell me Pandit Ji

  841. Plssss give reply pandit what age he will get chance for abroad settlement

  842. Sir iam Inderjit Singh,DOB is 12/12/1990,time is 10:00 pm,birth place is Malerkotla (Punjab).Sir if I have chances of getting settled abroad and when it will come

  843. Dear Panditji,

    Do I have the chances to settle abroad or any chances of foreign travels in my fate? When??

    DOB – 2/2/1979, Time – 9.02 a.m. & Place – Mumbai, Maharashtra

  844. dear Sandeep
    According to your horoscope no very strong combination present . 2018 will be good for that purpose.


  846. Sir can I go abroad for study? My d.o.b. is 2 Nov. 1997 at 7:53pm in Amritsar Punjab. Thanx

  847. Sir is there any chances for me to get settle in abroad and when. please let me know,

    DOB: 16/6/1992
    TOB: 4.44pm
    PLACE: Galle, Sri Lanka

    Thank You

  848. Dear swami ji,
    My dob is 04 aug 1989
    tob is 4:10 AM
    pob is Khammam
    Is there any chance I can go abroad and settle there this year or near future. I have applied for H1b this year Kindly help me.

  849. Hello sir my name is deoranee and date of birth is 31 July 1978 can you tell me I will live in my home country or abroad. Thanks

  850. Sir my birth is 4.3.86 at 8.55 p.m may or June 2016 will I travel n settle in foreign.

  851. Dear Sir,
    God bless u.

    May be u can understand my conditions
    Better. I am sharing you my details.

    My name is Dr apoorva Sharma
    Dob : 05 June 1982
    Place : Indore MP
    Time : 1735 hrs

    I am Married.
    Blessed with boy on 22 oct 2012.

    I suffer headaches very frequently.
    Insomnia too, overall speaking should it be someone else & he wud have gone mad by this time.

    But all the above said conditons are increased some how since last 2-3 years. I have been changing residences & jobs since my kid’s birth.

    Grossly speaking i am not satisfied with the work i am doing & the payment i am receiving.

    Foriegn opportunities too knocked me 3 times since jun 2012, but every time, there are some hidden matter, which pulls me back.

    I have shown my chart to many people for consultation, all say i am have saade saati period & i have to suffer.

    Isnt their any remedies, pooja etc.

    Who am i ? I am very much confused.

    May be u can help / advice / whatever u say. I am just doing whatever anyone say.
    If u say to visit u, i will do so too.


  852. Dear Guruji,

    my DOB – 02/02/1979, time- 9.02 a.m., place – mumbai
    Do I have a chance to settle abroad or freequent travelling to foreign countries? When?


  853. Hello Pandiji,

    Please guide

    My name is Megha Singhvi.
    date of Birth: 16 August , 1981
    Place: Udaipur, rajasthan
    Time of Birth:10:20PM

    Though I have visited abroad several times but would I be able to settle there or may be live there for 3-4 years and work there?

    Thanks in advance

  854. Himanshu makwana
    Dob: 13 oct 1990
    Time: 19:20
    Birthplace: Anand, gujarat

    I want to study abroad specifically first preference is australia in this year 2016 or feb 2017. I gave ielts exam and i got 5.5 overall band score against requirement of 6.5 bands. What should i do now? When i will give my exam? And I will have to settle down in australia. Please help me for this. And also tell me about my abroad yog. Thank you.

  855. Pandit Ji .. will i settle in Abroad?
    My DOB : 6-October-1979, Place of Birth Vijayawada,Time : 11:25PM

  856. Madam I think you are facing many problem I would like to advise you please get professional consultancy.


  857. hello sir,
    My name is vijay laxmi shrivas
    D.O.B : 26/05/88, place- kanpur, UP
    T.O.B: 8:18 pm
    i am in great trouble, please help me out. i would like to know about my career and marriage also. i am post graduate in microbiology and wish to pursue higher studies or job abroad. i have ielts score 6. please suggest if there are any chances for me to do so and when is the suitable time for it and which country is more suitable for me.

  858. Hi, Myself Preethi S, My DOB: 16-November-1985, Place of Birth Bellary,Karnataka, TIme:5:05PM. I have applied for H!B VIsa this year, will I get the Visa? Please confirm

  859. Birth date (westbengal).pls predict if I will travel abroad and when

  860. Hello guruji,

    My current situation is very tricky. I have been trying to work outside India since Jan 2014. Learned a foreign language and even stayed Abroad to search a job. Being unsuccessful, I returned back and started process for another country. In this whole process I wasn’t able to employ myself long term in a particular job as aspirations for Abroad settlement was always high.

    Now the situation is that I am almost 2.5 yrs past my previous settled job. It’s frustrating as I am caught in this depressed situation where I am not motivated enough to perform best in India and my Abroad settlement process isn’t getting anywhere near finished. What would you suggest me? It’s there any possibility in next coming months? How should I proceed from current situation.

    Eagerly waiting your valuable inputs.

    My details :
    Date :14/04/1985
    Place :Farrukhabad, UP
    Time :07:24 am

  861. Sir.
    Can I settle in a foreign country? When it is possible?I was born on 12th January 1982. Please Colombo Sri Lanka. Please reply me.
    Thank you…

  862. my date of birth is 09 December 1986

    time: 6:30 am and

    place : Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh

    I am planning apply USA visa for this time, Can i get USA visa and work over there? ,please let me know

  863. Pandit Ji Kindly Reply, I’m waiting for your reply from long months

    Name: Hirthanu
    D.O.B: 25/12/1988
    Birth Time : 9.50 AM
    Place of birth : Pollachi, Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu

  864. Name – Vikash
    My DOB is 23 feb 1983
    time 3:20 a.m
    Place :Patna, Bihar
    i want to settle in foreign country , is it possible?

  865. Name – Vikash Anand
    My DOB is 23 feb 1983
    time 3:20 a.m
    Place :Patna, Bihar
    Can I settle abroad?
    Please help

  866. Pandit Ji,

    My DOB is 18 Jul 1984
    time – 12:45 am
    place – Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
    Will I settle in foreign country?

    Please help

  867. I was born 9th January 1984 at 02:25pm(time unsure), when will I get foreign employment and overcome pathetic financial crisis. And want to know about my marriage.

  868. hello sir,
    My name is vijay laxmi shrivas
    D.O.B : 26/05/88, place- kanpur, UP
    T.O.B: 8:18 pm
    i am in great trouble, please help me out. i would like to know about my career and marriage also. i am post graduate in microbiology and wish to pursue higher studies or job abroad. i have ielts score 6. please suggest if there are any chances for me to do so and when is the suitable time for it and which country is more suitable for me.

  869. Namaste Dr Deepak Sharma Ji,

    I am from Mauritius and I would like to know if I have foreign settlement in my kundli – will it be related to 2nd marriage or good job or both.

    Name: Ruma Alleck
    DOB: 15 Feb 1963
    Time: 12:30 pm
    Place: Port Louis, Mauritius

  870. My name is shweta …i want to know that will i get chance to go foreign? Birth date 16 May 1991
    Time 4:10 PM.
    Birth place is Pune,maharShtrA

  871. Good day Sir.

    My name is Muhammad Ahmed
    DOB is 14th May 1983, TOB is 1130 am in Lahore, Pakistan.
    is foreign settlement possible this year?


  872. Hello Sir
    Hope you are doing well.
    My name is Nishant
    DOB: 09/11/1989
    Place of birth: DhanbadJharkhand
    Time of birth: 13:40 pm
    Question: What are my prospective of settling abroad, presently I am in Dubai. What are my chances of getting job and hence settling?
    I hope you will look into my concern. I will be obliged if you do so.

    Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    Thanks & Reagards,

  873. hello sir
    my name is nouman … i m trying to go abroad for last 4 years but not successful tell now … will u tell me may i go to abroad … i born 19/sep/1992 … 8:30am

  874. Pandit Ji .. will i settle in Abroad?
    My DOB : 26-July-1981, Place of Birth kakinadaTime : 10:20AM

  875. Sir, my date of birth is 9 Oct 1991. N time is 5: 55 a.m. please sir can I go to foreign for studies n my husband date of birth is 8 august 1989 time is 5: 15 p. m we both want to go to abroad this year. please see aou kundali and if chances are less to go to abroad. tell us what we do so that our chances become more to go to abroad. please reply soon. I m waiting. namasta

  876. Name : Darshana
    DOB :13-jan-1970
    TOB : 7:30pm

    can i settle abroad permanently

  877. Hello,please tell me about whether i have sure chances of going to foreign country in this year(September) or next year??
    Name:- Harsh verma
    DOB:- 04/02/1998
    Time:- 22:55
    Place:- Jagraon, punjab

  878. Sir do i have any chances of foreign settlement?
    Name simran sharma
    Date of birth 20 september 19995
    State punjab and jallandhar city
    Time of birth 10:57am

  879. Sir Good Afternoon I am sending details of my friend he want to settle in foreign country he is trying hard. His horoscope compatible for foreign settlement.
    Name Narender Kumar
    DOB 5/9/73
    TIME 7:45 AM


  880. Hello sir,
    Below mentioned are mine and my husband’s details.
    Kindly let me know if there is any scope of foreign settlement.

    Name-Sukhmeet Kaur

    Name- Kawaldeep Singh

  881. vamsi by first analysis of horoscope journey is possible. for more detail analysis of your horoscope I have to work on related divisional chart and I request you to get in touch with me.

  882. Name: Adreeja Mukherjee
    DOB: 02-Mar-1988
    TOB: 11:37 pm
    POB: kolkata, west bengal, India
    I am planning apply USA visa for this time, Can i get USA visa and work over there? ,please let me know

  883. foreign travel time period in my birth chart.
    DOB:02/march/1987 Tob:17:15 pob:Ujhani(uttar Pradesh)

  884. Greetings Dr. SHARMA can u analyze my horoscope and let me know if there’s a chance for foreign education & foreign settlement. I’m planning for the same.
    Thanks in advance.
    Name: Shivendra
    D.O.B- 2nd January 1990
    Time: 06:56 AM
    Place: Vapi, Gujarat (India)

  885. My name is Sajal Kumar Gupta, DOB – 9/1/86, time – 17.37 PM, place – Delhi. Do I have any probability of settling in foreign.

