Astrological Houses Significator in Vedic astrology

Astrological Houses Significator in Vedic astrology.  Horoscope is a basic resource, which can be used to make astrological predictions by the astrologer. Horoscope can be created by the help of native date of birth, time of birth and exact time of birth. Astrologer can predict all type of incidents like marriage, career, wealth, house, son, enemy, relation with mother and father of your life with the help of horoscope. it can help in explaining different aspects of life, including both auspicious and inauspicious time frames of the native.
The astrologer first reads your chart then analyzes your birth chart on the base of Nakshatra, planets, houses and houses lord after that he describes your personality, nature, past and future events etc.
Astrologer can predict native’s present, past and future by the help of a Birth chart. It makes predictions by analyzing the movement of planets in various houses at a particular time.

There are twelve houses / bhav in a horoscope all houses have own signification like first house self. 2nd house signifies wealth, 5th house represents son, 7th house signifies marriage etc. According to the signification of 12 houses, planets will produce an exclusive result.

Astrological Houses Significator in Vedic astrology

First House Significator in Horoscope

The first house in the horoscope is the key house it is called Lagan or ascendant. 1st house represents self and is known as Tanu Bhava. This house represents the shape of the body, character, reputation, status, wisdom, strength, emotion, happiness and health. it also represents appearance, prosperity, complexion, head and brain, pituitary gland, hair etc.

The astrologer gives prediction with the help of above signification of the house. For example, if your first house and its lord is weak or malefic affliction then you can suffer from headache, mental tension, brain fever etc.

Second Houses Significator in Horoscope

The second house in  Kundali is also known as Dhan Bhava. This house represents Wealth. This house also represents family, speech, livelihood, nourishment, primary education, money in cash, earning capacity, financial status, fortune, movable properties, vision etc.

your body part face mouth, nose, throat, tongue, teeth, eyes(the right one), upper neck, cerebellum, tonsils, trachea, gullet, larynx, cervical region and cervical bone etc. If your 2nd house and its lord is weak you will suffer from poor digestion, disorders of speech, throat, eyes, teeth, cervical, gums, family problem and also loss of wealth etc.,

Third House Significator in Horoscope

The third house in the horoscope represents your brother and sister and is also known as Sahaj bhava. This house also signifies sports, courage, labour, short journeys, communications, writing ability, neighbours, physical strength, initiative, entrepreneurial nature, the power of understanding (learning), communicative capability.

This house signifies your body parts – hands (right hand), arms, shoulders, lower neck, respiratory and nervous systems, ears ( right ones), collar bones, thyroid gland, etc.

For example, if your 3rd house and its lord are weak cause disorders of the thyroid, depression, imbalances in the nervous system, cervical problem, shoulder pains, fracture in the collar bone, tuberculosis, respiratory diseases, asthma, relation with brother and sister will be bad etc.

Fourth House Significator in Horoscope

This house represents your house, mother and is known as Bandhu Bhava. This house is a signification of your immovable properties, house, real estate, land, vehicles and conveyances, happiness at home, Bandhu- bandhav, relatives, friends, mental peace, spiritual life, supporters, close of life, comforts, luxuries, place of birth etc.
This house signifies your body parts – the chest, lungs breasts and heart. If your 4th house and its lord are weak or in malefic affliction then you should suffer from chest, heart lungs disorders and lunacy.

Fifth House Significator in Horoscope

This is the house of children and also known as santan Bhava. 5th house is responsible for progeny, children, intellectual status, budhi, knowledge and mental ability, memory, creativity, emotional attachment and happiness, love affair, romance, share market, speculative gains from investments, production, organizational ability, wisdom, success, knowledge, higher education, change in career, social life, spirituality, disciples and students, devotion, most favorite god according to horoscope, mantras, Yantras, resources and merits, character, emotion etc.

This house signifies your body parts – upper abdomen, stomach, liver, pregnancy, heart, mind, spine and spinal cord, gall bladder, spleen, pancreas, digestion, abortion etc.

if your 5th house and its lord are weak or in malefic affliction then you will suffer from acidity, gas problem, indigestion, peptic ulcers, diarrhoea, pleurisy, heart problem, stone in the gall bladder, anaemia etc.

Astrological Houses Significator in Vedic astrology

Sixth House Significator in the horoscope

This is the house of Enemies and is known as Ari Bhava. The sixth house represents your health, enemies, servants and paternal relationships. diseases and injuries, debts, enemies, opponents, competitors, competition, service, employees, fears, thieves, doubts, worries, weaknesses, maternal uncles, good health, losses through theft, fire and cheating, misunderstandings, litigation, the career of father etc.
This house signifies your body parts – lower abdomen, kidneys, waist, navel, small intestine, the upper part of the large intestine, appendix, intestinal function etc. If your 6th house and its lord are weak or in malefic affliction then you will suffer from appendicitis, psychiatric problems, poisoning, constipation, hernia, etc.

