Mars Transit Date 2020 | Mangal Gochar Date 2020

Mars Transit Date 2020 | Mangal Gochar Date 2020. According to Indian mythology, Mars is known as the son of earth. There is two sign of Mars Aries and Scorpio in Astrology. The relationship between the two zodiacs is between six and eight.

Description of Planets Mars

The planets Sun, Moon and Jupiter are the friends of Mars. Mercury and Ketu are their enemies. Venus and Saturn are in the form of a neutral planet for Mars. Mars is debilitated in Cancer and exalted in Capricorn sign. It’s become Digabali in the tenth house. Mars represents bile. It is the planet of male.

If auspicious Mars is situated in the own zodiac sign, in the centre or triangle in any horoscope then such a person will definitely enjoy all the pleasures in his life journey. He will receive honour and achievement in society and their family. The person enjoys government jobs, land, brother and sister etc.

Role of Mars in Birth Chart

Mars is known by various names like Bhaum, Bhumiputra, Kuj, Cruel planet, etc in astrology. Virtually, Mars provides energy to the person and with the help of this energy; the person operates the worldly journey. Mars is the significator of courage, strength, land, brother, surgery, technique, police, IAS, IPS, engineering, weapon, sword, gun, wrestler etc in astrology. Due to this reason Mars gives energy, passion action.and adventurous things.

If Mars is the lord of the inauspicious house and placed in the Kendra or trikon then it will produce a bad result but if it is lord of the auspicious house and placed in Kendra or trikon then auspicious result in the transit time.  Supposed that you’re a Pisces ascendant and Mars placed in the 2nd house and in the transit period Mars also transit in 2nd house then the person family may be disturbed.

Mars Transit Date 2020

Transit PlanetSignDateDay
MarsScorpio to Sagittarius8 Feb 2020Saturday
Mars Sagittarius to Capricorn22 Mar 2020Sunday
Mars Capricorn to Aquarius4 May 2020Monday
Mars Aquarius to Pisces18 June 2020Thursday
Mars Pisces to Aries16 August 2020Sunday


  1. `Mars is debilitated in Capricorn and exalted in Cancer sign`– Wrong. Vice versa is right.

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