  886. Dob: 13 oct 1990
    Time: 19:20
    Birthplace: Anand, gujarat
    Can I settle permanently ? Which country?

  887. my date of birth is 29 october 1981 time 00:55 am and place Kolkata India do i have foreign settlement ,please let me know .
    thank you

  888. Name; Thipa Tharsinah d/O Indran
    D.O.B; 1/3/1997
    T.O.B: 5.11 PM
    can i know whether i can settle down in foreign land or further my studies there …either UK or USA…TQ

  889. name : thipa tharsinah D/O indran
    d.o.b ; 01/03/1997
    T.O.B : 5.11 PM
    Place: bukit mertajam,pulau pinang,malaysia
    sir, can i know whether that i can settle down in foreign land or can further my studies either at UK or USA..tq

  890. Name- Venkata Siva Naga Raja
    Date of Birth -28/08/1986
    Time of Birth – 03:30 AM to 04:00 AM
    Place of Birth – Challapalli, Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh

    Question – Though I have visited abroad two to three times for 10 days but would I be able to settle there or may be live there for 3-4 years and work there?

    I am looking for an opportunity to go abroad for long term and settle permanently, when will it be possible?

  891. m born 2:05am, Dec 5 1983 (dubai time). I’m currently on student visa in USA. i’m facing so many obstacles. i applied for h1b (work visa) here, this year. Will i get it ?

  892. Namasthe Sir,
    My details
    DOB – 4th Dec 1974
    Time – 6:29 AM
    Place – Tirunelveli Tamil Nadu
    Please let me know if I will settle down in USA permanently.

  893. Hello sir!!!
    I’m rohan Sharma dob is 01/11/92 time of birth is 08:01am, place of birth is pathankot Punjab…
    Sir Plz tell me whether I’m having yogas of go abroad or not???

  894. Hello sir!!
    My DOC is 18 /11/1991.
    Time of birth 3:45pm
    Country Pakistan
    City Lahore
    Q: I wanted to know that does settling abroad is possible for me?is it before marriage or after mariage ?
    Waiting for the reply

  895. Sir my name is meena bharti D.O. B 1/06/1979 time 11.20 am afternoon day Friday at Amritsar Punjab. Sir I want to apply for PR in Australia or Canada with family.what r chances of getting pr

  896. Hello sir
    My name is Bhavin Fofandi
    Date or birth 28/12/1989
    Born in proper Mumbai , at 12.21 pm
    I was studying in uk for 5 years, now I’m back in India. I want to know if I can settle in a foreign country ??

  897. My name is Bharti Patel, I was born on 6th November 1990. Right now I am in Australia for past 2years is there any chance to get Permanent Recidency of Australia and how many years will take to happen .

  898. Sir,
    I was born Nov 20th 1976,Can I settle in USA,I was stayed in USA between April 2011 to Sep 2015,Since thhree years i am trying H1B visa,But i am not selected in loottery,When can i get USA chance once again.
    DOB:20 Nov-1976
    time: Evening 05:15 PM
    Birth place: Narsapuram,west Godavari dist, Andhra pradesh

  899. Hi,

    My name is Shinoj, my date of birth is 01-apr-1987, TOB: 11:45 pm. Could you please check whether I am able to visit or job settlement in abroad

  900. hello sir i want knw i can abroad this year ?
    DOB – 25-august-1995
    time – 7.45PM
    place of birth – chandigarh

  901. Do I have any foreign travel and have foreign settlement . We are trying for us visa.
    My DOB is 08feb1987

  902. Parnam Pandit ji …Pandit ji my DOB is 27/11/1985 time is 5:45 am …place Begusaray,Bihar.. Pandit ji will I go aborad or any chance to settle there?… Please reply Pandit ji, currently I am working in MNC

  903. Hi,
    Do I have any foreign travel and have foreign settlement?
    My name is Amar
    my DOB is 01Jan 1977 and time 9:35 am
    place jorhat,assam

  904. My date of birth is 4th January 1981
    Time : 1:13 AM
    Place : wai, SATARA, MAHARASHTRA

    My husbnad’s DOB is 24th August 1977
    Time : 3:00PM
    Place : Pune

    is there any chance that we will travel abroad for work?

  905. Do I or my husband have any possibility for settling abroad? Will I be able to study there and work?
    My husband’s DOB: 20-04-1983
    POB: Ahmedabad
    Time: 02:00 in the morning

    My DOB: 21-04-1985
    POB: Bhavnagar
    Time: 23:15

    I would be very grateful if you could tell this guruji.

  906. Do i have chance to settle abroad ?

    Birth details :
    DOB – 08.03.1983, Female
    Time : 12.29 AM (7th and 8th night)
    Place of Birth : Dehradun, uttaranchal

    Kindly reply ..

  907. My son’s DOB is 11 Oct. 1988, Time is 8:40 am and POB is New Delhi, he is trying to go abroad for PG course especially Canada. Please tell me if he will get visa this time. He has applied twice but got visa rejection both time. He has applied third time and waiting for visa approval. Can you suggest some remedies or suggestions?

  908. My date of birth is 07/10/1984. Morning 6am. POB hyderabad.
    Am I able to study and work in abroad?

    Please help me in this sir.
    Thank you.

  909. Dear Guru ji,

    I am facing problems in terms of stable career & financial position. nothing going in favour of me. already lost my job last end of year & till date could not get any one. i am worried about my future now. i am looking for abroad opportunity where i can live a comfortable life along with my wife & 1 year old daughter. i am trying but not getting success. pls give me some insight about the right time when can i get job abroad?

    Name : Amit Kumar Dixit
    DOB & time : 09/09/1984 & 13:50 PM
    Birth place : kanpur Dehat (U.P.)

  910. Will I go USA, I have been trying since 4 years but it was not successful.
    This year also I tried but awaiting for results.
    Can you please suggest if I go and settle in USA.
    Name – Prema A, DOB-14-Oct-1985, born between 10:25-30 AM, Place of Birth Ananthapur, AP

  911. Do I or my husband have any possibility for settling abroad? Will I be able to stay there and work?
    My husband’s DOB: 12-03-1976
    POB: Gangavathi (karnataka)
    Time: 13:42 in AFTERNOON

    My DOB: 25-12-1982
    POB: Sirsi (Karnataka)
    Time: 12:25 (afternoon)

    I would be very grateful if you could tell this guruji.

  912. Sir, i am working in an MNC and my date of birth is may 24th 1982 birth time is 5:30 AM , place Betul , madhya pradesh. I would like to settle down in USA , please let me know if its possible ?

  913. Can u pls tell my possibilities for settlement in abroad
    Name -jaspreet kaur
    DOB- 31 march 1990
    POB-ludhiana (punjab)

  914. My hus dob is March 15 1978 morning 4.30 am chance go aboard in this year any foreign settlement Sir plz tell me sir

  915. My DOB is 10/10/1971; time 6:45 PM & place Ludhiana in Punjab. Any chance of going Aboard for job now.

  916. Good eve sir
    my birthdate is 31/10/1990 birth time 07:05 pm
    will i go to abroad or settle dere
    or will get a good job in india and upto when

  917. When can i settle abroad?
    DOB : 1996 October 12
    TOB : 22.44( PM)
    Place of birth : Colombo , Sri Lanka
    Gender : Male
    Current dasha : Rahu mahadasha , sun

  918. My DOB is 2nd Jan 1980 Time 7:55 AM Place Alibagh. I am planning to move to Canada this year or next year. Please let me know whether any changes to settle down there as per my horoscope

  919. Hi Sir,

    DOB is 4th January 1986
    Time 6 AM
    Place: Trichirapalli, Tamilnadu, India.
    When will I travel abroad ? I dont wish to settle, but work there for 2-3 years. Thanks in advance

  920. Hi Sir,

    DOB is 4th January 1986
    Time 6 AM
    Place: Trichirapalli, Tamilnadu, India.

    I amworking in an IT company (software engineer) for the last 8 years.

    When will I travel abroad ? I dont wish to settle, but work there for 2-3 years. Preferably if you could tell me the best time, it will be great. Thanks in advance

  921. Hi,

    my DOB is 6th May 1970, Time 12:30 p.m. Place Mumbai. Am trying to immigrate to foreign land from India. Need to know if i will get job offer or will i need to go through immigration process.

  922. M working on h1b in usa, but my husband is in india working for the same firm. We have been trying for him to get a visa since last year but no luck. Will he be able to get his work permit this time n travel to be with me ? His birth details are :
    May 5, 1985. Time 5:05 am place : faridabad

  923. my husband name is Akshay agrawal. DOB: 15/10/1981
    Time of birth: 8:55 am
    City: Muzaffarnagar (Up)
    We want to settle abroad
    chances kya hain aur kuch remedies ho to batayiye

  924. sir

    My name is – sharanjeet kaur d.o.b. – 26.07.1976 place – palwal, haryana (time i donot know mother said in evening)

    My husband name is – gurvinder singh – d.o.b. 08-10–1972 place – delhi (time in evening around 9:00 p.m.)

    hum apne dono bachcho ke saath canada settle hona chahate hai please batain sab achcha rahega hum ho jaaayenge

  925. Gemini ascedent
    Rahu, sun,mercury and moon in 4th house
    Venus in 3rd house
    Jupiter in 7th house
    Saturn and ketu in 10th .
    When can I settle abroad permenantly

  926. Hello sir
    My name is Bhavin Fofandi
    Date or birth 28/12/1989
    Born in proper Mumbai , at 12.21 pm
    I was studying in uk for 5 years, now I’m back in India. I want to know if I can settle in a foreign country ??

  927. Dear Sir,
    I am really waiting for your response. My husband has tried moving abroad a couple of times and both times he missed the opportunity in the last minute due to some reason or the other. I want to know if we have it in our stars to settle abroad.

    My horoscope details:
    Place of Birth: Salem, Tamil Nadu
    Date of Birth: 29th May 1981
    Time: 8:05 PM

  928. Sir please reply me I wating for your suggetion I am not able to decide please help

  929. DOB -28.10.1986
    Time of Birth – 10:12AM
    Place Chandigarh

    Will I Go abroad ?

  930. But Sir you told me yes it is possible to settled down in abroad after my marriage ???? Now i am confused by your reply… Please sir can you again read about i??? I have saturn and venus conjunction in 12 th house and mars and rahu in 4 th house. As well as i have 2nd and my 3 rd lord saturn in 12 th house. I am going through rahu mahadasha and mercury anterdasha.. Please sir. Eagerly waiting for your kind response..

  931. Hi Sir,
    My Name Is Sumit,, Iwould like to know wather i can travel to foreign for long period of time for business/Job Purpose.. Please help me .my details are below.
    Name : Sumit Barad
    DOB : 2nd march 1984
    Birth Time : 07:30 Am
    Place : Village : Vadadala , taluka : Tarapur ,State: Gujarat

    if yes than from where such time will start and in which direction i needs to try for same.

    Thanks in Advance,
    Sumit Barad

  932. Dear Panditji,

    Is there any chance to get permanent settlement in Foreign country. If yes. Which country ??

    Name : Jitendra
    DOB : 09th Feb 1975
    Place : Vadal – Gujarat
    Time : 22PM

  933. Hello sir i want to know about my future regarding settlement in india or forgein and marrige . I want your help sir .