Seventh House Significator in Horoscope

Seventh Bhav is the house of marriage. and your spouse. This house signifies partners in life, sex organs, marital relationships and character of your spouse. partners in business, foreign lands, success in love affairs, fertility, foreign travel, trade or business etc.
This house signifies your body parts – inner sexual organs such as ovaries, uterus, cervix, testicles, pelvic girdle, lower part of large intestine, and prostate gland etc.if your 6th house and its lord are weak or in malefic affliction then you will suffer from urination problems, sterilization, impotency, renal problems, vulnerability to generative organs etc.

Eighth House Significator in Horoscope

Eights house is known as death and longevity. Through this astrologer can predict about your longevity, death, easy gains, lottery, research, interest in mystical sciences, occult, Tantra, Mantra, inheritance, insurances, obstructions, disappointments accidents, litigation, disgrace, bankruptcy, misfortunes etc.

This house signifies your body parts – sexual organs, excretory organs, pelvic bones, scrotum and anus etc. If your 10th house and its lord are weak or in malefic affliction then you should suffer from piles, urinary infections, impotency, boils, chronic diseases etc.

Ninth House Significator in Horoscope

This house represents our fortune, religion and righteousness. Father, spiritual inclinations, intuition, charity, duty, destiny, long journey, foreign travel and settlement. Abroad education, sudden and unexpected gains, pilgrimages, philosophy, law, History, etc.

This house signifies your body parts – thighs, left leg, thigh bones, hips, hip joints and the arterial system, bone marrow etc. If your 10th house and its lord are weak or in malefic affliction then you should suffer from diabetes, rheumatism and troubles in hips and thighs, vulnerability to anaemia, blood-related problem, leukaemia, high fevers, etc.

Tenth House Significator in Horoscope

The tenth house known as Karma Bhava, this is the House of your Career. Through this astrologer can predict about your career, service, business, property, income, pleasures, wealth, financial status, social status, nature of education, nature of job, religious deeds, vocation, promotion, name and fame, power, status, position, honor, karma in life, character, government, authority, employer, ambition etc.

This house signifies your body parts – knee and kneecaps, joints and bones. If your 7th house and its lord are weak or in malefic affliction then you will suffer from arthritis, joints, broken knees, general weakness, allergies etc

Eleventh House  Significator in Horoscope

This is the income house. It is also known as Labh Bhava. This house represents gains, profit, prosperity, friends; elder brother and sister, your wealth, favours from other resources, income in business and career, and this house fulfil your all type of desires.

This house signifies your body parts – left arm and left ear, right leg, ankles etc. If your 10th house and its lord are weak or in malefic affliction then you will suffer from a fracture of the lower portion of legs, pain in legs, problems of low productivity of blood etc.

Twelfth House in Horoscope

Twelfth bhav is the house of expense or enlightenment is also known as Vyaya Bhava. This house signifies expenditure, losses, loss of sleep, end of life, exile, separation from family, settlement in a foreign land, debts, lost of goods and more, mental anguish, bed pleasures, sexual pleasures, hospitalization, imprisonment, work in a hospital, prison etc.

This house represents your body parts – left eye, lymphatic system and feet. If your 10th house and its lord are weak or in malefic affliction then you will suffer from an eye problem, sleep disturbances and weaken the immunization power, sex-related problem, impotency etc.

The table of  Key Significator, Sign and Sign Lord of 12th Houses

House  / Bhav                                 Key Significator  Zodiac Sign Sign Lord
1st Self,  Body, Shape, Brain, Emotion, Status   Aries  Mars
2nd Wealth, Speech, Family, possessions, money, livelihood  Taurus  Venus
3rd Short journeys, communication, siblings, Writing, Subconscious mind, Labor, Hand  Gemini Mercury
4th House, Vehicle, Peace in house, Mother, Heart  Cancer  Moon
5th Children, Love, creativity, entertainment, Share, Production  Leo  Sun
6th Health, Service, Litigation, Loan, Competition  Virgo Mercury
7th Spouse, Marriage, Business, Foreign Travel,  Libra  Venus
8th Death, Inheritances, sex, Mantra, Tantra, Research  Scorpio  Mars
9th Fortune, Long journey, Higher Education, Religion, Spirituality Sagittarius  Jupiter
10th Career, Status, Service, Present Karma, Capricorn  Saturn
11th Income, Gain, Fulfill all desire, Friendships, Aspirations Aquarius Saturn
12th Expense, Bed pleasure, Enlightenment, Hospitalization, Imprisonment  Pisces Jupiter

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