Ram Rahim Judgment will favorable or not by Horary Astrology

Today a person asked about Dera Sachcha Saudha head Ram Rahim judgement, who raise question will judgement come in favour of Ram Rahim or not.  The timing of question was 9:41 am on dated 25/8/2017 and place of question Delhi. The answer to this question is not easy for any astrologer. I have decided to forecast the expected result by the analysis of astrology before the judgement of the honourable court. I cast horoscope on the base of a particular date, time and place of question. Now see the analysis of  Horary Chart related with Ram Rahim judgement.

Ram Rahim Judgment will favorable or not by Horary Astrology

Ram Rahim Judgment will favorable or not by Horary Astrology

Ram Rahim Judgment will favorable or not by Horary Astrology

The above horoscope the rising sign Virgo is Sarvodaya Rashi with the benefic planet Jupiter and Moon. Shirshoday sign and benefit planets indicate some favourable result should be. Ascendant is a dual sign with 26:42 degree so that it is close to a movable sign and it will give results of a movable sign.  The movable sign indicates mobility or change of status.

Ascendant lord Mercury is in the 12th house with 12th lord Sun, it is a house of prison its indicate prison is possible but in bhava equal chart Ascendant Lord move into the 11th house which is the house of desire or benefits indicate some relief is also possible.

The Natural Malefic Planets Saturn aspect to Ascendant lord Mercury. Saturn is the lord of the 5th and 6th house. as a 5th Lord benefit but as a 6th lord mellific. The aspect of Saturn is not good for the native. The result will be very unfortunate.

Ascendant lord is also Rahu-Ketu axis in 6th and 12house so it is also not good for the native.

The Ascendant Lord is Retrograde in 12th house it indicates the unfavourable result.

Moon is in a good position and Ascendant lord Mercury is together in D9  it is good for the native.

Conclusion: Result should be unfavourable and he would be in judicial custody.

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