  934. Dear Sir,

    My date of birth is March 20th 1984
    1 :40 pm is time of birth
    Pali Marwar is the palce of birth. That is in Rajasthan

    Can you please tell me if this year or next year will i travel to abroad for my work purpose. Last in 2014 i have visted throuogh my company. When will be my next chance to go.

  935. hello deepak ji ,
    can u please help.
    my dob.1/10/1976
    time 18:52
    jalandhar punjab india.
    trying to migrate to australia with wife & kid but when is it possible?

  936. my name is manjit kaur
    my dob 28 december,1990
    When i will get job in abroad.there is any yog in my kundali . which time i will go

  937. My date of Birth is 19.09.1976, time of birth is 22.45pm, place of birth is Srinagar Kashmir.

    I want to check if their is settlement abroad for us.

  938. Hi Sir. I’m married to a British. I applied settlement visa this June, but I got refusal. Can you tell me when can I get my visa for uk?
    Date of Birth- 25-11-1990
    Time of Birth- 9.15 pm

  939. MY DOB : 19/07/1993
    TIME : 18:55


  940. my DOB is 5th Jan 1987, time – 6:55 AM, Place – Shirpur, Maharashtra
    Please advice possibility of foreign travel or settlement, also, at what age there is a stronger possibility, if any.

  941. My name is mona born on 15th oct 1984 .7:15 am bhubaneswar.Is there any chance to get permanent settlement in Foreign country.

  942. My DOB is 14/4/1989 and originalDOB is 12/4/1989 khonsa arunchal Pradesh training exactly don’t know may be 9-10pm between.
    I would like to know can I have a chance to go abroad for job or any other this year 2016 or not thn when I wil get chance.kindly reply plz.

    Thank you.

  943. According to horoscope only few yoga is present for abroad. Short journey can be possible.

  944. Primary analysis of horoscope you should try for abroad for more detail you can contact me.

  945. According to first sight analysis of horoscope foreign settlement is possible.

  946. Hello sir
    Thanks for the reply. Can u elaborate more about it. Is there any ritual I need to follow ?? Plz reply me sir

  947. Dr.Sahab
    I was born in Nepal Kathmandu Oct 14 1991 11:30PM
    Do i have foreign travel and settlement!i want to go to usa .When will it be possible? thank u in advance

  948. My name is Disha born on 14 May 1996, 8:45am
    ahmedabad. Is there any chance to get permenant settlement in foreign country.

  949. DOB:26/08/77
    TIME:10:22 am

    is there any possiblity of foreign settlement /PR ?

  950. thanks for your response. some astrologer told me that i spend most of my time in travelling but i like to settle in india itself . will i get settled in india. please tell me sir.

  951. Hello Sir,

    I am sangeetha.I am struggling to go abroad for 10 yrs and not happening.
    please tell me if I will go abroad.

    spouse name-suresh
    date of birth-08/08/1980

  952. MY DOB: 15-08-1988

    TIME : 15:04



  953. Hi Deepak Sir,

    Can you please tell me I will get a chance to travel abroad for work from MNC in near future.

    POB: Patna, Bihar
    TOB: 8:30 PM
    DOB: 12.09.1988

  954. MY DOB : 05/01/1992
    TIME : 09:56AM
    PLACE : Nellore

  955. Hello Sir,

    I’m trying hard with my company for relocating me to any of their offices outside India, but somehow I’m not getting success. Could you please suggest if in near future this would be ever possible. Also How could we contact you personally.
    Name: Shivangi Gupta
    DOB: 5:09pm
    Place: Moga, Punjab

  956. MY DOB : 15/08/1988

    TIME : 15:04



  957. MY DOB : 19/07/1993
    TIME : 18:55

    some astrologer told me that i spend most of my time in travelling but i like to settle in india itself . will i get settled in india. please tell me sir.

  958. Can I go to foreign for studies.
    Gurjeet kaur
    04:00 am
    Place of birth Ropar ( punjab)

  959. my date of birth is10 june 1989 time 3:30 pm and place Tumkur do i have foreign travell and settelment ,please let me know .

    thank you

  960. Hi Sir my name is
    DOB 7JUNE 1988
    TIME 7:30 PM
    I have applied for permanent partner visa but can you please let me know when would i get my visa?
    Thank you so much

  961. Dear Sir,
    When will I get my next foreign job? My date of birth is 11/05/1962, Time is 4.45 p.m.
    Place of birth Karukuruchi( Near Ambasamudram), Tirunelveli District,Tamilnadu.

    Thank and regards.


  962. Hi sir,
    My name is akshara,birth name is manjushree, born 17 June 1991 at 5.30 am in chikmagalur Karnataka.please suggest do I have any chances of going abroad after marriage?

    Please reply


  963. Dear Sir,

    Please let me know when can i go to abroad for my work purpose.

  964. Dear Deepak ji

    iam Amit ,DOB is 22/01/1978,time is 12:59 pm,birth place is Chandigarh.
    Sir if I have chances of getting settled abroad and when it will come

  965. my date of birth is 29 mar 1982 time 7;15 pm and place guwahati, assam,, do i have foreign travell and settelment ,please let me know .
    thank you

  966. Sir ap Reply kyu nai karte …. Im eagerly waiting for your Reply

  967. MY DOB : 19/07/1993
    TIME : 18:55

    some astrologer told me that i spend most of my time in travelling but i like to settle in india itself . will i get settled in india. please i request you to tell me sir.

  968. Name: pradheep reddy. dob:18/July/1991. Time:07:00am. Place:kodad,nalgonda(dist),telangana. Will I go abroad

  969. Dear Deepak ji

    i am Amit ,My DOB is 22/01/1978,time 12:59 pm, birth place is Chandigarh,India.

    Sir do I have chances of getting settled abroad and when it will come.

    Pls reply

  970. MY DOB : 19/07/1993
    TIME : 18:55

    some astrologer told me that i spend most of my time in travelling but i like to settle in india itself . will i get settled in india. please i sincerely request you to tell me sir.

  971. Want to check possibilities for overseas settlement, details below plz.

    D0B: 26th March 1972
    TOB : 9:22AM
    POB: Srinagar

  972. I am 22 march 1981 born at 5:30 am in Alibag Raigad Maharashatra.
    Do i have any chance ?what are the remedies please help me.

  973. hello sir,

    My DOB is 25th July 1987
    Time : 12:49 pm
    Place : Gwalior

    Will I be able to work abroad or will I be travelling abroad for work purpose.
    Please let me know.

  974. Sir can you tell me, Do I have a foriegn journey or settlement abroad and in which country? With love from Karachi. Name : Wasim Javaid , DOB :18 june 1983 , saturday , Time 5:15 a.m

  975. Sir,
    My name is Balaaravinth, 17-july-1984born. Birth time is 18:20 (pm), born in a place named kadaiyanallur, tamil nadu. Please let me know if there is any chanceto travel or get settled in abroad. Thnx

  976. when i will get a job & is there any chances of going to abroad for me sir, kindly reply me.
    my date of birth 27th july 1985 time 8.45 p.m., place of birth nabarangpur, orissa

  977. Sir can you please tell me if i settle in foreign country

    Name is umadevi gr
    dob = 03/02/1990

  978. Sir,

    My Date of Birth is January 2nd 1985, at 4:30 in Phagwara, Punjab India. When will I get green card and when will I Mary it will be love or arrange marriage.
    Thank you

  979. HI Sir,

    my name is praveen and can i get to know when I will travel, its my dream to work in USA.

    I am working in an MNC now and wish to travel USA soon.

    My DOB is 19/10/1984 and timing is 9:55 am

  980. Dear sir, My dob is january 29 1971, do i have a chance to settle in abroad, if so when il get.

  981. Hi
    Name : bhimashanakr
    time: 12.45 am (19th mid night)
    dob :20.08.1990
    i am a mech engineer , i am not getting job since 3 years am searching , but i am rejecting in last round , kindly please say about my job and gulf counries i am trying, i have work .

  982. HI Sir,

    My name is Nilesh and can i get to know when I will travel USA, its my dream to work in USA.

    My DOB is 01-NOV-1989 and timing is 21:15

  983. Dear sir,
    D.o.b 10-11-89
    Place allahabad
    Time 3.18pm

    Plz help me out..i m in depression right now..had a breakup n he is engaged to someone else..i m not able to handle it..i m very i m thinking of moving to dubai fr a job.. Plz let me know if
    I have a foriegn journey or settlement abroad.

  984. Hello Deepak jee,
    My DOB is 1986 4th November
    Time: 10:10 am
    I’m working as a software Professional.
    I would like to know when will i get a chance to fly and what are the remedies to follow.

  985. Hello sir I’m Srilalitha my dob is -11th June 1994,I tried visa for my higher education and failed to get visa in small things I’m missing I want to know that do I have any chances for doing my masters in United States?by what way I will go us?

  986. my dob is 11th June 1994 time 5.45 pm place of birth Hyderabad

  987. Hello Guruji,

    My DOB is 26th June 1984 5:27 AM, POB: Macherla, Andhra Pradesh.

    I have plans to move to US and settle there, Can you check my chances of shifting?


  988. Dear sir
    I don’t know my time of birth.
    My birth date is 21st May 1985.

    I am struggling a lot in my job fields.
    Please update me regarding the possibility of a good job abroad

  989. I am vaibhav pathrikar. I went abroad but could not continue my assignment due to some problem. My onsite assignment was terminated abburupply. Pls now I m thinking for moving to Europe. Will it be successful dob 30/09/1983 time 8:10 am place udgir maharashtra. LAGNA tula rashi mithun

  990. Time of birth is 9.57am, 15.01.1964, Tamilnadu, will I go abroad to settle down, if so when is it possible?

  991. will i travel abroad.
    Date of birth- 26/12/1978
    place – valparai, tamil nadu
    time – 11.20pm.


  992. hlo sir,
    i was born on 19 january 1994 at 5.10pm i applied for australia. can i get visa nd get settle overthere?

  993. sir my name is k.v.sairam i am born on 2nd march 1997 and time of birth is 8:25 am and place of birth is secunderabad STATE is telangana.

    Question is will i settle in abroad sir pleaae give me a reply sir

  994. DOB: 02 Nov 1982
    Time: 11:19 AM
    Place: Delhi

    Any chance of going abroad or settling? should i do business?

  995. Hello sir .i m currently in australia on student visa there any chances to settle here permanently with my husband …
    My details aare
    Dob – 4 DEC 1988
    TIME-4:00 AM
    PLACE .village maan district gurdaspur punjab
    Time is not accurate not sure about time

  996. Hello sir i m currently in australia on student visa and do i have chances to settle abroad permanently with my husband.
    My details are
    Dob- 4 DEC 1988
    Time – 4:00 am
    Place – VILLAGE maan district gurdaspur punjab
    Time may not be accurate

  997. Namasthe Guruji,

    My husband and I aspire to settle down in Foreign countries. Please pour in valuable suggestions/thoughts.

