Foreign Travel - विदेश यात्रा के लिए वायव्य दिशा में दोष खतरनाक

Foreign Travel and Settlement Astrology by Horary Chart

Foreign Travel and Settlement Astrology by Horary ChartForeign Travel and settlement Astrology by Horary Chart. There are so many people are willing to settle foreign especially young generation of any country. Now question is that why they want to settle abroad? I think they think they will have more chances in the foreign land to earn a good amount of money, explore themselves, having enjoying smooth life, and for having safe and secure future and also a good reputation in their society & family. It is also a fact that the prediction regarding abroad settlement is not an easy task for any astrologer but on the base of deep knowledge and experience astrologer can give the prediction.

So many methods are available for prediction such as Birth detail of the native (Parashari system, Jaimini system, K.P. System,) Horary astrology by the time of putting question etc. Here I want to discuss some very important and interesting facts about foreign travelling through horary astrology of K.P. Methods. It is based on Number, Nakashatra, Sub lord and sub lord of Cusp.

House related to foreign settlement

3rd House – Signifies short journey and change of residence.

9th House – Signifies long journey and fate

12th house – Signifies foreign land house

Question ask by the Native

Will I go foreign?

I told them to give a Number from 1 to 249, please.

The native give number  99

Date of Question – 15/9/2009
Time of question – 20:18:38
Place of the question – Delhi

Planet Detail

Foreign Travel and settlement Astrology by Horary Chart

Planets Degree Sign Sign Lord Nak Sub S.Sub
Sun 28:53’:58” Leo Su Su Mar Mer
Moon 15:47’:57” Can Mo Sat Jup Ven
Mars 18:52’:59” Gem Me Rah Mo Mer
Mercury 08:26’:43” Vir Me Sun Ven Mar
Jupiter 24:23’:41” Cap Sat Mar Rah Rah
Venus 29:58’:57” Can Mo Mer Sat Jup
Saturn 00:43’:38” Vir Me Sun Rah Ven
Rahu 04:57’:10” Cap Sat Sun Sat Jup
Ketu 04:57’:10” Can Mo Sat Sat Rah

House Cusp Detail

House Cusp Deg Sign Sign Lord Nak Sub S.Sub
3rd 19:26’:10” Leo Ve Rah Mar Jup
9th 19:26’:10” Can Mar Ven Rah Ven
12th 23:22’:26” Gem Mo Me Mar Mar

It means the lagan will be in Leo and its exact position will be 21:53′:20” in Leo and other all 11th cusp are calculated and are shown in the chart given below.

The houses 3,9 and 12th are to be judges of finding out significators for going foreign land, and the sub lord of the 12th cusp is to be judged to find out whether you will go to overseas or not.

The 12th cusp falls in Mercury’s star and Mars sub; Mars is the constellation of Rahu and sub of Moon. Rahu is situated in the 6th house and aspect 12th house (house of foreign land) and Sub Lord of the 12th house sub lord Moon is placed in the 12th house. Mars is to give the result of the constellation Moon which is in the 12th house. Here both constellation and Sub lord are connected with the 12th house. So your question regarding foreign travels is sure, you will enjoy foreign life.

Above horoscope, the foreign related houses are 3,9 and 12th, the 3rd and 9th house is unoccupied and 12th house is occupied by Moon and Venus. 3rd house Lord Venus is placed in 12th house and Sub Lord of the 9th lord is Moon is also occupied in 12th house so it is clear that all foreign-related houses are interconnected. So the majority of the planets are connected with the 12th house indicating that you will go foreign.


  1. Hello sir ,
    I am sonali , my husband DOB is 23.01.1982 and my DOB is 8.11.1989 , in Odisha India , we r staying in Bangalore , I want to know when we settled in abroad …?

  2. My dob is 4/12/2002
    Birth time-12:22:20
    Birth place-ludhiana, punjab, india
    I want to know when will i go abroad?
    If it is possible in this year, rhen in which month?

  3. My dob is 4/12/2002
    Birth time-12:22:20
    Birth place-ludhiana, punjab, india
    I want to know when will i go abroad?
    If it is possible in this year, rhen in which month?

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