    Name: Krithikha(Wife)
    DOB: 2nd May ,1984.
    POB Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
    TOB: 3.00 PM

    Name Sriram(Husband)
    DOB: 21st Nov,1979.
    POB: Coimbatore,TamilNadu
    TOB:10.32 PM

  998. I am born on 26th August 1987 at 10.10 PM. Please help me and let me know my chances to settle abroad in australia

  999. Hello Sir,

    My name is Jayasimhan.k can get the job in aboard
    my date of birth 12/may/1993

  1000. Hello Sir,

    My name is Jayasimhan.k can get the job in aboard
    my date of birth 12/may/1993
    place bangalore
    time night 10:45 pm

  1001. Will I go to US for study

    Time- 8:05PM
    DOB:- 13-12-1991
    Place- Jalandhar punjab

  1002. Dear Sir, I am planning to apply for permanent visa to australia. Do I have chances to settle permanently with my family?
    Date of Birth: 14 Sep 1978
    Time: 17.50
    Place: Madurai

  1003. Hi sir
    Name : bhimashankar
    dob: 20.08.1990
    time : 12.45 am (19th mid night next day we consider so 20.08.1990)
    place : gulbarga
    i wanted to know i do settle in foreign long lost , i want to settle in foreign is this possible .

  1004. My Date of birth is 23 June 1985 Time is 11:40PM. Place of birth is Chennai, India. When will be next foreign travel. Already i was in USA close to 2.8 years

  1005. Hello Sir,

    I am actually seeking some guru who can help me to understand whether I have abroad long term travel or not. Looks like most of the friends have similar question, and it will be difficult for you guys to respond to all queries.

    In case of my query gets picked up, please advise whether I have long term abroad travel or not?

    Myy Name – VInod Kumar
    DOB – 24 – oct – 1984
    time- 5.40pm
    birth place – Nellore

  1006. Hello Sir,
    I follow various astrological sites but this seems to be most popular. Even I have question for travel astrologer 🙂

    Pandit ji, I have been in US for 5 years with india trips. Recently got married now again came back to US and trying for permanent residence do that I can bring my husband here too. Not sure if we both try for foreign land or Indua home land is more suitable to us financially.
    Name – Leena ; DOB – 19 nov 1983 ; POB – Sonepat , Haryana ; TOB – 00:47 am (midnight)
    Husband Name – Himanshu ; DOB – 1 dec 1983 ; POB – Delhi ; TOB – 16:00 (4:00 pm )

  1007. Hi sir,

    My brother in law birth details are

    Dob: 23-05-1984

    Time: 4:00 am

    Place: Ambala city, Haryana India

    When will he go to abroad & settle there? He is trying for now.

    Please, guide.


    Pushpinder Kumar

  1008. Can I go to foreign for studies.
    Gurjeet kaur
    04:00 am
    Place of birth Ropar ( punjab)

  1009. hello deepak sir
    my name is salman haider
    dob:23-09-1990 7:45 am born in lahore pakistan….
    please tell me when i will settle abroad
    germany, austria, australia, newzealand, canada anywhere…..

  1010. Hi Deepak Ji,
    My date of birth is 29/september/1984, and time of birth is between 9-10 a.m , i was born in Ambala, Village -Tepla
    .All i want to know is that, i have been trying for immigrating overseas but till date i haven’t got any success, do i have any chance or all goes in vain.

    Looking forward to hear from you.

  1011. Sir I’m working in power plant, I want to try for job in Dubai power plant, is abroad settlement there in my chart? My DOB 6th July 1985, 11am Bangalore .

  1012. I am interested in Settling Abroad alongwith my family.
    Date of Birth:- 15-08-1982
    Time :- 10:25 A.M.
    Birth Place:- Ballia – Uttar Pradesh
    Your any help would be greatly appreciated.

  1013. Hello Sir.

    My DOB : October 12, 1989
    TOB : 04:05 pm
    POB : Chennai

    Is foreign education/job possible for me ? Is this a good time to engage in that(either this year or next year) ?

  1014. Hi sir my date of birth 6/7/1985 11AM in Bangalore, I am planning for job in Dubai. Is foreign settlement there in my chart?

  1015. Dear Sir

    Planning to migrate to Australia and processing started already. What are the chances of success and are we able to settle better once we migrate there with kids? How long it may take for us to get the positive chance?


  1016. Sir , when i get a chance to permanently settled in Usa ,hows my overalllife there .
    28 Dec 1984
    18:00 pm
    place Aligarh

  1017. Hello sir
    My name is Garima and my husband name is Vipin jaitly. I am a married women, have 2 kids 1 girl n 1boy.
    Me and my husband eagerly want to go abroad (USA).
    Please tell me if possible if we can go and settledown there. My DOB 18 Jan 1991 Time- 2:30pm and my husband DOB is 20 june 1982 Time-10:55pm.
    I got marry in 2010 n till date we didn’t went for any holiday. Everytime we thought, the thing that comes in mind is India nhi hum sidha bahar he jainge
    Sir please do reply
    Please tell me if will go to US aur settle down somewhere else.
    Please sir please reply

  1018. Hello sir
    My name is Garima jaitly and my husband name is Vipin jaitly
    We got marry on 23rd nov, 2010
    My DOB -18th jan 1991 POB- delhi TOB – 2:30PM
    Husband DOB – 20 June 1982 POB- Delhi TOB-10:55 pm
    Sir me n my husband eagerly want to go abroad and settledown there.
    If possible then please tell us what are the chances.
    We never went out of India and not even in India for a holiday.
    Everytime we think of a holiday, the next thing comes in mind is rhne dete hai hum sidha bahar jainge.
    I have 2 kids. 1 girl (4th Oct, 2013; 2:52pm) and 1 din (6th june 2015; 09:09 am)
    Please do reply. Please help
    Thank u

  1019. want to settle abroad permanently
    DOB 13/01/1970
    Time of birth 7:30 pm
    name darshana.

  1020. sir

    can i settle in canada, as my husband want to go there, will it be fruitful for us and for our children – my details are

    DOB = 26-JULY-1976

  1021. Please help me with the details of Foreign travel and Settlement . My birth details are as below .

    Parthasarathi Mukherjee
    DOB is 2ndMay 1990
    Time is 20:05
    Place is Burdwan,Westbengal

  1022. my birth detail – 20/10/1982, time- 11:40 Am , place – mumbai
    Guruji , do i have foreign travel indication in my horoscope…do i successfully settle on foreign lands or not ? please do reply …thank you

  1023. heloo sir
    can i go abroad next year??or name is kiranjot kaur DOB 19 april 1993
    TOB 8:20 am
    POB ferozepur,punjab,india

  1024. Hello sir my date of birth is 4th feb 1987 at 3:15pm will i go abroad in coming 4months. your response is very precious.

  1025. Hello sir my date of birth is 4th feb 1987 at 3:15pm in hyderabad.will i go abroad in coming 4months. your response is very precious.

  1026. Myself Mangesh Nilve
    My DOB is 02.07.1987
    Time 3.40 am
    Place of birth is Mumbai.
    I am currently working with banking sector as front desk office looking operation and marketing.

    In future is it possible to settled abroad or shall I get the chance to work abroad??

    email ID-


    Mangesh Nilve

  1027. Hi sir
    My name is Himanshu Bhawankhel, my DOB is 06. Nov. 1982 Time : 06:20 AM, Place Bikaner, Rajasthan and My wife’s DOB : 08.Apr.1989 Time : 02:00 AM, Berthin, Distt Bilaspur HP.
    Please check and guide us if we can go and get settle abroad and which location would be preferred.

  1028. Dear Sir,

    Name : K.Ganesh

    My date of birth 11/05/1962

    Place of Birth : Karukuruchi (Near Ambasamudram),Tirunelveli District, Tamil nadu

    Time of Birth 4.45 p.m.

    My query: Will I get a foreign job now ( or at least by end of 2016). Can you let me know as to When I will get the foreign job?

    Thanks and regards.


  1029. Namasthe Guruji,

    Please reply to this 1 query. If foreign settlement is not in our cards,i ll drop the idea and try something here. My only question is , Long term foreign chances are there for us ?

    I would be very thankful,if you could reply to this.

  1030. Dr. Sharma, would you tell the possibilities of me traveling to or settling down abroad? My date of birth is 02/12/1992, time- 10:44 p.m. place of birth- Manipal, Karnataka.

  1031. Sir,

    Name- DEEPAK RAJ

    Date of Birth- 04/07/1989

    Place of Birth- Patna,Bihar

    Time of Birth- 2.17p.m.

    I am a Master of Computers Application Fresher currently looking for a Job.
    Is there any Scope of me to Travel Abroad for Work or Settlement in the near Future.

    Thank You

    Deepak Raj

  1032. Greetings Dr. SHARMA can u analyze my horoscope and let me know if there’s a chance for foreign education & settlement. I’m planning for the same.
    Thanks in advance.
    Name: Shivendra
    D.O.B- 2nd January 1990
    Time: 06:56 AM
    Place: Vapi, Gujarat (India)

  1033. name:surbhi kumar
    birth place :patna
    time:6:10 or 6:15

    whether i will go abroad or not …?
    i am going to write my exam for that i will be able to clear or not ??
    i am going to write my exam on 24 sep 2016

    please reply me fast

  1034. my date of birth is 03 November 1988 time 1.30 am and place kasauli, himachal pardesh do i have foreign travell and settelment ,please let me know .
    thank you

  1035. Dear Sir,
    I am Hrusikesh Padhy and my DOB: 26/4/1977, Birth Time:21:30 PM , Place of Birth : Buguda-Ganjam( Near Bhanjanagar) Orissa.

    My Question: Is it possible a job in foreign country. If yes, which part of the world?.

    Kindly let me know the period and place / part of the world.

    Kind Regards,
    Hrusikesh Padhy

  1036. Dear Deepakji,

    Just want to know if I will be setting abroad to UK or not. And if yes what is the best time.
    Shishir Sinha
    Dob 5/11/1982
    Time 11.45am
    Place of birth Mumbai

    Thanks and how to get paid services

  1037. Sir my full name is Amandeep Singh Siddhu, Date of Birth = 03 December 1988, Birth Time = 11:15am, Birth Place = Gwalior

    Do i have multiple Foreign Trips ?? or Foreign Settlement ??

  1038. Hello Deepak Sir,

    My date of birth 23rd Nov 1984

    Place of Birth : Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh.

    Time of Birth 2:10 AM

    My query is Will I get a chance of foreign trip or settle any chance to settle in Abroad.

    Thanks and regards.
    Anand Sharma

  1039. hi sir
    my dob 12/08/1988
    time 21:22 hrs
    when will i get married??
    will i go foreign country??


  1041. hey can’t you people reply me ……
    how much a person is waiting

  1042. My husband’s name is Mithun K
    Date of birth : 13.10.1988
    His rashi is tula and vishaka nakshatra
    He is looking for a Australian PR or any good foreign opportunity. Will he get it?
    My name padma p
    (His wife)
    Date of birth : 27.05.1989
    Rashi is makara rashi dhanistha nakshatra
    Both are looking to settle abroad . Tel us the possibility please

  1043. pranam guruji,
    my name is reetika dob-29-08-1987, tob- 10:28 pm, pob- bhowali, india.
    i wanted to know about abroad settlement in my kundali and if yes then when will be the time of settling there.

  1044. My date of birth is 18/01/1992, Will i get the chance to settle in abroad for life time ?

  1045. Hi Sir. I am currently working in a MNC and desperately trying to travel to a foreign land. please let me know if that is possible and when, from my chart?

    DOB: 25/06/1991
    Time: 19:45
    Place: Jalpaiguri, India.

    Please help me sir.

  1046. Namaste guruji.
    hope all is well !!
    This is smruti sambhav mishra from bhubaneswar.
    i would like to know whether there is any possibility for abroad settlement or for higher studies ?

    DOB: 2nd january 1996
    time: 12:10 pm
    place of birth: vizianagaram, Andhra pradesh

  1047. Dear Sir,
    My name is anamika and i m married, my DOB is 18/10/89, time 1.30 PM birth place Indore (m.p.) my husband chirag his DOB is 22/08/89, time 2.15 AM birth place indore, please advise if there is any chance to get settle in abroad ?

  1048. surbhi
    20 July 1992
    do I have chances of going abroad and what will be the purpose.studies ,job or settlement.

  1049. my DOB is 17th jan 1982, time of birth 9:45 AM, Kalkaji Delhi

    do I have a travelling abroad. If Yes, by when can i get the opportunities.

  1050. Dear Guruji
    My name is viswanath ammu. dob 17-08-1979, tob 7.02 am, Gudivada, /andhrapradesh, India. Can I settle in abroad?

  1051. Hello sir
    My dob is 12 Oct 1982 and time is 18;30 in allahabad, U. P

    My husband’s dob is 3 Feb 1982 and time is 8 am in kanpur, U.P

    Is there any chance for settlement in abroad.

    Thanks for your time.

  1052. hello sir,
    mý self Komal pareek .
    my date of birth is 26 august 1990
    time is 2.20 am
    place of birth churu Rajasthan
    will I Travle and settles in foreign country .

  1053. Namaste sir,
    My dob is 12 dec 1991 on 9:55 am, New delhi, india.
    Would you please tell me will i go abroad and settle there? What is the favourable time?
    Please do reply sir.

  1054. Dear Sir
    Please tell me if I will ever go abroad. If yes is it going to happen soon .Will it be for government job/ international job. I really need to know it very soon please.
    My DOB is 29 July 1971 at 11:50 AM at Vishakapatanam, India

    Please reply

    Thanks and Regards

  1055. Hi Deepak Sir,

    Hope you are doing great, really appreciate for your support and help which you are giving to the users.

    My date of birth: 15th Nov 1976
    Place of Birth: Warangal, Andhra Pradesh (Now its Telangana)
    Time of Birth: 09:55 PM

    I traveled to US before from Jan 2007 till mid of 2012, unexpectedly I left from there. So, when will I go there or other country and for how long. Please tell me when I’ll get job and is there a chance to settle there.

    Thanks and regards.

  1056. my dob is 16 dec 1991 on 2:55pm, andhrapradesh , india
    kindly tell me sir will i go to abroad and settle there? what is the favourable time ? please reply sir

  1057. Namaskar Dr Deepak sharma sir.
    My name is ramakrishna Komanduri born on 08Nov1980 around 3.45 pm at hyderabad. I want go and settle in abroad for my kids life and education. are there any chances for this as per my horoscope?

  1058. Pranam Deepak ji,

    Mai apne videsh yog or kab tak mai videsh jaungi ?? uske bare mai janna chahti hun.

    DOB: 06-09-1989
    Place : Meerut
    Time : 5:05 PM(evening)

  1059. Namaskar guruji,
    My Date of birth is 04/07/1990, 10:18 AM, Palakol,India

    Please let me know if i go to abroad and settle there? When is the favourable time in future ?

  1060. My DOB is 26-09-1981 3.30 pm vijayawada location..when I can travel to USA for work? and how long can I work there staying with family?

  1061. name : shailesh ubhrani
    dob : 26/01/1993
    tob : 10:10am
    place : navsari , india

  1062. Dear Deepak ji,

    Please let me know will I get job and get married this year.

    Birth details – 21/3/1975, Ahmedabad, 11.31 am


  1063. Guruji namaskar,

    I would like to know my career overseas. Whether i will be able to perform foreign travel. My date of birth is 18 aug 1971, time is 14: 55 and place is modinagar, meerut, UP. Pls also tell any remedy if required.


  1064. Dear Deepak Sir,

    my full name is Amandeep Singh Siddhu, Date of Birth = 03 December 1988, Birth Time = 11:15am, Birth Place = Gwalior

    Do i have multiple Foreign Trips ?? or Foreign Settlement ??

  1065. Guruji namaskar,

    I would like to know my career overseas. Whether i will be able to perform foreign travel or may stay in foreign country. Please advice. My date of birth is 18 aug 1971, time is 14: 55 and place is modinagar, meerut, UP. Pls also tell any remedy if required.


  1066. Hi Sir,

    Please let me know do i have any chance to work in usa in my near by future.
    MY DOB: 23-May-1991, Time : 04: 24 AM,
    Kanya Rasi, Uttara Phalguni Nakshatram.


  1067. My Name is Kiran , Date of birth is 08/11/1984, 05:34 AM, Bangalore,Karnataka,India

    Want to know, When I will be travelling to abroad(Year and Country) and how many year,I’m going to stay.


    Will i ll be settling abroad?

  1069. Guruji namaskar,

    I would like to know my career overseas. Whether i will be able to perform foreign travel or may stay in foreign country. Please advice. My date of birth is 18 aug 1971, time is 14: 55 and place is modinagar, meerut, UP. Pls also tell any remedy if required.


  1070. Guruji namaskar,

    I would like to know my career overseas. Whether i will be able to perform foreign travel or may stay in foreign country. Please advice. My date of birth is 18 aug 1971, time is 14: 55 and place is modinagar, meerut, UP. Pls also tell any remedy if required


  1071. Sir, My name is Shruti Sneha, my birth details are :
    date of birth- 8 september 1993
    time of birth- 12:15 pm
    birth place – Bhagalpur, Bihar, India

    will i get settled in foreign country for career purpose or after marriage? Please reply.

  1072. My DOB is 5-10-1984, place of birth Palakkad, Time of birth 15.15, i am staying in USA from last 4.5 years on dependant visa of my Husband. As per my horoscope is there any chances of settling in USA ? Please reply back Deepak Sir

  1073. hi sir my date of birth is 6-12-1987 and time is 1-15 am palayamkottain Tirunelvelli searching for abroard jobs is there any possibilities to get a job over there.thanks in advance

  1074. My Name : Kiran
    Date of birth : 08/11/1984
    Time : 05:34 AM
    place : Bangalore,Karnataka,India

    Please let me know if i go to abroad and settle there? When is the favourable time in future ?

  1075. MY DOB is 16-10-1989
    Birth time :- 00.58.00 am
    Name :- Lalit
    i am looking a job in abroad is it good time to go and work there? or is there any foregin travel? since right now i m jobless and i m searching a job in abroad. it would be great if you answer it.

    thank you sir

  1076. Sir
    Name: A. Ramlal
    My DOB is 26th July 1996
    time of birth 8:25 A.M.
    place of birth Hyderabad (Telangana, previously andhra pradesh)

    Please give your valuable advice regarding any foreign settlement regarding higher studies and/or job

    Thank You Sir

  1077. sir, my name is sumitha
    my date of birth-16-12-1991
    time of birth-2:55pm
    place of birth-hyderabad
    kindly tell me sir when i will gwt married, and will i go to abroad and settle there? what is the favourable time ?
    kindly reply sir,
    thanks for your time

  1078. female
    agra UP
    20 July 1992
    do I have chances of going abroad and what will be the purpose.studies ,job or settlement.

  1079. Hi Sir,
    I am Himanshu Panke currently based in India. My DOB is 25th December 2016 and birth time is 6.30 pm. Do i have any chances of going abroad.

    Himanshu Panke

  1080. I forgot to right my birth place which is Bhandara, Maharashtra, India

  1081. Name Ramlal
    Date of birth: 26th July 1996
    Time of Birth 8:25 A.M.
    Place of Birth: Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh)

    Sir Please help me to know about foreign travel regarding higher studies and settlement

  1082. Dear Sir,

    My name is Kumar and my DOB is 12-JUN-1979, place of birth – Mumbai and time of birth is 10:10 PM. I am currently in the U.S. for 4 + years. Please let me know if there are chances for me to get settled in USA.

    Thanks and Regards,

  1083. Dear Sir, (time correction)

    My name is Kumar and my DOB is 12-JUN-1979, place of birth – Mumbai and time of birth is 10:05 PM. I am currently in the U.S. for 4 + years. Please let me know if there are chances for me to get settled in USA.

    Thanks and Regards,

  1084. sir, my name is sumitha
    my date of birth-16-12-1991
    time of birth-2:55pm
    place of birth-hyderabad
    kindly tell me sir when i will gwt married, and will i go to abroad and settle there? what is the favourable time ?
    kindly reply sir,
    thanks for your time

  1085. MY DOB is 16-10-1989
    Birth time :- 00.58.00 am
    Name :- Lalit
    i am looking a job in abroad is it good time to go and work there? or is there any foregin travel? since right now i m jobless and i m searching a job in abroad. it would be great if you answer it.

    thank you sir

  1086. do I have chances of settling ,earning in abroad
    20 July 1992
    5:45 pm
    agra UP
    thanks .

  1087. HI Sir my DOB is 26-12-1984 place of birth is singarayakonda near ongole, AndhraPradesh. please let me if I have a chance to settle abroad.

  1088. Please let me know do i have any chance to work in usa in my near by future.
    MY DOB: 23-May-1991, Time : 04: 24 AM,
    Kanya Rasi, Uttara Phalguni Nakshatram

  1089. my date of birth is 26 april 1993 time 02:45 pm and place garhshankar, punjab, india. do i have foreign travell and settelment ,please let me know .
    thank you

  1090. Hi Sir , my dob is 16july1992, place of birth-Thural,palampur (Himachal pradesh) time-2:00AM (not sure) . i want to know that either i go to abroad for a job or study. i m looking for a job actually. Do I hv any chances to work in abroad like australia or dubai & what are my career prospectous. i’ll waiting for ur reply. answer asap.

  1091. Sir my date of birth is 9/05/1997 and my timming is 10:35am my birth was in shimla, actually sir I want to go abroad for studies is their any possibility

  1092. Hello sir
    Since 6years onwards trying for abroad to pursue masters in usa but my visa rejected thrice time and still trying in November 2016 is any chance are there to me get visa and to get visa which pooja need to do I ??can u please help me sir its my dream to go abroad..if i go abroad how will be my future there sir

  1093. Sir
    I am rajvir
    Dob 7 jan 1984
    12:55 noon
    Kapurthala punjab
    Will I settle abroad and when.,?

  1094. My name is jaspal Kaur dob is 4 nov 1983 time 2:45 am Delhi India
    I am abroad but things are not working out professionally and personally when will I have kids and will we settle abroad or go back to India

  1095. my name is jaspal kaur dob 4 nov 1983 time 2:45 am delhi india
    I am currently abroad but having difficulties in settling as am not having a job or business
    letme know if i will be able to settle abroad

    Thanx in advance

  1096. My Name is Jagdeep Singh, Date of birth is 09/01/1982, 02:45 PM, Kanpur,UP,India

    I am planing to apply for Australia PR. I have tried it before but no success. Can you please do let me know if this time, I am able to get PR or not ?


  1097. Hello Sir

    My date of birth is 28 march 1988 time of birth:11:40 pm.Currently i am running I.T business.Are there any chances to have settlement in abroad?

  1098. Hi sir
    I am from kapurthala my date of birth is 07/01/1984
    Time 12:55 afternoon
    When will I settle abroad
    Please reply as soon as possible…

  1099. Respected Sir,

    WE need to know if we can settle abroad through our daughter’s horoscope as everyone says she has the chance. we do not have much opportunity.
    Her birth time 09/05/2011 12:52pm. Your help and guidance will help us a lot. i am a physically challenged person and my husband struggles in his current position. if her chart is good we will give our last best shot to try this

  1100. hi sir, my name is neha sharma. My DOB is 01-08-1995, timing- 2:15 pm noon time.
    so is there any chance to settle in abroad?

  1101. Hello sir i m currently in australia on student visa and do i have chances to settle abroad permanently with my husband.
    My details are
    Dob- 4 DEC 1988
    Time – 4:00 am
    Place – VILLAGE maan district gurdaspur punjab
    Time may not be accurate

  1102. My date of birth is 28 August 1983 time 2:00 PM and place Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh do i have foreign travel ,please let me know

  1103. Hi,
    My Date of birth is: 23/04/1983, 8.48am .. is my foreign settlement possible?

  1104. dear Sir,

    facing a lot of problems consistently for last 7-8 yrs going through the worst phase of my professional life which is affecting my family life as well marginally kindly advise on my career prospects in the near future 6-12 months
    name : jolly
    DOB: 1ST JAN 1978 AT 0745 AM

    WIFE : A
    DOB: 28 JAN 1984 AT 0104 PM

  1105. sir
    my name is sumitha
    time of birth-2:55pm
    palce of birth -hyderabad (telangana)
    please let me know do i have foreign travel ?

  1106. Sir, My name is G. Kayalvizhi, DOB:, Time of Birth: 08:45pm, Place: Pondicherry India. Sir, will i be able to go abroad within a short period of time. Please reply me sir. your reply means a lot to me.

  1107. I’m shani. My date of birth 1981-11-01
    Time-19.07 place -kalutara sri lanka
    Do I have foreign travel or settlement

  1108. Hi Deepak Sir,
    Thank you very much for reply. I’m facing problems and job less from March 2015. Please suggest when I’ll get a good job and would that be permanent and/or is there any own business opportunity for me? Thanks n Regards Ravin

  1109. Hello sir
    my date of birth is 18/07/1984 timing 6.45 am and place Belgum Karnataka do is there any chance to travel foreign or settle in foreign

  1110. Hi sir
    Please reply for data of birth 07/01/1984
    Time 12:55 afternoon
    Place kapurthala Punjab
    Will I settle abroad and when?

  1111. Respected Sir, please let me know is there any chance of getting job in UK.
    DOB- 5th April 1990. Time – 11 :45 am.
    Place of birth- Hailakandi, Assam, India.
    Latitude – 24 N 41. Longitude – 92 E 34.
    Thanks a lot for providing this online platform.

  1112. My date of birth is 02-Sep-1988 and I am very much struggle to go abroad. is there any chance for me to go abroad for job. I am married and i have kid. he was born in 09-April-2016.

  1113. Respected Sir, I am yamini.currently i am staying in South Africa. After marriage due to my husbands job purpose i came to this country. Is there any chance for me to get work visa here and work in future. Could you please let me as i am very much depressed regarding this.

    My DOB is 14/04/1990

  1114. Thank you Very much Deepak Sir. I need your appointment , to get a detailed analysis of me and my husbands kundli . Please let me know which service i should select and when is the next earliest date possible for appointment .

  1115. Hi,

    My Name is Jayakumar, My D.O.B: 04-12-1978 and birth time is 10:10AM, Thanjavur birth place, please let me know whether I have foreign travel and settlement. When will I get this opportunity.

  1116. Dear Dr Deepak


    My name is Sudhir Nair
    DOB: 02-Aug-1982
    Birth Time: 2:15 pm
    Birth Place Jabalpur (Madhyapradesh)

    Kindly let me know the possibility of Moving Abroad for work, as I am getting few oppurtunities abroad but not yet finalised.

    Looking forward for your input.

    Sudhir Nair

  1117. Dear Dr Deepak


    Kindly let me know possibilities of moving abroad for work purpose as i m getting oppurtunity but waiting for finalisation.

    Name-Sudhir Nair
    DOB: 2-Aug-1982
    Place of birth – Jabalpur (M.P)
    Time of birth: 2:15 PM


  1118. my name is r keshav rao D.O.B 31/7/1989 PLASCE OF BIRTH TEKKALI SRIKAKULAM ANDHRA PRADESH TIME 3.30AM

  1119. i am
    r keshav rao D.O.B 31/7/1989 PLACE OF BIRTH TEKKALI( SRIKAKULAM) ANDHRA PRADESH TIME 3.30AM monday early mornin

  1120. Hello sir
    I am going to give ilets test in jan 2017….so plz tell me that there is any chance of going foreign in fer or march 2017…..plz tell its very urgent
    My dob- 11july 1992
    Place -hoshiarpur

  1121. Respected sir.

    Amazed with your skill. Can you please spare some time looking for my overseas settlement prospectus.
    DOB 14/05/1982
    Place Nanded, MH
    Time 11:20am

  1122. Hello Sir/Ma’am,

    My name is indrani guha majumdar. My birth date is 6 October 1989 time-5:24pm. Please let me know if I can travel abroad. I would like to know there is any chance of my settlement abroad.

    Thanks a lot in advance. Please respond.

  1123. Dear Sir
    I am Ranjeet Singh. Writing this post with lots of expectation .
    D. O. B 01/04/1979
    TIME. : 01 : 36 (Mid Night)
    Place : Asansole (West Bengal) India

    Sir, I have lost my job in the month of April mid and till now struggling to get new job.. even after getting shortlisted I have not been selected finally many times, Sir , I also applied for Forgein job since a year now.. Every door of apportunities seem closed and now I am totally under depression, Some one says a black magic did to stop my success.
    Please help me to forcaste my Career in india and in abroad.

  1124. Dear Sir,

    Please help to understand abroad chance of settling down and job My date of birth is 24 Feb 1976 time 13.08 pm place of birth Neyveli ,TN .
    Please do the needful.

  1125. Hi,

    My Name is Baskar My D.O.B: 24-02-1976 and birth time is 13:10 PM, Neyveli birth place, please let me know whether I have foreign travel and settlement. if yes
    When will I get this opportunity.

  1126. My name is Yashpal Singh, I want to know whether I can settle down in foreign?
    D.O.B- 08/07/1979
    Time – 9.30 am
    Place – Ludhiana


  1127. Hello Sir, My name is Rahul .I am trying to settle in abroad.but delay in process.please suggest whether I can settle down in foreign.
    DOB 24-05-1990
    Time-09:15 am
    place kurukshtera,Haryana


  1128. Hi,

    My name is suhas. My DOB 18/08/1990 time of birth is 11:30 AM.
    Can you please let me know my chances of foreign settlement.

  1129. Hi Sir,

    My Name is Devbrat Chakraborty,I would like to know there is any chance of my settlement in abroad,if yes then which part?

    My Dob: 03-03-1989
    Place:Kanpur(Uttar Pradesh)


  1130. My name is Amol Deshpande, born in Nashik Maharashtra. DOB: 28/10/1987
    Time 9:00 AM
    I am trying for foreign settlement please let me know is it possible

  1131. my dob is 10.03.78 time :10:50 am place:- ballia (U.P) .
    Is there a chance of foreign settlement and if yes when will it be?

  1132. Dear sir

    I am from srilanka. Please check my horoscope and help me to know that i have opportunity to go abrod for a job

    Time:22. 50
    Place:Badulla, srilanka

  1133. Will i get pr for canada n when, will it be good move? please reply
    name annu
    dob 22 0ct 1984
    time morning 6.30
    place: narwana , haryana, india

  1134. Hi Deepak Sir,

    I had got selected to one of the onsite opportunity in US due to visa renewal I lost the opportunity . Now I got my H1B visa done now ready to fly but not getting any opportunities.

    pls help me and pls do let me know.. do I have a chance to fly to US.

    DOB : 16/05/1980
    BirthPlace : Kittur, KARNATAKA
    Time : 12:00am midnight

    please help.Sir..


  1135. Respected Sir,
    i am eager to go abroad to work and settle there kindly let me know that is it possible through my planets and if it is not possible then how can i make it possible, if you can please tell me some way out.
    Profession – Teaching
    D.O.B. – 16.07.1988
    TIME – 1:30 PM
    PLACE – Sabha (Libya)

  1136. dear respected sir,
    my name is shalini kumari , leave in delhi with family,i just want to know i am trying to go abroad with my fiance so please help me out can i go to abroad with him or not please sir its really important for me.

    name :- shalini kumari
    DOB- 10th january 1992
    place :- delhi

  1137. My (Female ) DOB 17/06/1990,BIRTH TIME 0-40.AM
    MY MOTHER’S DOB 11/07/1958. BIRTH TIME 6-30.PM.
    Please inform when can i go to foreign country as per my astrology.
    Further for my assistance i want to go along with mother.
    And to come along with me,she have the chance to go abroad according to her horoscope.Please kindly reply me.

  1138. My date of birth is 04 January 1979 time 0.45 AM (between 3rd & 4th Jan) and place near Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh State, India. Do I have foreign travel and settelment there and when? Please let me know .
    Thank you

  1139. Dear Sir,
    I am currently based in Mumbai. I am willing to shift and settle abroad outside India with my family. Can you please help me to know if my planetary positions are favourable for the same? If yes, then when will the travel happen? If no, then what are the other options i have for making my career?
    My professional:- 8 Years experienced in Telecommunication Industry
    DOB:- 01 DECEMBER 1986 Time 07.20 am
    Place:- Mumbai

  1140. Hi, my name is abhi. My birthdate is 24/12/1993 and place is vadodara,gujarat. So please tell me when i will go abroad.

  1141. Hello sir
    My name is jay
    Dob 02/02/1983
    Time 02.00am
    Place; gulbarga Karnataka
    Can you check the kundli..
    And possibility of foreign travel and settlement..

  1142. Hi guruji,

    Can you please tell me whether any chances for me to go abroad and settle there

    Name-Mahesh Babu
    Time-After 6pm (evening not known exact time)

    Please tell me whether there is any abroad chance mainly to USA and settle there

  1143. Dear sir,

    My name is Ashok DOB 18-07-1979, Time 3.00pm place Jodhpur, Please let me know if have foreign travel and settelment there

    Thank you

  1144. Dear Sir,

    My name is Tanya. My husband and I have applied for Australian PR and still waiting for the outcome. Can you please suggest astrologically if I have foreign settlement yoga next year ? My place of birth is Jabalpur (MP) and my birthdate is 08th September 1987 03:50 am .

    Awaiting your reply.


  1145. Just to add, my husband’s birthdate is 14 March 1986 05:30 pm (Coimbatore)

  1146. Hi Sir,

    My Name is Devbrat Chakraborty,I would like to know there is any chance of my settlement in abroad,if yes then which part?

    My Dob: 03-03-1989
    Place:Kanpur(Uttar Pradesh)


  1147. Namaskar Guruji,

    Name :- Rajesh Singh
    DOB :- 09-Aug-1976
    POB :- Bhopal(Madhya Pradesh)
    Time :- 00.15 AM

    Want to settle in Abroad(probably :- CANADA, in banking line) , which country will be suitable and when that time will come.

  1148. Hello sir
    My husband live in canada when i go canada which month and year good chance for go
    My name is. Harpinder kaur
    Date of birth -21-5-1990
    Date of birth -10:40 am
    Place of birth – kapurthala, punjab

    Please sir answer

  1149. anam Guruji,
    My name is Priyanka Priyadarshinee
    Date of birth -19/03/1989
    Time of birth-10.40pm
    Place of birth-Balasore,Orissa
    My name is indran
    Date of birth-10/04/1978
    Time of birth-01.30pm
    Place of birth-coimbatore,tamilnadu

  1150. My name is indran
    Date of birth-10/04/1978
    Time of birth-01.30pm
    Place of birth-coimbatore,tamilnadu

  1151. My name is dob 14th mar1979 8:30am pune. Please advise whether career foreign trip yog is there short term or long term?

  1152. Hi Sir,
    My Name is Atisheel Gupta.I would like to know is there any chance of my travelling abroad for official work and personal work and secondly is there any change of me starting my own business and in which field.
    My DOB:02-June-1968 Time:00.15 am early morning of 02-June-2016 ie. after 01-June-1968 24;00 am
    Place: Amaravati (Maharashtra)

  1153. Dear sir,

    My name is Arun DOB 23-10-1982, Time 9.50pm place Trichy, Please let me know if i have foreign travel and settlement there.

  1154. Hello Sir,

    This is Harika, am planing to study in abroad (USA) for my Masters, please help me whether i have chance to study and get a job in abroad.
    Name: Harika
    DoB: 28th June,1991
    Time of birth: 07:45 AM
    Place: Hyderabad, Telangana, India.

  1155. This is Prashanta.DOB 28/ 12 /1995 TIME 4 :10 PM PLACE: GUWAHATI ,ASSAM.
    Will i ever visit a foreign country???

  1156. I am Pradeep
    DOB is 28/03/1985 time 11:45 AM Bangalore

    Do I have chance to settle in foreign? If so which country would be best

  1157. Hlo sir my name is harpreet singh i am from pathankot birth 17 september,1997 time 12:58 a.m. can i study and settle in australia or canada?

  1158. Hello sir
    Date of birth 07-01-1984
    Should I settle here in india or should i try for foreign settlement. .

  1159. Hi Sir,

    My Name is Rakesh,I would like to know there is any chance of my settlement in abroad,if yes then which part?

    My Dob: 25-06-1983
    Place:Mumbai Maharashtra


  1160. Sir my date of birth 23-03 -1993 birth time 06:10 pm can I go abroad

  1161. Doctor Sir,

    Kindly let me know if there is any foreign settlement/job chance and when will it happen as per my horoscope. Details are as under:-
    Vishnu Raj,
    DoB : 9th November 1992
    ToB : 1430 Hours
    Place of Birth : Haripad, Kerala
    Qualification : Mtech Mechanical
    Working place : Pune


  1162. dear vishnu
    According to primary analysis of horoscope not easy for foreign settlement some foreign yoga is available in your horoscope but it is also not strong there is more possibility of foreign travel only.

  1163. Namaste d.o.b -13/9/1990,6:0am,sompeta,Andra Pradesh,India.Will I go abroad? When?

  1164. hello sir,

    My DOB is 29/12/1991 , time -4:30 am and place of birth is -Noamundi (jharkhand) is there any yog for foreign travel or foreign settlement in my kundli ???

  1165. Can i go abroad?

    D.O.B – 27.11.1983
    Timing – 9:30 a.m
    Place of birth – Bhutan(Tsimalakha)

  1166. Kindly let me know if there is any chance for foreign settlement or job. Date of birth : 10 September 1985. Time of birth : 13:30 Place of birth : Siruguppa, Karnataka.

  1167. Hello Sir,
    DOB : 23 /02 / 1984 ,Time : 09:20 AM , Place : Gubbi ,Tumkur district ,Karnataka
    I already have received Permanent Residence for Canada , will I settle in Canada with good Job ?

  1168. Namaste Guruji,
    My name is veeresh, DOB: 10september 1985
    Time: 01:30 PM
    place of birth: Siruguppa (Karnataka)
    Could you please advise Do I have chance to settle in foreign?
    I m currently working in bangalore

  1169. Hello Sir,

    I’m eager to go abroad to Study and work there, kindly let me know that is it possible through my planets.

    First time i failed to clear my Visa in Hyderabad, Now again i applied for the second time on December 18th 2017 at 8:30 AM in Chennai.

    Please help me to forecast my Career in india and in abroad.

    I will be very grateful to you if you could suggest me the correct decision as to stay in India or to go abroad???

    Name: Harika
    DoB: 28th June,1991
    Time of birth: 07:45 AM
    Place: Hyderabad, Telangana, India.

  1170. I’m eager to go abroad USA to settle and work there, kindly let me know that is it possible through my planets.

    I failed to clear my Visa in after lottery came in my favour. But they have rejected my application. This is the first time I have applied h1b in 2017.

    Please help me to forecast my Career in india and in abroad.

    I will be very grateful to you if you could suggest me the correct decision as to stay in India or to go abroad???

    Name K Sridhar
    DOB :. 07-Apr-1975
    Time: 10:10 PM
    Place: Saluru, Vizanagaram District. Andhra Pradesh, India

  1171. Hi Sir,

    After reading these comments above, i am curious to know the similar things at my end.

    So, basically I’m from India and came to London in 2015 for a degree program and finished in 2016. I landed a job after a month but have to leave after 6 months as I didn’t like the working atmosphere and wanted to do a similar job afterwards but couldn’t get any. Then I decided to go for a PhD but my applications got rejected. Therefore, after more than 100 unsuccessful job applications, I am flying back to India on December 29. But, I want to come back to London for my PhD and work experience for a couple of years.

    Could you please throw some light on this aspect ? Thanks!

    My details are as follows:

    Name: Rahul Arora
    DOB: 17/11/1990
    TOB: 06:32 am
    PlaceOB: Delhi, India.

    Hope to hear from your side soon and wish you a very happy new year. 🙂

  1172. Hlo sır,
    I want to go foreign my higher study .pls tell me .can i go to foreign in 2018.pls tell me all about my future.
    Tob-5 to 6 pm
    Pob-jalandhar in punjab.

  1173. Hlo sır,
    i want to go foreign my higher study.pls tell me can i go to canada in 2018.And i want to government job in foreign pls tell me all about my future.
    Tob-5 to 6pm
    Pob-jalandhar in punjab

  1174. DOB: 29TH JUNE 1989
    Time: 06:00 AM
    place of birth: RAJULA (GUJARAT)
    Could you please advise Do I have chance to settle in foreign?

  1175. Sir, I am at my middle of my career and it has been 10 months since I lost my last job. Please advise when I will get my next job.

  1176. Details:
    Date Of Birth – 3rd June, 1981
    Time Of Birth – 16:05 (PM)
    Place of Birth – Karimganj, Assam (Lat‎: ‎24° 51’N , Long‎: ‎92° 21’E)

  1177. My dob is 03/06/1997 time 02:00 A.m place-ganganagar(Rajasthan). i have yog for foreign travel and foreign settlement and in which time?
    Please tell me ?

  1178. My dob is 12th March 1980 time 7.30am place Chennai. I have been trying long term foreign trip. But getting only short term. Pls tell me is there is any chance for long term.

  1179. Dear sir,
    My dob 12th march 1980 time 7.30am. I am trying for a long term but iam getting only short term travel. Pls tell me will i get long term travel to foreign countries.

  1180. Sir, we went on feb4 2013 back in June 2013 and again went on 22dec 2016 for 6 months.

  1181. Namaste,

    My date of birth is june 17 1985 time 23.45. i wants to immigrate to either canada, UK or australia. can you advice suitable country for me.

  1182. Dear Sir

    I am Vignesh and my date of birth is 9th Feb 1983 my place of birth is Coimbatore and time of birth is 01 30 am

    Sir kindly suggest when I will get permanent foreign settlement. Thanks Vignesh

  1183. my date of birth is 22-jan-2018 time 5:45 PM. will i settle abroad permanently. when is the favorable time

  1184. hello sir,

    my dob: jan 9th 1997( 18:23pm evening),
    place of birth : nagarkurnool ,telangana,india
    please kindly tell me my chances of going abroad either for studying or going after marriage,
    currently am planning to do masters in this fall.I got an admit from one university…what are my chances of getting visa?


  1185. Sir, my date of birth is 12.08.1975 time 22:07 p.m., place Mumbai . when my Canada permanent resident visa will be received ?

  1186. Hello sir,

    DOB : 19/05/1982 Time :12:41 AM Place : Watrap State : Tamil Nadu . is there any short trip to abroad (netherlands) possible ? pls reply

  1187. y date of birth is 06 Augest 1987

    time: 4:30 am and

    place : Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh

    do i have foreign travel and settlement ,please let me know .

  1188. Hi sir,

    DOB: 21/05/1993
    Time : 20:37(8:37 PM)
    Place: Chennai
    Please tell me do I have any chance of traveling abroad/ get settled there.?

  1189. Hi Sir,

    My name is Sachin Sharan, DOB – 16/07/1989; time- 11:00PM, Place – Samastipur, Bihar, India.

    I Want to know whether I will settle abroad permanently/long duration? if yes, when is the favorable time?

  1190. Sir my dob:-26-10-1984
    Place of birth :- Baihar
    District :- balaghat(Madhya Pradesh)
    Time of birth :- 2:20pm
    Day :-Friday
    Please check my birth chart is there is any chance to settle in abroad or visit.

  1191. DOB 12-August-1975
    Time-22:07 pm
    PR in process when I will my PR get approved & I will fly to Canada
    Sir pls reply

  1192. Hello Sir,

    I’m eager to go USA to Study and work there, kindly let me know that is it possible through my planets.

    My visa got rejected twice but still am very much interested to go to USA.

    I will be very grateful to you if you could suggest me the correct decision as to stay in India or to go abroad???

    Name: Harika
    DoB: 28th June,1991
    Time of birth: 07:45 AM
    Place: Hyderabad, Telangana, India.

  1193. my name is tamanna sharma DOB 26nov1984 time 0745am

    is I can be settele in abroad

  1194. Thank you ! Will the i get travel opportunity between by July to october 2018 ?

  1195. DOB : 04/feb/1982 Time :21:35 AM Place : West Mambalam, Chennai State : Tamil Nadu .
    WIll I settle abroad with my family and when it will happen? Any remedies to make it happen?

  1196. Dear Sir

    My DOB is 21/07/1989, place of birth is Mullanpur (Dakha), Ludhiana, time 11:35am.

    Is there any possibility of mine to settle abroad?

  1197. Dear Sir,

    I’m eager to go USA to Study and work there, kindly let me know that is it possible through my planets.

    I have visa and not getting opportunities but I am very much interested to go to USA.

    I will be very grateful to you if you could suggest me the correct decision as to stay in India or to go abroad???

    Name: Lokesh
    DoB: 6th Aug 1987
    Time of birth: 04:30 AM
    Place: Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India.

  1198. I will be very grateful to you if you could suggest me the correct decision as to stay in India or to go abroad???

    Name: Nidhi
    DoB: 6th Apr 1988
    Time of birth: 06:40 AM
    Place: Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh, India.

  1199. I am Lalita Choudhary : Here are my details
    DOB: 8 June 1993
    Birth Time : 02:00 AM (8 June morning)
    Birth Place: Jodhpur,Rajasthan

    Kindly let me know long foreign travel and settlement there?


  1200. I am Lalita Choudhary: Here are my details
    DOB: 8 June 1993
    Time : 02:00 AM(8-June Morning)
    Place: Jodhpur,Rajasthan

    Kindly let me know long foreign travel and settlement there?


  1201. Will I settle in canada ?
    My date of birth is 16-02-1997
    Location – muktsar,punjab
    Time-7.55 AM

  1202. hi sir
    my dob 25/08/1972
    time 09:20 AM
    I will be very grateful to you if you could suggest me the correct decision as to stay in India or to go abroad???

  1203. Respected Sir,
    Kindly check if I have chances to shift Canada with my Husband and Daughter?
    My Details are as follow:
    Name: Priya
    DOB- 30 Nov 1989
    Time- 21:30 pm
    Place- Ambala Cantt, Haryana, India

  1204. Hello sir,I’m thinking to apply for Denmark for my further studies and then I want to permanently settle in Norway.Is there indication of permanent foreign settlement in my horoscope.My birth details are below:
    Date of birth:27 feb,1996
    time: 7:34am

  1205. sIR,mY DOB IS 10-06-1991,PLACE:BANGALORE,TIME IS 12.20 PM,

  1206. Should I stay in India or settle abroad?If going abroad will I get a PR?Plz help.
    Ruturaj Pansare,
    6.57 am,Pune

  1207. Should I settle in India or abroad?Plz help
    Ruturaj Pansare,
    6.57 am,

  1208. Dear
    Rakesh Sharma 24-March-1983. Time 03.27 Am Pathankot Punjab.

    I want to go Australia as a skilled worker. Will i get Australian visa in next year?

  1209. Will I go abroad?
    Bhaskar k
    Birth timings:in between 6 to 7 AM

  1210. Hi, Can You please let me know whether i will settle in abroad. My birth details are below
    Date – 09/09/1991
    Timings: 10:40 PM
    place : Balharshah, Maharashtra

  1211. sir will i go abroad for studies or job DOB 17/10/1994 time 6.15 am place of birth kanchipuram



  1213. Hi Vaibhav,

    I read your notes in Foreign travels. It is very good.

    Could you please help me whether am i settle in abroad as per my Horoscope.

    From June 2019, i am entering in Shani Mahadasa. Please Advise and advance Thanks.
    DOB: 09091973
    TOB: 18:45
    POB: Yadadri Bhuvanagiri ( Yadagirigutta) Telangana

    It will be very helpful for my future career.

    Giri S.

  1214. Hi Deepakji,

    I read your notes in Foreign travels. It is very good.

    Could you please help me whether am i settle in abroad as per my Horoscope.

    From June 2019, i am entering in Shani Mahadasa. Please Advise and advance Thanks.
    DOB: 09091973
    TOB: 18:45
    POB: Yadadri Bhuvanagiri ( Yadagirigutta) Telangana

    It will be very helpful for my future career.

    Giri S.

  1215. hi,

    plz confirm will i settle abroad after marriage ? if yes, then in which year i will be able to go abroad ? my details r 16.03.1982,10:47am ,delhi ..


  1216. Hello Sir,
    My name is Rekha, DOB: 27th June 1985
    Time: 05:25 PM
    place of birth: Agra (UP)
    Could you please advise Do I have chance to settle in foreign?

  1217. Dear Sir
    My birth details are 3rd January 1978, place mumbai, time 8.25 PM. please advise permanent settlement abroad.

  1218. hello sir
    my dob is 7 jan1984
    time 12:55 noon
    kapurthala punjab

    when will i settle abroad

  1219. Hello Sir,

    My date of birth is 4th August 1981 time 11:30 am and place Delhi. Do I have foreign travel and settlement, please let me know .

  1220. Sir, my birthrate 8th May 1978 10:31 AM, Birth place Panvel, Maharashtra. Is there any chance I can settle in another country? If yes which one?

  1221. Sir, my birthrate 8th May 1978 10:31 AM, Birth place Panvel, Maharashtra. Is there any chance I can settle in another country? If yes which one?

  1222. Name :Vrish
    DOB: 15 Nov 1988
    Time: 12.35 AM
    Place Mumbai

    Is there any chance I can settle in another country or travel in another country?

  1223. Hii this is ruchita follow are my birth details
    Ruchita parekh
    2 july 1990
    1 pm and 5min

    Want to want when i will settle abroad i have applied for canada but when i will take visa

  1224. hi,im from hassan my date of birth is 21/12/1993,im trying for job or studies in abroad,do i have chances to go abroad in 2020 ,timings is 3 pm not sure abot minutes,
    thank you

  1225. Hello Sir,
    My date of birth is 5th March 1980, time 05:15 am and place Khambhat(Gujarat, India).
    Do I have foreign travel and settlement, please let me know ?

  1226. Sir, My date of birth is 28-04-1995, Time : 00:10 AM and place of birth : Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India

    Do I have chances of foreign settlement in near future.

  1227. Hello Sir, can you predict if I settle in foreign or will I only earn and come back to India.
    My name is Lahari
    DoB: 26th may, 1995
    Time: 9:10 AM
    Place: Bangalore

  1228. Hello Sir,
    My dob is 21/05/1993 in Biratnagar, Nepal at 9:57 am. Will I settle abroad and be successful?
    Please guide,

  1229. my date of birth is 6th april 1982, Cuttack, Odisha time 7:06 AM.
    Please let me know when is foreign settlement possible

  1230. Greetings,
    My date of birth 02.04.1982 timing 1.10am. Place Salem, tamilnadu, India. Will i travel and settle in foreign country.

  1231. Name :Ankita
    DOB: 29 March 1993
    Time: 07:45 AM
    Place Ahmedabad

    Sir I am married and we are planning to move abroad on student basis where i will study for master, so this year or next year we can be able to go foreign? also settle their1?

  1232. Name – Vinesh Saini
    Date of birth – 20/09/1992
    Birth place – Amritsar Punjab
    Time of birth – 1:45 Pm

    My question – Will i travel abroad and settle there permanently.

    Waiting for your reply.

    Thanks sir

  1233. Sir, please advise me on my foreign career status. Will it be for long run, short time or permanent settlement. If yes then which region of the earth I should try. My birth details are as below :

    Name – Komal Prasad Tiwari
    DOB – 07/07/1986
    Time – 14:50 PM IST
    Place – Rewa (Madhya Pradesh)

  1234. Name : Vinesh Saini
    D.O.B- 20/09/1992
    Birth place : Amritsar , Punjab,India
    Birth time : 1.45 pm

    Will i settle abroad and if yes in which basis it would be ??

  1235. My Name – Rama Krishna
    DOB – 12th Nov 1988
    POB – Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh
    Time – 4:35 PM
    I have travelled to London on a short term trip only once during June 2019. Can I go abroad for a long term?

  1236. Sir ,is there any chance of me to settle down in abroad?
    Name : Diksha
    DOB: 29-01-2001
    Time-12:50 am
    Birth place: Jalandhar, Punjab, India

  1237. Hi,
    My DOB is 15/01/1994, time – 8.30 pm and place Thane, Maharashtra. Can you please tell me that do i have chances for going abroad for study and PR ?

  1238. Hi
    I am neeladri reddy
    My date of birth is
    My birth time is 3 am
    Birth place is jagannathapuram sreekakulam district andhra pradesh
    I Want to settle in USA..I am trying also
    When I move to USA

  1239. Name – Chirumamilla Rushieswar
    Date of birth – 27/08/1998
    Birth place – Gudivada, AndhraPradesh
    Time of birth – 3:00 Pm

    My question – Will I travel abroad and settle there permanently.

    Waiting for your reply.

    Thanks sir

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